London Fashion Week Review

London is about experimenting. as a Global City with far flung reach, the fusion of ideas is a given.  There is no one aesthetic to describe the scene, styles ranges from classic to apocalyptic. This year the initiative is POSITIVE FASHION STRATERGY based on Sustainability, Equality and Diversity, Craftsmanship and Community. On a strange note: …

NYFW 2018 Review PT2

New York Fashion Week has ended. There were highs and lows but overall I think the fashion scene showed why it is in the Big 4 League, no questions asked. The city maybe the only place where commerce and experimentation can work. Marc Jacobs has been in the headlines lately, many have been wondering if …

New York Fashion Week REVIEWS

New York Fashion Week kicks off the season. “Diversity” is the key word but at times it feels like tokenism. The same as saying, “I have  a friend who is,,,,” and I invited him or her to the party. “Pat me on the back for showing how forward thinking I am. In the 21st century, …