From France 24, coverage of the Paris Fashion Week Couture 2022, has the fashion world returned to normal? Normally, A time of celebration, but this season the comeback to physical shows felt a bit tamed.
Author: Editor

A bit of mixed year for the International Film Festival Rotterdam. I have not been WOWED by the selections this year, perhaps the lock downs along with production chain problems have affected entries. Still, I managed to find some nice surprises.
Stay tuned for a more complete rundown. The IFFR runs until February 6th.

Thierry 2022
Legendary fashion designer Theirry Mugler passed. A visionary known for the cinched waist, broad shoulders and theatrics, Mugler was never boring. As a child of the 90’s, I remember his designs on celebrities and in music videos including George Michael’s “Too Funky”. For those who grew up in the social media era, Kim Kardashian’s 2019 Met Gala crystal dress and Superstar Beyonce’s concert tour costumes are fine examples of Mugler’s style. The Strasbourg born designer always gave a great show. The 72 year old passed due to natural causes according to his agent.
Andre Talley-1948-2022
A force in fashion, a larger than life personality, Andre Talley passed away today. A man of many contradictions in an industry based on elitism and privilege, such was the life of an icon who loved fashion along with it all its trappings, from his Louis Vuitton Tennis Towel to friendships with Lagerfeld and Saint Laurent.
The one time Vogue Editor at Large commanded respect in the fashion world. In the eighties Mr. Talley was one of the few African American faces to sit front row at many fashion shows.

From Milan

Milan Fashion Week Men happened under the Omicron wave sweeping across Europe. Designers in the Italian city showed looks saying ” The Future is Now.” The collections were designed for going out in the world, expressive, showing off.
Based on what I saw, it would be hard to believe Italy was experiencing a forth wave. From the strange to the colorful to the classic, all the collections showed a mood of overcoming the present crisis. Welcome back to La Dolce Vita!
Stay Tuned for the Before Tacky Podcast review of Milan Fashion Week Men.

The International Film Festival Rotterdam starts on January 26th. There are some interesting works on the 50th anniversary slate.
Below are some titles we are looking forward to watching.

Black and Paper will attend the festival virtual. Stay tuned for the interviews and reviews.
IFFR runs from January 26th to February 6th.
Nothing like a Pandemic to expose a System in Crisis
Boris Johnson had a garden party while telling the nation to lock down, not meet loved ones. All the while the blonde leader snacked on little sandwiches with Champagne. Mr Johnson should study French History. Perhaps it is time for a change at No.10. A Prime Minister in his right frame of mind would do, able to use common sense.
The Australian Open was desperate to get players to the tournament regardless of health status. I think the world could have done with one less game, set and match this year.
The CDC and other health agencies have “revised” their Quarantine Guidelines because of pressure from the corporate sector. Profit and productivity have been infected by a virus that does not understand a balance sheet.
France detected a new variant, but the country was not cut off from the world in the way Southern Africa got cast away a few weeks ago.
European countries are in medieval hysterics blaming the unvaccinated for government failures. Lessons are not learned. During the Black Death certain groups were burned alive cause the masses believed them to be the culprits of the plague. As I wrote, lessons are not learned. The Internet makes it faster to point fingers.
Do Not Take These Guys to a Party
The W.H.O issues repeated proclamations, imagine listening to the same song on the radio for two years. Has this organization alleviated this crisis? Today we learned half of of Europe could be infected. Thank you for the Scare Fest!
Sorry EU Friends, your leaders were no better than Trump handling this. (See Riots in Amsterdam and French Assembly pelted in his home district.) Macron continues to show “leadership” by wanting to make life miserable for those no vaccinated.
President Biden is hiding in the White House Basement. The 46th American leader has taken a hands off approach, Throw over to the state governments. I can’t blame the 79 old. Who would wants responsibility for this on going mess?
The Pharma giants earn $1.000 profit per second. Keep a good thing going, the newly minted Pharma billionaires are skipping their way to the nearest private aircraft dealer.

Meanwhile, three weeks ago on my street, a woman had to close her cafe cause of the lock down situation. She told me this during an emotional conversation while holding back her tears.

George Has Gone A Long Way
Actor George MacKay has gone far since we took this picture in 2014. Black and Paper interviewed the young actor in Berlin at the Shooting Stars event. A nice guy with a lot of charm. MacKay has starred in Sam Mendes’ World War 1 Drama “1917”. Currently his new feature “Munich-The Edge of War” is in cinemas.