Will Anna Stay?

The famous silhouette at Fashion Week for the past 32 years. The perfectly coiffed helmut hairstyle. Oversized sunglasses. Statement Necklace. Calf-length dresses. Admired, feared, and copied, Anna Wintour commanded attention. Whether on purpose or not, when she entered the room her presence was felt far and wide.  As the daughter of famous newspaper editor Charles …

Yes, It’s Real

The diversity question is first and forefront in the fashion business. Triggered by global protests, a reckoning is taking place.  Are fashion environments racists?  An industry in need of different voices, falling short when it comes to inclusion, fashion is an elitist field until recently only for the few living on 5th avenue in New …

LFW in the New Normal

The first fashion week in the “New Normal”, London Fashion Week goes digital. An event once exclusive to fashion insiders, LFW is now available to the public via Internet.  In comparison to the other fashion capitals, London’s beats the other cities with its experimentation, a quirky stance on style. Does this translate to digital? In …

Gym Gone

Berlin is reopening slowly but steadily. Stores, then restaurants have opened. On Monday hotels and museums re emerge from slumber. Sadly for me, gyms are not on the long reopening list. In Cologne the gyms opened but with many protocols some requiring reservations. Working out was also a way to clear my mind, detox. A …

Classy Weimar

For my first travel in the New Normal I decided on  a staycation. As if I had a choice. Nothing is flying these days. Where to go? The city of Weimar, located in Thuringia, a 3 hour drive from Berlin.  I knew little about the city.    Classy, compact, and elegant the former Grand Duchy Capital …