Family, Life and Excess

“Family Is Family”. A family can be a source of inspiration for artists. Morgane Dziurla-Petit’s family inspired work Excess Will Save Us is an examination of close relationship and manipulations. From a small French Village Petit points a lens at inhabitants whipped up by paranoia by far off event. However, in this story, who are …

Benetonville Fest Highlights

For its eighth annual edition, the Bentonville Film Festival once again purported to be all-inclusive. Its tagline reads: ‘Championing Women and Diverse Voices’. Academy Award winner Geena Davis chairs this festival in Arkansas State. Physical events took place from June 22nd-26th, with virtual events running to July 3rd.   The Competition Narrative entry The Unknown …

Tribeca Fest Likes

The New York City Film Festival unspooled its usual cinema fair of polished works by filmmakers from around the world. The mixture of physical and virtual continued this past June for ten days. God Said Give Em’ Drum Machines is the story of how a sound was created in the Detroit music scene. Check out …

More Shorts from New York

Tribeca Enterprises was founded in New York in 2001 by Jane Rosenthal and Robert De Niro. Its accompanying Tribeca Film Festival has since been promoting emerging film talent. Sections include: Premieres, Gala Events, US Competition, Online Premieres, and International Competition. Furthermore, the Shorts section includes Narrative, Documentary and Animations, and this year comprised 53 entries. …

Tribeca Shorts

In the shorts category, I watched some small works worthy of attention. The Resemblance from Derek Nguyen goes into “Black Mirror” Territory with a story on grief. Mooptopia from Delany Buffett takes on the shallow fleeting meaning of social media fame. Five O listed many directors: Ismaïl Alaoui Fdili, Yassine Lassar Ramdani, Elsie Otinwa, Florence …