Fashion Feature

Macy’s,,,, REALLY!

I checked on family members the other day. Like everyone living in a lockdown, I reached out for a long conversation. Thankfully, everyone is OK. 

Not The Place!

The talked shifted to malls and shopping. What happens for the re-openings? Macy’s, the mall staple, when I was young the department store was a first stop. According to my sister, not anymore. It’s no secret the chain has suffered over the years. But I had no clue how bad things had gotten. A backstory, management in the early part of the century went on a buying merging spree. Buying Federated Department Stores, then May Company creating a massive coast to coast power retail brand. The problem, shoppers shifted to online buying, brick and mortar stores felt old fashioned. Secondly, the company became highly leveraged. Unable to react quickly as customers left to other shopping experiences. The company made some concept store changes. Then announced more closures. Macy’s became a wondering company without a soul.


Back to the conversation with my sister, Shopping! I asked her about going to Macy’s. The “GOD NO” response said it all. Their shoe department is awful. Shoe are left out, stacked in boxes for you to get them yourself. Not even organized! There is no sales person. When in a service industry, cutting customer service seems the same as 2+2=3.

“They need new buyers because the clothes are bad. Who would want to wear anything? I stopped going to Macy’s a long time ago”.  I got the perfect example of a lost retail customer because of the short sighted nature of those in charge.

My reaction to my sister not buying shoes.

I am writing this story based one of the retailers local store, not a flagship location. However this tale could be a gage for a wider picture.  Macy’s has been in retreat mode for years posting erratic sales, falling numbers, and site closures.

If a store cannot entice my sister to buy a new pair of shoes.  That says a lot!


Music For Hope

Andrea Bocelli gave an Easter Concert for “Hope” in Milan Italy.  In front of the famed Duomo.  The tenor streamed the uplifting event of “Hope” via YouTube. Bonelli’s foundation is engaged in raising funds for hospitals. The accompaniment included AVA MARIE and AMAZING GRACE.

With Milan still in lockdown, this is an expression of “We Will Triumph Over This”.   Yes, we will.  Seeing Milan again is on my wish list.   

Stay Positive! Stay Safe! 


Berlin’s New Normal

My second feature on the “NEW NORMAL” in Berlin.  Normally bustling plazas and streets, now eerie silence.   At Easter the city is usually teeming with tourists.  This season all resembles a set from the television series “Black Mirror”.   While riding around on my bike taking pictures,  I could only shake my head. 


2 Moms in Los Angeles

Fashion Designer and Black and Paper contributor Elena Nazaroff along with her business partner, fashion model Yulia Dudenko produce Face Masks in their homes.  As the Coronavirus continues to ravage the world, the need for these accessories is great.  The two have stepped up production to meet increased demand.  

I admire the ladies for a being a part of the solution.   

Each 100% cotton mask is handmade with love.  All materials used are sustainable.

STAY SAFE! STAY HEALTHY! Please obey your local authorities concerning lockdowns and issues related to the Coronavirus. 

Black and Paper salutes all those working to keep society going in these times. 

We will get through this.  See you soon! Better times lie ahead.

To learn more about the Face Masks contact Black and Paper or @Elena or Nazaroff. 


Queens Speech

We wonder what is the purpose of the British Monarch? A gilded bubble, of an elite class. A relic from the Imperial Age of a fallen Empire. Queen Elizabeth’s speech last night put that to rest. When an American wants to hug a Union Jack, the emotional level was high. Inspiring. From Windsor Castle, the Royal head gave a speech drawn off her personal  experience from the Blitz. Taking the phrase by Vera Lynn “We will overcome this” showed her mettle. A type of maternal assurance one gets the night before a test.

During her 5thnational address her majesty praised front line NHS workers battling Coronavirus. “Selfless” individuals appreciated and needed by the country. With 48.000 infected cases, 4.935 dead, the UK continues to reel from the pandemic. There will be hard times ahead. Daily life upended. Disruptions as the UK faces it biggest challenge since World War 2. Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted to the hospital with complications to Covid-19. But seeing the head of state in her 67thyear on the throne giving a composed address will be material for for leadership classes. Perhaps a certain US President should enroll now. 

None are alone in this fight.   A phrase from the address; “better days will return”.   Indeed they will.


Hard Reality of the New Reality!

The Coronavirus exposed the raw underbelly of modern society, an existence teetering on a cliff.   This event has forced everyone to look in the mirror.  

The online click culture is based on a labor exploitation, not the public relations releases preaching to us about new business models developed by brilliant guys.  

Leading institutions have gone into a default “Batten down the hatches” position. Leaders will not take responsibility for this Global Disaster. Although they knew about the deadly outbreak in December.   

The drive for market access clouded judgement.  Thus, resulting in decisions risking entire populations,  bringing whole economies to a crashing halt. 

The big question, duration of the lockdowns. Where they effective?   What type of society will emerge from these health hazard semi police states?  One thing is certain, Spain and Italy will be scarred.  The jury is out on the US and UK.  

What will society give up in exchange for safety?  Does Democracy have resilience? 

How should the world view China’s Leaders?  By process of elimination, the word ‘trust” is out.  

Why do celebrities carry high value?  Many appear desperate for attention while the world is on fire.   

The Coronavirus continues to up end the world in ways we could not imagine a few months ago.  Everyday the news reads like a bestselling thriller.   Take a deep breath before turning on the screen.   


Berlin, Flesh and The Devil

While going around taking images of Berlin in stand still I remembered the 1959 film “The World, The Flesh, and The Devil”.  A 1959 starring Harry Belafonte roaming an empty post apocalyptic New York City landscape. While the German Capital is not quite in that setting the urban atmosphere has an eerie feel.  As if waiting for something to happen or not to happen. How long can this last? The “New Normal” is unreal. 


You Don’t Matter! Shock!

The Coronavirus outbreak has knocked the world into a new uncertainty. An event that has become a universal reference point. Make no mistake, reality will be a different place once this over. The things we consider important. Values have shifted. The “All About Me Culture” suddenly feels petty. Who cares about a daily selfie? Curated threads laced with freebies, in the scheme of things, not relevant. 


Narcism got old fast. Get over yourself!  

Even Kim Kardashian could not believe she was not the center of the world with her antics. No one bothered to tell her the human race is hurdling towards the brink of ending. The world is shutting down. Suddenly her reality show family gets knocked off the top headlines. How sad a person could not put aside their fame driven ego to perhaps focus on a greater issue.

Medical teams are on the front lines. Grocer stockers making sure shelves are full to keep society functioning. These people matter.  A Kardashian leaking a tape from years ago reeks of “I need attention”. A tacky publicity stunt. The shocking part, it got coverage in media outlets and  trended on Twitter.  HUH! Calling photographers, alerting them to where and when you will enter and exit is so 2019.  I am not event going to go into Madonna’s bathtub  video. Just some advice: Seek Help!

What? It’s Not About ME!  

The other phenomenas: Crying about an unfair world. Rules do not apply to me. Tell that to Corvid 19. “Corna Parties” became fashionable for a few days during the crisis. There were a few in my area park. Raising the middle finger to a pandemic.  Because the virus is for old people. Anyone under 35 is exempt from the plague. “It doesn’t affect the young”.   All about ME! ME! ME! Mother Nature has no favourites. She has forced us to reconsider everything we hold dear. Cuddling, coddling thin skinned handling has mercifully ended. For Gen Z’s and Millennials, mommy cannot kiss it to make it better. No amount of being plugged in social media whining will take society back to before Covid-19. Just Deal With! Planet Earth is a scary place that can devour all of us. 

Feature Travel

Moth Balled, Nowhere to Go

Black and Paper covers travel features. We were saddened by the cancellation the ITB a few weeks ago.  The tourism industry affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.The impact lasting for many seasons to come.  

The airline industry will not be the same.   Today IATA announced airlines will lose a combined $252 billion this year, revised from an earlier estimate of $115 billion.  As carriers ground fleets indefinitely,  many will go bankrupt.  

I wanted to see the damage for myself.  Travelling to the BER Airport I photographed Moth Balled planes on the tarmac from EasyJet, Ryanair, and Lufthansa.   The jobs lost, an industry crashing to the ground. I felt despair.  


However,  I think this should be a time of reflection for airlines.  Many treat customers as a necessary inconvenience.   Customer service and the travel experience have the feel of a cattle drive.  Round Them Up!  Let’s have optimism out of this crisis some positive changes occur in the future. 


Again, The Second Time

While the Coronavirus is a frightening I am not uncertain about the tactics being used. The media has a great story right out of the bestselling. A deadly virus that could wipe out the world. Panic filled shoppers stripping stores. It gets clicks. Ratings are up on all the New Channels. 


My question is why are Western Governments so keen to adapt China Communist Party Methods for combating the virus. Beijing “supposedly” had great success fighting the Corvid 19. Who verifies this success? Not exactly the most transparent organization on the planet. And please consider this group mishandled the original outbreak. The World Health Organization? Not too assured by their “Kiss The Ring Dealings” with the CCP.  Information concerning the virus was slap shot.

On our Global leaders. Trump is silly with an oversized self serving ego. His response to the Pandemic could be viewed comical if the consequences could not become tragic. Equally, the EU missed the curve, drove into the ditch. As Berlin prepares for lockdown, I think, How did it come to this? European State leader had a heads up in December. China ended the year suffering from another heath crisis that had the potential to break out. Macron, Merkel, and Johnson, sat on their hands. My German friends praise “Mother”. Had “Mother” closed the borders, or at least taken precautions in January we would not be preparing to go in Full Lockdown. Her cherished Schengen Freedom of Movement has brought Europe to a crippling halt.

I have Seen This Before

For me, this is the second outbreak, having lived through the early years of HIV coming over the LGTB Community. I witnessed lives lost in the madness. A lot of misinformation on transmissions. Who go it? Disappearances. Gay men quarantined in hospitals. Life was under sieged. This is worse, because it’s a bigger scale not because of the health hazard. AIDS was a death sentence in the 80”s and 90’s. Institutions marginalized gays. Whispering behind the back, common place discrimination. If a person looked too thin, he was thought to be positive. Life was not a Donna Summer song.

As governments continue to tie down whole societies, I begin to wonder how far this will go. Separate and divide is the key to defeating the new enemy. Keep in mind this strategy comes from the group who allowed the Coronavirus to gain a foothold. Don’t be fooled, politics, as it did in the 80’s, is playing a decisive role in health policy.


As the new virus has taken hold I remind those who think this will go away soon. Life will return to normal. My response, “HIV has been around for a generation.”  Paranoia is the new normal, “Distancing”. The present state is the same, even copying movements and gestures. Walk on the side walk, interact with fellow walkers, in the current environment, people avoid eye contact. Everyone assumes Guilt first. I witnessed entire neighborhoods decimated by the so called “Gay Virus”. The new “Super Spreader” term comes from the AIDS Epidemic. In my college town there were rumors of spreaders in the gay scene who unknowingly infected their sexual partners Many young people died.  These days bring back memories.

What will unfold in the future? Hope also came out of Pandora’s Box.

At the time I wrote this Angela Merkel had a Corvid 19 Test. Thankfully, it returned negative.