A dinner time view we had all to ourselves. Who could we argue? All the details are coming soon.

Haunting. Tragic. Inspiring. What can anyone write about Pompeii that has not been written before? The Roman city fell victim to the Mount Vesuvius. Mother Nature claimed the city one evening burying the ancient metropolis under levels of deadly ash almost 2000 years ago.
Visiting the site 2 times in August. I admit, Pompeii stirs the imagination. A real peak into the ancient world.
These are pictures from my first visit.
I am editing the images from my second visit, posted here soon.
I met Fashion Designer Brett Johnson in Milan at Fashion Week Men during his eponymous label’s presentation on via Manzoni. Tailored, luxury materials are the elements of all his collections. Curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know what influenced him to become a designer. With co host Alex Popov, we discuss fashion and what men should have in their wardrobe.
However, I am inspired to work on my shoe count after this shoe count. A person can never have enough. I’ll keep you posted.
Click below to watch the interview.
Stay tuned for part 2 of the interview.
The saying, “What Happened in Baia Stayed in Baia”. It was once one of the most important ports in the western world. Connected to the capital, Baia and the connected water way supplied Rome with the riches from the empire.
The city’s reputation: decadent, hedonistic, the seeking of all pleasures. The extensive bathes provided a destination of human delight. Cesar and elites built grand houses on the hill. Caligula rode across the bay to fulfill a prophecy of him becoming emperor.
The remnants of an ancient culture, like all of Italy, are everywhere in the coastal municipality, even underwater.
Located near my hotel, it was an easy walk to the Royal Palace of Naples. The Baroque and Neo Classical palace sits in the Piazza Del Plebiscito in the center of Naples.
Many of the great rooms took my breath away. I made an audible Gasp on entering one chamber, one I have not made that sound since an encounter in London with a Slim Irish Guy. I was visually stunned both times, however, the 17thcentury Palazzo may have won the contest.