No matter the perspective, when you troll on the Seine, it is inspirational. Take a book, a magazine, or a bottle of wine with a blanket, then find a spot.
Author: Editor

Under certain circumstances,,,,, I could go,,, KABOOM!
The Paris today is not the Paris I remember the first time I visited the city. My then boyfriend was studying at the Sorbonne. How exciting! I arrived, threw the bags on the bed that took up 75% of the 22 sqm apartment then ran out to absorb the French capital.
Of course there was security but it was not omnipresent. I heard the two-toned French sirens in the background every once in a while but being in a city of 18 million, police sounds are a part of the landscape, a price to pay for the vitality of an urban space.
Returning to Paris, now feels like a different world. Police are everywhere patrolling the streets with guns, in wagons, on the river. The 2015 Bataclan Attack has affected the spirit of this open city. I felt a bit sad, everywhere, checks, security where once entrances were unimpeded.
When life gives a lemon, make lemonade. Turn a negative into a positive. Visiting the Army Museum or Les Invalides made me have a rethink about the police presence. Walking up to the entrance there were three young, smiling gentlemen wearing army uniforms. These guys were protecting us from a threat. Looking at their faces, I really did not care what threat, Invasion from Mars, terrorist! Their lean bodies trained to react, protecting the innocent.
I was carrying a shoulder bag. I knew the procedure. Open Bag, show the inside, possible body scan. It did not happen! I was insulted. What do I have to do to get checked by soldiers? I am wearing orange trainers with matching orange shoe laces. I could be a threat! Orange in November! I insist you CHECK! Frisk Me! I WANTED TO BE TAKEN TO A ROOM!!!! With all three! I would have settled for one, two better. Who knows how explosive the situation could have been.
Orange on Orange
A 60’s Style
I travelled to Dresden Germany, a historical city in Eastern Germany. Luxury watch maker Glashutte Original has a boutique in centre. Paying a visit I got to see the collection and play with one of my favourite pieces. Here is a hint: my eye travels to color, style, and anything retro 60’s style.
Stay Tuned for more about my visit to Glashutte Original.

I could not decide on which card to use. Each one is a bit different but,,, honestly, is the viewer really going to notice the letters?
By Brice Hardelin from Paris with model Samuel.
Bag Inspired
Not Over the TOP!

Menswear looks do not have to be over the top in oder to stand out. Sometimes it is better to mix and match pieces to get the effect. At times an entire expressive look can be a style train wreck. Too much is happening in all directions. With mens fashion a way of standing out is just use one piece. I liked the Marni collection because there were parts of the collection that could stand stand alone. The brands jacket or suit with the classic wardrobe piece such as a white shirt is enough. A person does not have to over do it to be seen.
The Black and Paper Go See at the Marni Atelier in Milan during Milan Fashion Week
The Up and Comers

The Shooting Stars is a European Project promoting up and coming talent in cinema. Each year 10 performers are chosen by film professionals for their work in media.
European Shooting Stars at the Berlin International Film Festival 2018.
Franz Rogowski from Germany
Irakli Kvirikadze from Georgia
Jonas Smulders from The Netherlands
Matteo Simoni from Belgium
Matilda De Angelis from Italy
Michaela Coel from United Kingdom
Alba Ausust from Sweden
Reka Tenki from Hungary
Luna Wedler from Switzerland
Eili Harboe from Norway
Black and Paper participated in round table interviews with the actresses this past February.It’s always interesting to see how young talent face the press corps in a manic setting of photogrpahers and television cameras.

Alba August is the daughter of esteemed Swedish Director Belle August. I was taken by her confidence. Her stories of visiting her father on film sets reveals in a way she is a veteran in the business.

Norwagien Actress Elie Harboe did not travel the classic route of acting work with professional training at school. Auditioning for film during an open casting call at age 7 she learned technics in small groups. She was using an Acne bag as an everyday accessory for carrying books. An avid reader with a Bachelor Degree in English Literature, her dream is to publish a book in the future.

Of course I expected style from Italian Actress Malida De Angelis. She was wearing Fendi. She was the only lady wearing high heels. “As an Italian we care about Fashion”. A self-decribed actress by chance, she trained as a muscian. “Music is fundamental in my life”, “when I prepare for a role, to get in the mood I listen to certain bands” says De Angelis.

Got this image but no time for an interview.
Stay tuned for Shooting Stars 2019 this Februrary from Berlinale.
#ThisBerlinale18 Coverage Sponsored by Canon Camera and Pringle of Scotland
Menswear:Make Up and Heels from France 24
Visual Checking
Men can be handsome just by being. Sorry ladies, since the industrial revolution men have been liberated from pageantry, no more make up, wigs, or fancy dress attire. Masculine attractiveness became “mininmal physical”. The modern suit is all he needs. A style that has not changed in 130 years.
As I take the train to a business city, I noticed gentlemen in nice suits. YES! A suit can make the man. Complete with polished shoes and a brief case. It adds points to his visual appearance. There is a tall slim guy on in a jacket and suit, he looks good because the clothing enhances his length. Polished shoes are important. I usually casually look down to check the style and state. BINGO! He is a man with confidence, going somewhere. If he is wearing a nice watch,,, husband material. Should I look for the ring on the finger before the visual check? No! It takes away the spirt of the game.
Madeira Chase
On a sport holiday in Madeira, our scuba diving professional and creative colleague gave us an inspiring underwater video of living sea creatures. Video by creative contributor Juergen Mundl.