A new Podcast Coming Soon-What happens when the guy who delivers packages has a pressing bigger package not in his hand?
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Features and opinions on a range of topics from politics to technology. Sometimes the features are serious, sometimes they are fun. Check them out.
A new Podcast Coming Soon-What happens when the guy who delivers packages has a pressing bigger package not in his hand?
Vector from FreePik.
Not a topic normally covered by Black and Paper. However, recent headlines have been a brick in the face reminder of life as an African American. An altercation can have a lamentable conclusion. The past 2 weeks illustrate the precarious existence of being Black in America. The check list is real. I have been pulled over a number of times by police. Just driving a car. Followed around department stores by security personnel. Questioned. The world moves in reverse. Did I need a note from the overseer? A 19thcentury way of life for People of Color sits on our backs everyday.
Coming to light months after the tragedy, while on a morning jog, Ahmaud Arbery‘s life ended. Two vigilantes took it upon themselves to become enforcers, judge, and jury in February. The more galling, local law officials did absolutely nothing. All conveniently recused themselves. A national outcry by the release of video sparked an investigation. The guys carrying the guns may have been the aggressors. The criminal justice sort of works if the victim is Black. At least the father and son culprits are in jail.
No matter what university you attend as a Black Man, you are still a Black Man in America. Doing of all things, birdwatching, Christian Cooper asked Karen Cooper to follow the rules by placing a leash on her dog in Central Park. In a scene worthing of an over the top “Bette Davis Melodrama” Ms. Cooper calls the police ranting “A black man is threatening her” in the Ramble area. The Harvard graduate Mr. Cooper filmed the confrontation can be calmly heard asking her to step away from him. Both left the park but when the video hit social media, the storm it raised. Karen, Karen, Karen, playing the race card while at the same time choking the dog is not a good look for a Vice President insurance investor. She has since been fired from her job. Also, thankfully, her dog has been returned to the kennel.
Today, George Floyd make headlines for being killed by 4 police officers. He “resisted” arrest while on ground handcuffed with a leg on his throat. The videos of the arrest show a portray a different story. Protest and riots occurred today in Minneapolis. Police used gas and stun grenades on seemingly unharmed people. Where was this use of force in Virginia and Michigan? Protesting with machine guns seems to make more sense in the US. Oh, wait, only if you are of a certain demographic you can go armed for war to a capital building. The light in the story, the department fired the officers.
I would love to write “change will come”, violence as a tool against Black People will end cause now is an incident of reflection. I could believe this, but I do not believe in leprechauns either.
Statement Sunglasses Feature preview. We had a bit of fun trying on shades. Which do you like? Produced at Schonhelden Optic Berlin.
From #Berlin, Statement #Sunglasses for today and the #summer. #fashion #style #eyewear #ootd #accessory #FashionTrends #Mensfashion #eyeweardesign #shades pic.twitter.com/PtW5SKigHX
— BlackandPaper (@BlackandPaper1) May 8, 2020
Stay Tuned for more.
Am I the only person who has a long term friend with benefits partner but,, the name escapes me? Secondly, I recently noticed the color of the eyes. But only after being in a certain position. A scary realisation!
Stay Tuned for the next Men Reloaded Podcast.
We spoke with fashion Editor in Chief Alex Popov on the upcoming trends in menswear. What to expect?
2020! What can we say? A heck of a year! It’s only May. We have flirted with the idea of making more video content. Off and on over the years we produced features covering fashion, film festivals, and other events.
Many events have cancelled until further notice. When an opportunity knocks, open the door. Black and Paper presents is now a reality.
Keep an eye here.
Black and Paper coverage from the capital.
Berlin retail is struggling to get shoppers in stores. On Thursday the place was empty. Hopefully, things will get better once restaurants reopen.
The big department stores reopened on Saturday. The early turn out, light. I observed curiosity, people looking around, but no shopping. It is still too early to make a verdict. Perhaps, shoppers will return in the future. But in the New Normal large shops feel like dinosaurs. A species from a bygone era.
Still a lack of shoppers at local malls and stores. The air of uncertainty continues to affect buyers after reopening 8 days ago.
The “New Norma”l is not normal. Berlin is feeling the psychological impact of the Coronavirus. Although the German capital has not been as hard hit compared to other regions of the country, the effects cut across the city.
Stores have opened, yet people continue to stay away. The retail experience is almost a prozac nightmare. Cordoned off areas of stores, lines to enter, no dressing rooms, mandatory wearing of face masks.