


The 67th Berlinale opened with some political questions on the agenda but Jury President Paul Verhoeven stating he was here to judge the quality of the movie, not the political perspective. Mr. Verhoeven said he expects to see a lot of movies that are different and have heated arguments with respect.

Jury member Diego Luna addressed the current global political tones by saying, “I am not here to send messages but I am here to listen.”  When asked about the proposed wall between the US and Mexico Luna commented, I have good memories crossing the border from both sides.

As a film festival Berlinale has always had a political edge but this year the jury seemed more pragmatic, less overtly ideological.

Berlinale makes an effort not to be taken over by market forces said fellow jury member Olafur Eliasson.

Addressing the issues concerning the state of Hollywood and the lack of Adult Movies, the bottom line mentality has taken control of the industry.  Studios and Producers only want to invest in films with big returns.  Film Director (Total Recall, Elle, and Robo Cop) Verhoven discussed the challenges of trying to get his latest film Elle produced.

Berlinale Jury: Paul Verhoeven, Dora Bouchoucha Fourati, Olafur Eliasson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Julia Jentsch, Diego Luna, and Wang Quan’an

Berlinale continues until February 20th.

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