
Famous, Why?

I recently had a conversation with a record company press relations head. We talked about his artists rosters. Many I did not know, but I am over the hill.  As the conversation continued I said, “Today, everyone is famous. Either a celebrity, reality show, Instagrammer, YouTuber, 5000 channels, 10.000 programs, and whatever else. All you need is a iPhone. KaBOOM! Instafame!” We both laughed. 

In 2018 if you swing a cat, you will hit a so called “famous” person.  Famous for being Famous. Not a clue how or why. 

Being famous in the past was an exclusive commodity. Reserved for those with talent or a gift from the heavens. Not anymore. Thanks to camera phones and Instagram, fame is the same as mosquitos during a hot summer. Pocket size digital devices replaced sound stages, recording studios, and cameras. As mass media continues to loose its grip on audiences, so too have the boundaries it once set collapses. Fame has become a true democracy, no talent required. There are “Kardashian Wannabes” lurking in every household.  

A 20thcentury invention by mass media, fame evolved over the decades: First, the mass hysteria of Valentino, The swooning for Sinatra, blonde Goddess Monroe, the cultural force of The Beatles, and the seismic shift of Michael Jackson,. These artist shook the world with appeal and talent. 

The 21stdefinition of fame means: Multi-talentless has appeal. Something of no value has a warped value. The generational gap continues, modern fame skill-sets are lost on many parents. Can anyone over 35 understand why the under 25 crowd follows daily selfies? However, my Grandparents, considered Madonna a Flozzy. HA! 

While not begrudging those seeking fame. I bemoan the old rules of being famous. Until recently, it meant something.

Feature Technology

A Female Voice

At IFA 2019, I met Tamy Ribeiro at the Shift Automotive Conference. Tamy spoke on the subject of the changing automotive field. New technologies have risen challenging the classic models of transportation. As an expert on topics and trends shaping mobility today and in the future, her opinion is valued in an ever changing industry. 

 What peaked my curiosity was the fact a female executive talking about both technology and automotive subjects. Both industries are highly male driven with only a few women getting a corner office. After a chat, I asked if she could answer a few questions on the obstacles a woman faces in these worlds. Mrs. Ribeiro said, “Yes”. 

Tamy Ribeiro 

The Interview-Part One 

Women are speaking out in other fields, has the tech area been slow to respond? 

I think this is a very broad issue, and sexism is prevalent in almost every industry on the planet. It’s common knowledge the tech industry has been dominated by men essentially since its inception. It does bother me to know companies like Amazon rarely offer information on how female employees are treated at the workplace or how many are in leadership positions. I believe that transparency is the first step towards a fairer future.

Nevertheless, progress is being made. It’s my job to spread awareness for the tech company I work for.  I’ve made a career for myself in a male-dominated industry. I’d love to see more women doing the same in the future, and it’s going to take a team effort for us to get there!

A Presence in 2 Fields 

Why did you choose both tech and automotive as a career field?  

My journey into mobility was not the traditional path. First,  I started my career in travel and then after over a decade of work I had a mid-life crisis and I decided that it was the best time to start my life over again by moving to Germany to raise my kids. I joined Wunder  in 2016 to do a one-month internship and conclude a course without expecting a long-term contract – I was actually enjoying going back to this student life. I planned to keep studying after concluding it.

However, I fell in love with the company and its mission. Moreover, I saw a great opportunity to learn by doing. I had the support of my leadership team to gain the experience and skill sets I desired. Luckily, I had the chance to grow with the company and see it expand its portfolio and presence worldwide. Both industries are challenging for women, but to be honest, that’s why I loved it since day one. 


What advice would you share with a woman starting in this field? 

Always believe in yourself, even when it seems impossible. You are more capable than people would have you think. Your opinions are valid, and you are just as smart and knowledgeable as the other men on the team. Don’t let their bravado fool you! Often it’s the ones who talk the loudest who know the least. Don’t be afraid to speak up and have your voice heard. 

Do you get asked certain “woman” questions?

If by “woman” questions you mean things relating to my appearance or how I could possibly juggle all my work with motherhood, I’ve been fortunate – most people just leave me alone about that.  When and if it happens, I think them so insignificant and I feel so embarrassed for the person that I don’t waste my time feeling bad, I feel sorry. Instead of putting myself in the victim position, I feel privileged for having more clarity and access to information than the person who is asking me the question. 

Sexism is Real 

Sexism, how would you explain the experiences? 

I consider myself strong and well prepared to deal with sexism. One of the reasons is because tough challenges are key to my personal motivation. There is nothing more rewarding than listening to a sexist comment and proving with numbers and facts that the person is wrong afterwards. I’m not saying that it doesn’t affect me – I had several moments in which I smiled at the situation then turned to the next page and kept working. But afterwards, I had to hide myself to get my breath back.

However, when you start seeing it as a challenge to overcome and you end up accomplishing what you had in mind, no words are necessary. Nothing makes me prouder as a woman than looking back and seeing how many sexist voices I could shut up by simply continuing to achieve my goals – I truly believe that this is the most effective way to make them notice their failures and reconsider their way of thinking. 

Melissa Myer and Meg Whitman made it to the top of big tech companies.  Can they be used as examples of the tech field being diverse?

Melissa Myer and Meg Whitmann are both hard-working, highly intelligent women who deserve to be in the positions they’re in. Nevertheless, I would be careful of using them as “examples”, seeing as how they’re both white women from privileged backgrounds. The tech field is not diverse – to say anything to the contrary would be sort of ridiculous. Women make up 59% of the total workforce, but they only make 30% of the workforce in tech companies. To make matters worse, of the 41 Fortune 500 tech companies, only five of them have a female CEO. So while I applaud Melissa and Meg for their contribution to the industry, I don’t think they signify diversity in tech. 

Tamy Ribeiro is Chief Mobility Evangelist & Head of Partnerships for Wunder Mobility based in Hamburg, Germany

Part 2 of the interview Coming Soon


Men Have 2

In nature, Sexual Cannibalism involves the female devouring male during or after mating. Why many species gleefully go their death is a great mystery. The highest species on Earth is a bit the same. Why do men risk it all for moment of pleasure and a few ounces of fluid? Love for a moment is usually at the top or near the top of the agenda. Men have affairs. Deal with It! Eyes wide open means not being surprised.

Why do male partners stray? For the same reason the sun comes up in the morning. Life happens! For men, they tend to put relationships in different categories.

There is one for long term reassurance. Then there is the one or more for sexual fun. Sadly, reconciling these two categories into one person is the same as winning the lottery 2 times in a week.

The “nesting” category is usually simple. A type the family and friends would approve. All looks good on the surface.  

The sexual fun category varies but can be more stable and more varied for different reasons.  The expectations change. Many guys stay with the sex partner longer than they stay with the nesting partner. The truth hurts! It may not make sense in the brain but it feels good on the head.  

Stay Tuned for our podcast series on relationships

Fashion Feature

Moneta’s Interpretation

A interpretation of a peacoat, Moneta adds vivid colours to classic outwear.   I grabbed him for a quick review at the presentation.  My verdict,  I liked it. But I may have been biased. 

Women’s Peacoat 
Fashion Feature


The Met Gala for 2019 took place on Monday. The annual event has evolved into an A list media fashion event in New York City. This years theme “Camp: Notes on Fashion” from an essay by Susan Sonntag seemed broad for interpretation. Co-Chairs Harry Styles and Lady Gaga approached the benefit from Gender and theater. Styles’ Gucci black sheer pants suits with pearl earrings. The megastar singer follows the modern trend of challenging modern notions of masculine style. Meanwhile on red carpet center stage, co hostess Gaga decided not on a single look, not enough, showed off 4 in one. 

This year judging the best looks became an impossible task. The pageantry overtook the fashion aspects.

Mainstream has embraced a sub-culture. There were many reports of people asking “what is camp?” Defined as tacky, over the top, exaggerated. As a gay male that questions is easy to answer. Drag queens have been “camping it up for decades”. Television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race” is a weekly homage to camp culture.

As I looked over the attendees styled, Grace Jones came to mind many, many times. Capes, dramatic entrances, headpieces, androgyny has been her style for over four decades.

Proceeds from the Met Gala benefit the Metropolitan Museum’s Met Costume Institute. It was in fun. This year all lived up to the occassion.

Fashion Feature

Items from Press Days 2019

Press Days is an event when media, agents, and designers come together to discuss the latest looks and trends in fashion and lifestyle.  Sustainability and colourful branding are coming to retailers soon.   

What stood out from the crowd?

Gitti nail polish, the new eco-friendly beauty brand looks to break out.  Stay tuned for the interview with the founder.

Frau Frieda is a bag brand making the case for German luxury craftsmanship. 

Skullcandy’s new earbuds peaked my curiosity.  The new ear devices are fast charging with long battery life.

Moose Knuckles sheering outerwear makes wearer statements.

I produced these images using a Canon Camera. 

Fashion Feature

A Plunge into fashion

Austrian brand Alpha Tauri is now on sale in the Berlin department store KaDeWe. The Red Bull owned label is new on the fashion block. The team introduced me to the brand at Press Days last fall. The collection is based on premium outer and athletic leisurewear made in Europe. Emphasizing high tech materials and 3-D printing production techniques are the core approach. 

Design wise I would say the pieces combine the masculine with the minimal.


Why Drink Champagne in the Spring?

There are seven reasons.

Black and Paper recommends these cocktail recipes:  


Champagne + Orange Juice


Champagne + Peach Juice

Pomegranate Mimosa

Champagne + Pomegranate Juice 

Lemonade Mimosa

Champagne + Lemonade

Sorbet Float

Champagne + Sorbet 

Strawberry Bellini

Champagne + Strawberry 

Sparkling Julep

Champagne + Mint + Tea Spoon of Sugar

Use Veuve Clicquot or a Sparkling Wine.  Cheers! 

Feature Travel

36 Hour Recharge

A short recharge is worth it. Stay tuned for more.

Cinema Feature

Star Wars on the Rocks!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away. Those words, etched in my memory from the first time I saw Star Wars A New Hope. Certain films mark my childhood. Luke, Leia, and Han have been a part of my life since 1977. The world Lucas created of simple good against evil is loosing its appeal. Relying more on brand worship than wondrous story telling. 

Why is Disney destroying the franchise? With every recent Star Wars media franchise launched in cinema or on television, the lack of creativity pulse is painfully noticeable. Assembly line production has taken its toll. As if the creators have been digging through Lucasfilm trash bins searching for ideas. “The Last Jedi”, story plots, characters felt all piled in blender then poured on the screen. Skywalker as a crazed lone Jedi did not click. Even the most ardent fans struggled defending Rian Johnson’s eight franchise entry-  A letter of apology would have been nice.

A SOLO Waste 

Not sure who to blame for the $300 million “Solo”. Ron Howard deserves credit for taking over a troubled production after the firing of duo directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. However, the standard plot line lacked originality, a passable first draft.  A buddy crime capper film in space lacked emotion. Alden Ehrenreich’s “lost in the headlight” performance never captured the cocky bravado of Harrison Ford’s 70’s style. It was the first Star Wars film to lose money at the box office.

The Resistance Bore

The latest Star Wars animation entry “Resistance” is annoying on all levels. The animation style is unnerving. The mixture of shadows and hues is as appealing as a used car lot. The coming of age stock characters, after watching three episodes, come across as lethargic. I hoped for their capture. Juvenile rebel pilot Kazuda Xiono leads a band of resistance against the First Order. Right! Lazy, lacking thrills, falling flat is my best review. 

In essence, Disney is expecting Star Wars fans to shell out billions of dollars to justify their $4 billion acquisition. The company seems to be taking a lot for granted. Goodwill eventually ends.

This writer is a massive Star Wars Fan.