Stay Tuned for August Tech features. Another Preview, this one from my gym in Berlin using a Garmin Watch.
Author: Editor
We Aren’t Writing “Eat Cake”
The Coronavirus marches on, the world hold its breath. The economic, social, and political flood gates have been open. What to expect next? Conversation after conversation, I draw the same conclusion, “say a pray”. There is no answer. Never in modern times has the world faced a challenge. “Uncertainty” is the daily trending word. Jobs are uncertain. Salaries have been slashed. In the US, millions face housing evictions. People do not feel safe.
Posting and writing about fashion feels a bit out of touch. Before March, “living the best life” was popular. Today, showing off aspirational things to buy, we are not saying “eat cake”. Just inspire readers. Plus, we love clothes.
The fashion industry struggles to survive the hard reality of buyers not shopping. I ask myself, Does anyone care about my fashion weeks commentary?
Looking over the financial numbers of the big brands, HORRIFIC! Sales are down by as much as 60%. Just know, you are not the only one forgoing buying expensive these days.
The lust for the latest looks in the middle of pandemic can seem a bit imbecilic. Posting a pair of pants, sweater, and top from a luxury house that costs $2,000. Questionable. It looks great for the home office. The latest Givenchy bag may not resonate with buyers in these times.
“If we like it we post it” is Black and Paper’s philosophy, but we had to address these crazy times. All of us are affected by Covid-19. The future is unclear. How long will this madness last? Personally, I stopped making weekly plans.
Unlike other blogs, sites, and magazines, we can type “empathy” on the keyboard.
A world that provides equality, certainty, and health is good for all.
Stay Safe. Stay Strong. See you soon. We are all in this together.
Tech August
Every August I feature the latest gadgets. Devices I like or want to have. This year is no different.
I am going out on a limb here. Mystery Vibe deliver simple or high tech pleasure.
Stay Tuned for the story.

Mystery Vibe Sex Toy

Berlin canceled CSD this season. But that did not stop Galeries Lafayette from having its annual LGTB event at its Berlin Department Store. Every weekend this July “Peep Month” was celebrated with shopping, music, and fun in Mitte.
The last event happens July 31st.
Jurassic Parka and Daniel Daniel Gray DJ Gitti
DJ Katy Bahm Jurassica Parka DJ Gloria Viagra

Stay Tuned for more details. I am a fan of the Hanseatic City.
No Need for Luxe
Every season, two times a year, I hit the luxury stores. Sale Season! Those words are music to my eyes, hard on the wallet. Always updating the wardrobe on a budget.
This year, like everything, things are a bit strange. Only a few customers allowed in the stores with fewer sales people.
I noticed the trend, lux mixed with streetwear. Few brands have transitioned well. I would say some pieces were ugly. Saying this in front of a 50% off sale sign is a statement. In the past, going to a select store was a treat. I could not wait to a designer look.
Something happened this year. I traveled to the centers of Hamburg and Berlin for the special occasions. To my surprise, I found nothing I wanted. Walking from one top brand store to another, nothing hit me. ( Later, I will tell you about the service in a few places.)
Kadewe and Alsterhaus department stores, temples of consumption where all is offered under one roof. Being there inspired me to write this article. What happened to the big brands? On shelves one after another, the numbing sensation overwhelmed me. Some items came across as cheap at 1000 euros. Overpriced H&M production models. High fashion was about being distinguished, exclusivity. I am not an elitist, but somewhat of a fashion style snob. When there is a good markdown.
Perhaps in the New Normal my motivation for buying has changed. Why do I need this or that? Life and work wardrobes center on Zoom T-Shirts.
There is still hope. I decided to buy a bag, and a scarf from independent luxury labels. The pieces are more original, more details.
Couture Without a Runway!
A follow up to my earlier story on Couture Week without a Runway.
Eyewear Tips
Part 2 of the feature on Summer Eyewear Tips. From professionals, the best advice for buying sunglasses this season. I got the quick lowdown from Schoenhelden Optic. Click the link below.
Milan Digital Fashion Week
Our online coverage from Milan begins today.

Paris Fashion Week Men, AGAIN
Paris Fashion Week Men ended today. Here is a list of looks in films.
Stay Tuned for reviews.