Book Review

A Dream Turns Into A Nightmare

24485Has the Euro become a one way love affair? An affair capable of  strangling democracy for the cause of a flawed path wrapped in hubris.  Journalist and Authors Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson examine in their book, Europe Isn’t Working, the inception, birth, and growth of a fairy tale currency planned to bring unity, jobs, and prosperity to the continent but instead has morphed into a economic straight jacket of uncertainty.  How did so many smart people get it so wrong?

The Black and Paper Interview.

Can you explain the European left remained silent while Greece was forced into economic and political submission?

I would suggest that the awful truth proved by the Greek debacle – that there was nothing remotely progressive about the single currency – was simply too much to bear.

With the UK leaving the EU, has the Eurozone been placed in a corner regarding Greece?   There is no option but for Greece to stay in the Zone.

I do not think there was ever much prospect of Greece leaving the euro, although a debt default was certainly on the cards for a while. We hear that the Greek government is unhappy with Brexit but it ought to ask why it is that it will not and never has countenanced leaving the euro.

How did the Euro evolve into a Neo-Liberal Trojan Horse?

It bore the imprint of the times in which it was created, the high water-mark of the free-market era. Furthermore, the currency was dreamed up by central bankers in cahoots with commercial bankers and industrialists, so its character is not all that surprising.

You wrote that the Technocrats are more interested in the financial class than the middle class. France just forced through new labour reform laws, is this legislation an example?

Yes, probably. From the outset, the euro-zone members have been told they need to “reform” their “sclerotic” welfare states. That was a big sell” for the euro for banking and big busness.

There are some bad guys and one lady in particular in your book, Merkel.  She is credited with being a stabilizing force in Europe but according to you she has been the opposite.  Can you expand on this?

Anyone who tries to strengthen the euro-zone is a force for instability simply because the euro is itself a force for instability. Mrs Merkel is no better or worse in this regard than other leaders, she is simply more powerful, thus generates more instability.

The Italian Job, presently, there are rumblings concerning Italian Banks and their level of exposure.  Is this the next Euro Zone Crisis?  How do you expect Monti to handle this?

We have been told on and off for five years that Italian banks would be the next domino to fall. It may happen, but if not there then another chunk of masonry in the euro-zone – to mix metaphors – will surely fall off.

After Brexit, the EU institutions have dug in and decided to maintain course, was this a surprise?

No. The EU proceeds by failure. The common market didn’t work so we “needed” a single market. That didn’t work, so we “needed” a single currency. That doesn’t work so the euro-zone “needs” a single fiscal policy. When that fails, the euro-zone will “need” a single government.

European Union officials appear as guilty as their American counterparts as far as the corporate revolving door; Barroso was hired by Sachs, what happened to the outcry?

I don’t really have a view on this. Larry? EU leaders are just as keen as jumping on the gravy train as US leaders. I would say the anti-establishment, anti-elite sentiment on both sides of the Atlantic has been fueled by the idea that the people at the top have done all right for themselves while ordinary people have not.

With many countries in stagnation in the Eurozone: France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Finland, why is there still a romance with the Euro?

I refer you to some of the enclosing words of our book:

At the end of Europe’s tormented 20th Century, scarred by the Great War, the Depression, the Second World War, the Holocaust and the Cold War, a visible, tangible symbol of the continent’s renaissance was at hand. Who with even a scrap of idealism could resist its charms?

We go on to say that it is always a bad idea to invest what are bits of economic machinery with emotional force. One should simply ask whether the mechanism works or not. The euro does not.

I will post my book review shortly.  To obtain a copy of Europe Isn’t Working go to  your local bookstore or order from







Armani Fall Menswear 2016

EMPORIO ARMANI went with loose pants and sportswear with exotic and futuristic details.

Classic Looks with subtle shades and cuts fitted to the figure. Of course the luxury fabrics were on display in the forms of sweaters and other outerwear  pieces.


My Parrot Experiences

Parrot Bebop Drone

BEBOP_DRONE_2_Packshot_RED_front_01_copieWe had a good time testing our first drone, The Bebop Drone by taking baby steps. Nothing too fancy or daring only a run in our local parks.   It is easy to operate by downloading the app to a smartphone then connecting to the device with WIFI.  Maneuverable with 4 three blade propellers enables a top horizontal speed of 37mph.  The drone also has a fish eye -vertical stabilizing camera lens in front capable of live streaming. On a fully charged lithium battery the flight time can be 25 minutes.

The Bebop control interface is simple to use on screen, just a tilt to direct the movement of the drone or touch the button to bring it down safely.

Being the first time using a drone we decided not to push it to the limits but only do the basic ups and downs.  Conclusion: A cool device, people noticed.  It is for kid in us who liked electric trains.

Images Part 1 & 2

Parrot Zik 3


Soft croc leather headphones, stylish, hi tech with sharp, brilliant sound, the Parrot Zik 3 headsets is collaboration between the brand and designer Philippe Starck.  Offering many elements from touch sensitive controls on the ear pieces, noise cancellation, with a replaceable battery this is the most advanced headset I have used.  Comfortable over the ears fit, wireless, mean a premium listening experience.   I went into my own world, the headphones do all the work by adjusting based on the noise levels in the surrounding environment.

The design aspects attracted me to the brand a distinctive look that looked high quality, sleek without the  overt branding of other headphones.  The devices design style is the brand, making it more individualistic tech piece.

Downloadable App for smartphones for the control panel is available.  Using the app allows the user to monitor sound levels and other features.   Wireless with an optional cord for connecting to a device, a rechargeable battery Li-lon are included.

Recommendation: Yes, these headphones are worth the price if you are looking for best of the best.

For more information go



Images and from Postsdamer Platz.


Images and Video by Canon Cameras



Berlin CSD is coming up.  There have been many events in the run up to Saturday’s parade.  Black and Paper chronicled Perfromer Ruda Puda during a stage performance with colleagues at Potsdamer Platz for Berlin Queer Days.

Choosing and Getting the Looks Together.  Two  costumes in particular were very elaborate with feathers giving the effect of a Las Vegas Stage Show.


Images by Vlad Sichov.



Dimitri Behind the Scenes

Dimitri unveiled a well-received collection  for the Spring Season 2017 with looks inspired by his home country of Greece.

We captured the excitement on video.    Putting the show together at the tent, all the fun and last minute touches involved making sure all is on cue before hitting the runway.


Paris Fashion Week Couture from France 24

An overview of Paris Couture looks from France 24 with interviews with top designers showcasing their latest creations.


Canon Legria


LEGRIA HF G40 Angle4_tcm83-1333741

As in past posts, I review tech devices that are consumer friendly.  I tend to run from appointment to appointment, place to place, so I favor small, portable devices that can deliver because depending on the situation I will either need pictures or videos.

I used the Canon Legria HFG30 HD camcorder during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin.  The camcorder was easy to handle and flexible in my hand.   I used the recorder for producing behind the scenes images of shows and impromptu interviews with designers.    During Fashion Week I adapt a Guerilla Maker film style of handheld shooting because I never know what will happen or where is action is taking place.

The control buttons were conveniently placed for fast operation of all the features. There is a 3.5in OLED touch screen monitor for viewing with a touchscreen; there is an optional view finder.  Equipped with Wi-Fi for fast uploads to social media outlets.  I decided to review my footage from the SD Card (comes with two SD Card Slots) on my PC before channeling videos online.

On the top panel there is a camera and media playback button for recording and effects.  Secondly, there is an Auto and Cinema button for filters and special effects.   The digital zoom optics are smooth, the color accuracy is superior making it easy to capture good images.   There are two inputs for microphone and headphone usage.  For the series videographers there is a shoe on top for adding accessories.

I did find when turning on the camera the interface/software was a bit slow at the beginning.  Secondly, for some reason viewing directly was not possible from the card. When I was transferring content from the SD-Card to the Mac there was an additional step of searching for images or videos using Photo.

I recommend the Canon Legria HFG30.  I had a lot of fun with it.  The price is a bit steep but worth it.

For more information go to Canon.



Ivanman Behind The Scenes

Our second time behind the scenes witnessing the team put the runway show together.  Models practicing on the runway, make and hair teams preparing faces, dressers getting the looks together.

Music by  Subset and Jon Luc Hefferman



Milan Indulges and Images

Rounding out our Milan Fashion coverage with some images we took over our 4 days in the Alpha Fashion City during Menswear Week.  We decided to share them.

The Black and Paper Office in Milan

Models from the Fratelli Rossetti Presentation

Bally Shoes Presentation for Ladies Shoes.


Tod’s Presentation and setting


Milan Fashion Week New Designers



Bertoni Collection for Women


The Pure Indulgence