
Tribeca 2021

What is happening in the indie film world? We are covering Tribeca this year. Stay tuned for all the interviews, news and reviews.
Cinema Feature podcast

Chat Cinema

For this Chat Cinema Podcast the interview centres on Shooting Star pick Actress Seidi Haarla. The Finnish native has an impressive resume with a career that is about to take off.

Fashion Feature

The Pain & The Pleasure

AGAIN! Another reopening, in time for the summer. We have been through this before. A part of me thinks these lockdowns are a trail run for a societal behaviormodification program. But, a least the city opened again. Life is sort of normal. Whatever that means in 2021. 

I decided to meet a good friend at the KaDeWe department store for lunch. How middle class! I got to the front entrance. If only it could have been so simple. NOPE! I woke up early to get a Covid test valid for 24 hours.

A new app has taken the stores by storm, or holding it prisoner, LUCA. All shoppers have to scan the Google bar code before entering establishments. I did not get the memo. A tall handsome blonde security person told me I could not enter without the new tracking tool.

After a twenty minute ordeal of trying to download this tracking app, the door person told us we can show the negative notice and register inside. Really Pamela Anderson! Telling us this information AFTER all the trouble. OK!

Line one for the entrance registration took 3 minutes.

Up to the food floor. All the culinary sections were roped off, one way in or out. Getting to an area was the same as a mouse in a maze searching for the cheese in the center. We decided on the Kartoffelacker, known for potato plates. But first, we had to show our Covid Status, AGAIN! Then filled out another form. Thankfully, the restaurant service was exceptionally attentive. 

After 90 minutes of food, wine and chatting we decided to do some shopping in the 7 floor cathedral of consumption. Down we went to the menswear area. Sadly, nothing was on sale. On the ground floor, heaven and fun. “Dream as if you’ll live forever”, James Dean said. Talking to the sales people at Fendi and Tiffany sales people. My shopping partner loves the Blue Box jeweler. 

Suddenly, I remembered an event that required a gift. Back upstairs for coffee. Guess what! AGAIN! Another form and we had to show the staff our status. 

Chanel Shopping
Chanel and Coffee

Thankfully, there is a stationary department on the 5thfloor with cards and pens. My life was saved. 

Would I go back to the KaDeWe during these times? 


Beer Country Franconia

I visited three local beer producers in Franconia in one day. Each brewery had different flavour characteristics.


Nordheim Views

The charming area around Nordheim. The small Franconia village offers wine tasting front and centre. But that isn’t all-hiking, biking, swimming, and scenic views come with the local destination.

The Scenic Path

Fashion podcast

Before Tacky with Yosono

The interview with bag designer Silvia Scaramucci on her handbags and view on life.

Yosono moved away from classic bag styles, was this a mission statement?

Our mission is to satisfy the consumer’s desire to invest in beautiful, high-quality bags that will stand the test of time and which actually tell a story about the wearer. In addition to this, our products address people who like changing, by having a different bag which goes hand in hand with their mood.The fashion industry has moved away from classic styles and instead has started to gravitate toward the cult of the personality bag. 

Buying them is done with as much head as heart.

What is the story of the Model Joy Bag?

I designed this model for customers who need something useful and functional, yet with personality, as the bag still features the geometric lines which characterize any of our models.

The Janne Bag is a bit multi-dimensional. How do you develop the design?

Checkout the interview below:

I wanted to design something that could be worn in different ways. Janne is a bag you can either wear on your shoulder or like a necklace; moreover, you can also change the flap and the strap to boast a different bag whenever you like.

Optimism is the brand story, can you explain?

We are a young and creative team and we strongly believe in a better world. Our aim is to make something we enjoy and which brings us pleasure and satisfaction; that’s why our zest for life inevitably contaminates our creations.

How many bags should a person have?

This is a little bit personal… Maybe each woman would like to have as many bags as they wish…I know people who have more than a hundred bags, but I usually suggest relying on high quality than quantity.

Related to the rebooting and rebirthing issue, how will the brand redefine their concept during this pivotal time?

This is a very difficult time and the right way to redefine ourselves is not that clear at the moment…however, we hope this situation will change all the rules which govern the fashion industry and make our way to building a new concept of business made of well-made and “sincere” products, which clearly state who they are and where they come from.  The only way to face this crisis is to make products which feature the high-quality and craftsmanship we are famous for all over the world.       

Who is the brand’s famous role model?

The Zoe model is our iconic shape. People love that because it’s easily identifiable and suitable for any age.

I like their young preppy Geometric aesthetic Concept, please explain

This is definitely my signature. All the bags I design have geometry in them; I love enclosing everything in defined lines and borders. This probably reflects a necessity to turn the chaos I feel in my soul into something visible and neat, in order to find my peace of mind into something reliable and well-defined, which brings peace and harmony.

What colors will you recommend this summer?

Pastel colors, absolutely! And earth colors in all their shades, but always with a hint of bright and vivid color such as neon ones.

Who are you clients and where?

I have clients from different countries…I don’t have a specific ID of my ordinary customer because the lines and shapes of the bags are very much appreciated by people of different ages and social classes. Being fully customizable, our product can be worn by anyone who likes standing out.

Company name origins, how did you develop this?

Yosono means “I am” in Italian: that’s where we started from..We just changed the letter “I” in “Y” because we love the “Japanese” sound it has, something more “international”. “I am” because when you buy one of our bags, your personality inevitably infuses in the bag itself, which shouts out loud “This is what I am!”.

Being a designer how did you start and what advice would you give to a young bag designer.

I recommend young designers follow their own path autonomously, without getting distracted by what other people are doing. I also suggest working against the tide without following what the market actually wants and going on with strength and commitment, as tough times may come…so, never give up. 


Biking in the 21st Century

Spring time in Berlin means bike riding. The cycling lanes have been widened to encourage more cycle ridership. I tried an electric Van Moof last year. The Dutch brand has made a name for itself in the mobile tech field with it’s uniquely designed durable city bikes. When you see the bike, you know it. 

This is not the 70’s Chopper bike, just jump on and ride. In 2021 there is no fun without connecting to a smartphone. Download the Van Moof application for the easy set up.

The most recognizable Van Moof feature is the integrated design with technology.

For some reason while Peddling around Mitte, it felt as if I were piloting Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet, a smooth ride. The store employee told me to press a button for speed. I had a clear path, I tapped the Boost Button, suddenly, VROOM!

Digital Lock

There is no need for lock. HUH! With the high anti thief system; the stealth lock and alarm discourages event the most determined bike napper. All bikes can be tracked. If your 2.000 euro investment happens to get stolen, Van Moof track it down, then return it. If return is not possible, the company will give you a new one. I had a look of disbelief when the store attended told me about this feature.

What I did not like about the model I used was the recharging feature. Living on the 5thfloor, a 100 stir climb with a bike for recharging, not in my book! But there is a portable recharging unit.

Van Moof is trendy and practical and fun in a time of peddle power. But, the price could put many off. Secondly, there is a lot of tech in the bike. A Van Moof can only be repaired at on the company’s centers.

My conclusion, I really liked the Van Moof. Would I buy one? Tempting. Technology combined the simple pleasure of bike riding on the city streets.

If in Berlin head over to the Van Moff store in Mitte at 42 Torstrasse for a test ride. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and admire their product. 


7 Days 7 Restaurants

As the world eases lockdowns, please support local restaurants. Many have been struggling during the pandemic. Your neighbourhood eatery contributes to the area, managed by small business owners.

We came up with the 7 Days, 7 Restaurants plan. The simple breakdown: go to a different locale over the a seven day period.

Stay Safe. Enjoy Life. Bon Appetite!

A roast dish from a Brandenburg Eatery.

Fast Fashion Part 2

Part 2 of the Before Tacky Podcast talks about Fast Fashion and buyers behaviours. What do consumers want? Is “buying better” a trend or only a social media slogan? The panel goes in depth on the subject.

Click below to view the latest episode.


Studio 189

I saw Studio 189 on a luxury website. The Ghana brand eye catching patterns peaked my curiosity. The brand collaboration between actress Rosario Dawson and Adrima Eriah is a rising star in the fashion world with social justice credentials by supporting African production.

Click below to see the fashion shows.