Fashion Feature

Biden Wins, Now What?

Fear. Stress. Disbelief. The scenes playing out in the United States. A President losing an election hunkering down in the White House. What comes next is anyone’s guess. Biden’s wins a tainted chalice.  The 46thleader is suppose to unite the country. Instead he inherits a divided electorate, gridlock in Congress.

Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson:

The dream of “togertherness”dissipated with an agonizing three day voter count. Coming in second place with over 70 million votes, Trump followers will be in no mood for compromise. Many will nurse feelings of being short changed, marginalised.   Half of the America’s voters did not renounce Trumpism.  The movement will fester, wait for a leader, then spring into action, meaner, madder, with a plan. 


Politician Mrs. Nina Turner says it best below:

Joe Biden is the hapless character of those wanting a return to the status quo. The Democrats have the morale courage of a hedge fund broker. Pelosi and friends will misread the 2020 election, sitting in their elite bubbles, patting themselves on the back for getting rid of an aberration who beat them in 2016 and came close to defeated them again. Having demonized the left, the powers of the party will continue on their hyper neo-liberal highway of personal enrichment at the expense of the desperate working class and shrinking middle class. OH MY! Sooner, not later, the political class will crash into a brick wall. Think Berlin Wall 1989.

A number of Black males and Latino voters turned against the blue side for Donald, as a protest statement. They understand the certainty nothing will relieve their plight.  The 2020 election made many realise the same. Life under a not much loved President Biden will not get better.  

Donald Trump was a symptom of a rotting system. One that could be in its death throes.

2024 may see Ivanka Trump make a run for the office. Who’s ready for that? 

This voter went 3rd party in 2020. 

Fashion Technology

My Gym Partner

I just returned the Garmin 945.  What did I think? I am writing my review. Stay tuned for my opinion. 


The Worst Case Got Crazy

What the Hell Happened? We thought 2020 could not get anymore surreal. Guess What? It did. Donald Trump the President of the United States elected in 2016 could not shake off his game show host quality to fit the office. His handling of the Covid 19 virus, then the tanking of the economy should have been the death rattle of his quasi circus act mixed with something loosely resembling leadership. The November 3rdelection should have been curtains down on this act. Mr. Trump did not get the memo. A man of thousand lives seems to survive everything his haters throw at him including a feeble excuse of an opponent in the form of Vice President Joe Biden. 

Wrong Again 

If the Democratic Party intended to win this election cycle maybe the leaders needed to use a different playbook. What should have been an easy night a blue wave, got darker as the night passed. Two weeks ago according to pollster and media professionals, the President was a sinking ship 10 points behind. The results showed a resurgent Trump with more votes than in 2016. Ever the showman, before the final vote count, Mr. 45 declared himself the winner at 2 am. At 7am Wednesday morning I asked myself, “Why are these people paid?” Once again they  all got it wrong.

The record voter turnout means people care about the process. Nonetheless, the evenly split country offers no easy political answers There will be hard feelings for the losing side. The GOP will dig in. The Democratic strategy of lurching to right may continue attempting to become a GOP lite.  Although the consequences might leave a bitter taste to swallow for the left. But let’s not forget the party gave the left wing the finger.

Biden Will Not Fly

If Trump gets a second term, the DNC recriminations will start immediately. If Biden becomes the 46thcommander and chief, his Presidency will be The Spruce Goose of Washington.  An oddity parked in the White House.  The Democrats gambled and lost regardless of the Presidential outcome. Pelosi, Shumer and company under estimated Donald’s cunning and devotion of his followers. Instead of policies, they gave long press interviews of nothing during a national meltdown. 

I guess sitting in front of her $30.000 refrigerator eating a $12 dollars half litter of  ice cream has made the House Speaker a bit disconnected from constituents reeling from mass unemployment, housing foreclosures and health care worries. And what about Obama? His legacy is sealed, nothing more than a transitional figure with a bag of empty rhetoric. 

2021 got even more frightening. Which ever candidate wins, we all lose.


Partial,, Lockdown PT2

Berlin, like the rest Europe, entered another lockdown today. Will this work? The air of growing uncertainty cannot be ignored.  Supposedly for only 30 days, then the curve will be under control.   Bars, restaurants and gyms have closed.  Citizens are understandably a bit  frustrated by the backward step handling of the Corona Virus.  Once Merkel garnered international praise for her calm handling of the pandemic.  Today Covid-19  has marched past Chancellor. Her once precision decision making skills seems reactionary. 

At least Germany is not France.  The 450 mile/724 kilometres traffic jam of Parisians fleeing the capital made global headlines.   Is this a new form of Gallic public defiance?  The French have become weary of Macron’s decrees. Or to put it simply, “The masses no longer have faith in the leader”.   Uneasy is the head that wears the crown. 

Patience has run out in Spain and Italy. Riots continue to shake their respective cities.  The governments of the two Latin countries are behaving as parents in a store with uncontrollable children.  But the children no longer believe the parents have their best interest at heart.  Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez veers from one pronouncement to another.  He is losing control. 

The UK will enter a new lockdown on Thursday.  Prime Minister Johnson is one step away from open political revolt. There will be no praise for the British head’s fumbling.   The very “Britisness” of the system worked against him. 

And it is only November. 


The Original 007

Sad to read about Sean Connery’s death.  The Scottish actor played a major role in my life.  I watched all his James Bond films.  I remember my family and I would gather in the living room to view “Goldfinger”, still my favourite, with popcorn. 


My “Primal” Binge

Yes! I am a cartoon, or should I say animation fan. Once in a while I binge watch a series here or there. I came across Adult Swim’s Primal by accident while searching over a site.  The story of a Prehistoric Man’s friendship with a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Spear and Fang have one extraordinary adventure after another involving mystical creatures in hostile environment  My favourite episode from season 1,Terror Under a Blood Moon.  Genndy Tartakovksy has created a gem with original storytelling, aesthetic and sound. 


Same Story, Different Day

 Anna Wintour hit the headlines of the New York Times yet once again for the wrong reasons. The proclaimed most powerful woman in the fashion world has been under heavy criticism for Vogue’s lack of diversity.  Black voices sidelined at the publication were the norm.  Fashion magazines were or less country clubs for the elite.   Slim white women from well to do families had the best positions. A place were rich wives “worked” telling other rich wives what to wear for the season.  I attended a public state school, a person of color. I knew Vogue as a place  closed to my type.  

Read my fast response to the NYT 

The question raised again: Should Anna Leave?


EAT, ME and Paris

Why should Lily Collin have all the fun? Get ready for my stories from Paris.

Cinema podcast

Chat Cinema-Theaters

Going to the movies has become a challenge.  We discuss the current state of affairs in our latest  Chat Cinema podcast.  Can theaters survive in the New Normal? Will audiences return?  


Coats I LIKE for 2020

Winter is Coming.  I am a big coat fan.  I believe having one for everyday of the week is not enough.    My seven picks.