A Thief is a Thief

As the saying goes, ?A thief can never trust another thief?, Trojan, the habitual professional burglar in the film Scorched Earth should heed these words. Director and writer Thomas Arslan’s sequel to his popular German film In the Shadows, takes actor Misel Maticevic back into familiar territory. As a leader of a heist crew, Trojan …

A Painful FALL

Recent headlines from Berlin’s KaDeWe have painted a dark picture of a once great department now in a fall. Since the last visit to the seven floor luxury emporium two weeks, the situation appears more dire on a Monday afternoon, customers appear to be staying away. More brands have pulled, not selling merchandise, or not …

Fashion and Movies

Cinema and fashion designers have gone hand and hand for decades. Recently, I attended a film festival event. Concerning collaborations, there was a lack of knowledge on the matter among many modern filmmakers. A costume can enhance the profile of film, Jane Fonda in 1968 Barbarella, the famous futuristic scanty pieces have become iconic designed …