
Possessor, A New Cronenberg Arrives

During a partial lockdown my only entertainment is sitting in the living room in front of a screen. I got a screener link to Possessor. I knew a few details about the film from social media. The jarring one sheet poster meant this is a not a mainstream film. 

Brandon Cronenberg is an apple who did not fall from the tree. Like his father, the son of acclaimed filmmaker David Cronenberg displays his cynicism towards modern technology front and centre. To classify the film as just a sci-fi thriller would be too easy. Identity, corporate assignation, gender roles, murder and personality theft are covered in Possessor.

One sheet for Possessor

His Father’s Son

I expected some head turning moments when the opening credits rolled. The “what have I gotten myself into moment” started during the first 5 minutes. The shocking opening scene gives a bloody preview of things to come. For Cronenberg fans, as I said, Brandon inherited his father’s artistic DNA.

Kudos to lead actors Andrea Riseborough and Christopher Abbott for playing their synchronized roles without sharing a scene. As Tasya Vos, Riseborough’s breathes life into her almost out of control tech assassin. Abbott’s role as a possessed displaced person in his own body takes a subtle route of a confused man battling for control of his mind and body.

Andrea Riseborough
Andrea Riseborough gives a fine performance as a tech for hire killer.

A lot of mention has been given to the film’s cinematography and direction, well deserved. Brandon’s work is one of a confident director in control. At times the emphasis on style over story hobbles his script, especially 3/4 along the ride. A bit of overkill creeps in.

Director of Photography Karim Hussain’s camera work deserves mentioning. One of main criticism of modern technology is the sense of belonging while in isolation. Karim gets this across by shooting the scenes with a sense of chilling detachment.

Possessor can be called “disturbing”. But for me, I would argue this is a calling card work from a guy with a flair for staging violence. Brandon Cronenberg may not get invited to make a Marvel film. That could be a good thing. We need filmmakers with his perspective working outside the commercial arena.

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Possessor, directed and written by Brandon Cronenberg

A Running Time of 103 minutes 

From Neon

Available on Video on Demand December 8th


From Milan With LOVE Pt#3

Black and Paper presents From Milan With Love by Flora Marcella Cusi with Gabi Thiam wearing Borsalino Hats and Colmar Outerwear.

In the Mirrow
Looking Chic

Stay Tuned for more from the series.

Fashion Music

Styles on Vogue

Fashion and music playing the gender bender or gender free game is not new. Let’s look back at David Bowie and Grace Jones, these two originals broke all the rules. Today, Harry Styles, the first solo man on the cover of Vogue USA has the right conservative movement up in arms. The always oozing appeal Mr. Styles would look great wearing a paper sack.

I have to admit, Vogue could have done a better more original production. The pictures are a bit on the dull side.

Cinema TV


I interviewed Josh O’Connor at the Berlinale. The actor was new in the business. He has come along way. Mr. O’Connor stars in The Crown on Netflix.


Jil meets Uniqlo

Jil Sander collaborated with fast fashion brand Uniqlo. The Japanese clothing corporation turned to the Queen of Minimalism to boast sales this season. Judging by the sale outs in the Berlin stores. Success! I went to 4 local stores many pieces sold out. Asking the sales people, the same story, “lines before the openings” on Thursday. 

I liked the jackets with the high collar. Turtle neck sweaters looked smart. There was an upgrade in overall materials.

It is hard for me to give a concrete opinion on the pieces because most items were sold.


“Collective” Indicts

After weeks of covering the build up to the US Presidential election then the actual voting and ensuing chaos I was in no mood for a heavy documentary. I got the screener for “Collective” from the press agency. My first impulse was to write my press contact to pass on the viewing. The past few weeks have been exhausting. Like the rest of the world, I wanted to go brain dead. Being unfamiliar with director Alexander Nanu’s work did not help the cause, however this particular work unspooled at the Toronto and Venice Film Festivals.  I had to give it a try applying my 20 minutes rule. If I don’t like it, stop.

For some reason the film popped up again in my email. An omen to give the film a try. My first thoughts: Sadly, “Collective” played into the stereotypical image of Romania. A corrupt country run by an openly incompetent government placing more importance on off shore bank accounts than its citizens. The ones screaming for change are outside the power structure.

One sheet for Collective


There are no heroes in this film. Brave, foolish or naive depends on the viewers perspective. None of big questions answered. A tragic event sets off a series of horrific events. A night club fire kills or injures dozens of people. A medical system run by political cronies based on connections and bribery, not abilities. Alexander’s work pulls you in by showing how systemic rot affects ordinary people. Nevertheless, even exposed the crumbling system has abilities to protect and sustain itself.

“Collective” is timely in today’s climate. Free press is under attack. Large institutional power has little accountability.

The documentary’s strong reviews are well deserved. The Berlin educated director has made a work that stirs the mind. More importantly, the people running Romania should ask themselves “Why can’t we do better?” I could ask this of the US after the elections.

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Collective is being released by Magnolia Films. Running time at 104 minutes.


Pt2 From Milan With LOVE

The next part from our From Milan With Love production shot by Flora Marcella Cusi. Model Gabi Thiam is wearing Hats by Borsalino and Coat by luxury brand Fay.

Stay Tuned for Part 3


From Milan With LOVE!

Black and Paper presents From Milan With Love. An editorial shoot by Flo Marcella Cusi at Fashion Milano with model Gabi Thiam.

We had to give support to the city’s fashion scene by doing this fast production showing our favourite brands.

All Hat Styles by Borsalino. Jackets and Coats by Mr & Miss Italy.

Stay Tuned for Part 2


Case Study:Trump

Loath him. Hate him. Love him. Whatever the opinion of the President, he gave a master class in political theatre.. His many detractors will have a hard time admitting this. The course title: “How to grab the highest office in the land on one try. Granted, he had a head start, money, brand recognition, celebrity. However, by using unsavoury tactics, playing into the darkest core of the America’s rage, fear and prejudices, he managed to hoodwink the country. 

Number 45’s political dissection will become case studies in university classes. Shameful behaviour is no longer out of bounds. While Biden probably gets a few book chapters on the rise to power, Trump will have entire library selves. Many future politicians will borrow from Donald’s trove. Always hold the spotlight. A certain way to engage large crowds, the seemingly insult retardant skin. Or the less than enduring “most important man in the room syndrome”.

Leaders of Democracies are strange creatures. Why would anyone want a thankless job with limited time span, always at the centre of ferocious criticism? At any politicians core lays a bottomless well of narcissism. This is a universal trait. Clinton based his personality on compartmentalisation to justify unpleasant actions. Yet, Donald Trump brought a new level of leadership lacking self awareness, a zero humility outlook. Don’t learn a lesson, just bulldoze it, never look back. This style would have sunk most politicians. For some reason it only added to the narrative, at times becoming myths. The world asked daily questions: “He said what?” “He did what?” “Who did he insult?”

Thankfully, the United States is done with Trump. Yet this President’s influence will come in another form. Let’s hope I’m wrong.


A Return of the Jedi Ending!

Activist Micheal Moore tweeted images of fireworks in the air. Did the Death Star explode after a successive Rebel Alliance attack? Celebrations are taking place all over the planet as if the Galactic Emperor had been slain.

The past 4 years have come to a close with the defeat of a man many loathed. No more nervous twitches while looking over the screen for the latest news. A man governing the most powerful country in the world by Twitter has ended. Trump is leaving the White House one way or the other. A vulgar character who never matured into the role of having the highest office of the land. For some reason he retained and relished all his bull in a china shop short comings. Shockingly, this did not bother many voters. The President gained 8 million more votes than his past campaign.

The US will rejoin the world but as a different country than before 2016. A deeply divided nation at war with itself. What is the expression: “Dysfunctional breeds dysfunctional”. Trump was a love child of a very dysfunctional political system. A man who used the apparatus to stroke his over the top narcissism.

Optimist point to a national healing, that will not happen. America is sick patient on the brink. Covid-19 ravages its citizens, unemployment at record levels, business closed, wealth inequality grows.

The Blue Landslide that was suppose happen, never materialized. The Democrats lost seats in the House. The party infighting has begun. As for the Republicans, they suffered a defeat but have licked their wounds and are now prepared for the upcoming Congressional battles. They lost a buffoon, but are still standing waiting for next a leader who will be darker and smarter.

Biden has his hands full over the next 48 months. 
