The Fake It Till You Make You culture took a hit on Wednesday. The Chinese fashion platform Pandabuy got raided by police. The popular app is known for selling clothing at low prices. The open secret, many fake luxury goods purchased find their way to global influencers. TikTok accounts littered with newly purchased designer labels …
Author Archives: Editor
At Nudie Again
Another Nudie Jeans post, The denim brand is a staple of my wardrobe. I met the founders in Berlin at Bread and Butter in the early 2000’s. The label has always stood for sustainable. I got my first pair in 2012, I’ve been a fan ever since. The Repair Bar in the Hackersham Market Store …
The S WORD @ Press Days
During two cold days in April, Berlin’s fashion and lifestyle press agencies held the bi-annual Press Days events for journalist and influencers visiting offices around the city. Beauty took front and center, with high end, drugstore, traditional and new labels getting the word out their products are on the shelves. The second noticeable trend, sustainability. …
Coppola’s Return?
The big news from Cannes Film Festival 2024 is the return of 1970’s auteur Francis Coppola with MEGALOPOLIS. The American Born director’s first feature in thirteen years. Early notices about the $120 million production have not been positive with industry professionals calling the work “Challenging”. The all star sci-fi drama includes acting heavyweights Adam Driver, …
Talking the Hi & Lo:John Galliano
The rise and fall of fashion wonderkid John Galliano was a magical story of success. Championed by industry heavy weights as a visionary, Galliano gave the world frivolity on the runways of Dior. However, under the surface of smiles, showmanship and Champagne toasts lurked an individual coming off the rails. Academy Award winning director Kevin …
Color and More Color from Sugaboi
From Milan Fashion Week this past February with a color from the Caribbean, fashion brand Sugaboi hit the runway with a collection blending a hot palette with a figure hugging forms. Creative head Geoff Cooper made the most of his calendar debut.
Musical Chairs, AGAIN
The musical chairs continue in the fashion world as yet more creative heads have departed major houses. I was in a state of shock when Pierpaolo Piccioli exited as head of Rome brand house Valentino after twenty-five years. The couture label epitomized glamour with its monochromatic pink looks and feathered head pieces. All great rides …
The Infuriating Cover-up on St. Helena
Screened at the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival, the documentary The Story of Bones he recently hit the headlines of the British paper The Guardian. The feature debut from duo Joseph Curran and Dominic Aubrey de Vere is the story of a purposely hidden tragedy. The Transatlantic Slave Trade’s so called “Saviors” were not as benevolent …
On New Looks from Brett Johnson
Menswear Fashion Designer Brett Johnson returns as a guest to the Before Tacky Fashion podcast. The head of the Milan based brand will talk about his latest collection and the state of men’s style.
Looking back on Fashion Week, faces that struck the camera.