
Berlinale Shooting Stars Marusa Majer

Marusa Majer from Slovenia  I found her alluring, edgy, not just her look but personality wise.

A graduate of the University of Ljubljana, Marusa has appeared in a number of films including: Driving School.

Marusa Majer

What type of roles would you like to play?

I have been lucky because until now I have played a number of different roles.  I hope this continues.  I do not want to be stereotyped.

What was your first acting part?

A moon in a kindergarten play.

What inspired you to become an actress?

Acting interested me from a viewpoint of standpoint.  I have to reach into myself, it is constant learning.

What performer inspired you?

Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence.

What are your future plans?
I have a theater premiere in Slovenia, improve.  Being a classically trained stage actress I am going back to my roots.

Career ambitions?

Auditions.  All is looking bright.  I have a lot of work  at home.

The European Shooting Stars is a program designed to focus the spotlight on young acting talent.  Each year a jury chooses 10 performers with screen experience to be presented at the Berlinale as the Stars of Tomorrow.