
Here We Come Gorgeous

Excitement is in the air.  Or should we say on a lake. The next Black and Paper fashion production will take place in Northern Italy, at Lake Garda. Preparing the details, the team cannot help but feel excited.   A location of spectacular scenery that inspires  our imagination.  

Lake Garda 

The collaboration born from a discussion at the ITB Berlin.   We said “Yes” after the first 2 minutes of chatting.


Buy Fab! Return Later!

Inside many of us lurks an Elisabeth Taylor trying to get out. Glamour requires the right clothing. Everyone wants to lead a glamorous life. Getting the right looks are a part of the formula, overcoming the obstacle of costs is simple: buy today, wear tomorrow, return the day after tomorrow.  

During Fashion Weeks the “outfit of the day” is crucial for getting noticed by street style photographers. Dressing like a brand groupie gets the shutters clicking while standing outside the show. Getting the attention of a Getty or Vogue Photographer is the ultimate badge for an Instagram post. The lust to appear a part of the “in” crowd. I have often asked how do some afford looks and pieces. They can’t.  All a part of the plan to keep up an appearance, to get noticed. Look at what I am wearing! 

Buy the latest bags, coats and other pieces online or for those bold enough, at a store. Wear it once with the tags carefully pinned inside, show off the fashionista devotion, the fabulousness. Then return for a full refund. The style of a legend does not come cheap but can be obtained during a return policy window. “OOTD”  went to the next evolutionary level. 

Buying online from one of the many high end portal sites is the easiest and most face saving way to become an instant luxury label horse. The return polices are liberal, the reason for not wanting the purchase; no excuse needed.  

Not everything worn is real or even owned. 

Fashion Feature

The Shoe Capital


Covering Milan Fashion 2019, we are thrilled to crown the city the “Fabulous Shoe Capital of the World”. Designers have upped the ante.  A woman does not merely wear these creations, she has to live it.  If footwear is your religion, make a pilgrimage.    Stay tuned for more coverage.  

Cinema Feature

Berlinale Saved Me

Rejection is a form of Protection 

“It is not enough for a film festival to be righteous. The films shown should be engaging.” I did not attend the Berlinale this year “because of the limited space”.  The likely reason, the Chat Cinema podcast I produced criticising the festival.  Someone took offence. 

Chat Cinema
Chat Cinema Podcast 

Reading over the reviews of the 69thannual event, “the press offices rejection is a cinema lovers protection.” It feels like I did not miss much. More like, saved. I support filmmaking. But when a film festival states “your attendence is not wanted”.  I can take a clue. Although, I wanted to see Monos and What She Said. 

If a person is going to spend time in a dark cinema, the very least to expect is engagement on a some level, not a sermon with a heavy dose of pretensions. This has been lost on the Berlinale team. 

Congratulations to Me

While there were many tributes to Kosslick for helming the festival since 2001, this years Berlinale lacked a well received Competition entry. I spoke to a writer colleague who described a film as “Just Boring!” Why the lack of high powered wattage for the creative heads final walk on the red carpet? But with celebration of Dieter continuing, why notice the many mediocre to average films? Instead, focus on the face saving self-congratulatory events took precedent.  The Guardian’s festival review of “hapless” seemed fitting.

I believe women should have more opportunities to direct. Sadly, the film business has not felt this way. But I say, a female helmer can make a Heaven’s Gate like her male counterpart. Being on the political left side of social movements, the Berlinale showcased many women directors. Too bad their films were not up to par. 

I asked about fest opener, screened out of Competition,  The Kindness of Strangers from Danish director Lone Scherfig.  The words used, “Repetitive” and “too long”. The 34 metascore out of 100 says it all. Gender does not make anyone a good filmmaker.  Holland’s Mr. Jones, screened in Competition, nodded audience to sleep with its 141 minutes weightiness. 


Regardless if the Berlinale denies Chat Cinema/Black and Paper accreditation for 2020. Allow as many Instagram Influencers on the red carpet as possible.  This is a festival in a transitional crisis having lost its artistic and commercial way. 

Will Carlo Chatrian change course? One can hope, taking pleasure from attending the Berlinale should not be a mortal sin.

Perhaps I will attend the the 70th edition of the Berlinale. If I am not on the blacklist for honesty. 

Beauty Feature

A Paris Memory

Paris. I look back with so many fond memories. No matter how small or how big, the city inspires.  I had a cafe at a bar in Galeries Lafayette overlooking the make up area. Pure Joy! 

Fashion Feature

Countdown to Milan

The countdown has started. Milan Fashion begins on the 20th.  See all the latest styles from the Italian City of Chic.  We cannot wait.

Fashion Feature Travel

Can This Bag Survive?

I travel a lot. Sadly, most of my luggage does not make it. I was fond of a stylish brand, but after several broken zippers, including a trolley bag breaking at the Milan Airport. Done! Rearranging clothing in an airport is not a glamorous look! At that moment, I decided to look for a new travel bag label.  

My criterial: Durability, and of course it has to look nice. But I think I will place an emphasis on strength. Are the bag’s compements able to hold up during travel? Cheap, plastic components could mean trouble somewhere.

My first question to the Thule of Sweden team at Pitti Uomo in Florence, “What is the guarantee for a check in trolley?” When he said 4 years, the state of surprise on my face was noticeable. I scanned the brands website. Luggage is listed as “limited lifetime”. After a quick recovery, he showed me the new product line. (See Video) A number of details distinguish the luggage include,  contrasting interior and the minimal Scandinavian exterior design. The design leans more on the masculine side. The subterra bag duffel bag comes in an unique square but tubular shape.

The logo branding on the shell, was something I had to think about. I am not a fan of overt labels but if the quality is in the product, I can live with it.

Along with luggage, available are: Back packs and check in luggage.

I have not tested the Thule brand. I may try it. Can their bag survive flying around from one fashion week to another? Then a bus, then a train? Stay Tuned. 

Images and video sponsored by Canon Deutschland.


Our Anniversary

Life is Good

It has been over one year. We quit Instagram to the chagrin of many. Why? Insanity? Lack of followers? How would we survive in an age when so many believe in oversharing? Many thought this action was insane. Amazing how fast time flies. We are still here and doing ok, Instagram Free. 

I can appreciate the amount of time many “influencers” spend on one picture, the interaction with their fans, self esteem based on comments and likes.

However, Black and Paper decided not become a slave to the algorithm system that manipulates insecurities for a smidgen of fame. The joy of sharing overshadowed by digital narcissism. The quest for quick popularity moving as fas as a stroll on a screen. Thriving to show a life not lived, but more about projecting a fantasy in constant branding mode. I wonder how many selfies can a person post? How many selfies can a person see in day? If one scrolls fifty pictures, is the first image recalled?

One Year On! 

After one year, speaking to many professional media people about influencing and influencers there are still questions, many have doubts about how it works or if it works. But fear of missing out drives them. Opinions seem split where the Instagram Hype will go? Some say, “the bubble will pop.” While others firmly believe it will stay and evolve. The verdict is still out.

On a level I recognize the merit of the medium. For the impressionable, for certain products, these consumers look to influencers. Hyper consumption, buy today, wear 7 times, then throw away to buy new, this is the market for influencing, quantity over quality.

Black and Paper philosophy is “buy something that will last”. Have we considered returning to Instagram? No! Imagine spending 1 hour for a post, only 35 likes. We jumped off the merry go round and never looked back. 

Cinema Feature

Did I Say Something Wrong?

A Trapped Artist Inside   

Dealing with bureaucrats with artistic pretensions is a balancing act. On the one hand they crave the hell with life mentality of Fassbinder, the go your own path of a Bowie, the respectability of Nolan mingled with the steady monthly salary of a state tax officer. Nowhere do I see this more than at the Berlinale Film Festival.

After the release of the 2017 petition calling for an overhaul of the film festival I saw many of the artistic and bureaucratic emotions collide. Artist and bureaucrats have thin skin.  I experienced as well as witnessed the staffs defensive sensitive side during the press screenings, the shorten opening press conference, then at the festival. 

Having attended the festival for many years, I support the annual event and films. The Berlinale mixes mainstream cinema to the quirky to the “I Don’t Get it!” 

No need for an opinion if you are small

My criticism of the organization has not been any harder or meaner than the any other site or press outlet. As an attendee,  I stated the reality. Real change has to come on all levels if it is to stay relevant on the circuit. As the film world knows, the Berlinale has been beset by criticisms from all sides. Festival Head Kosslick resigns this year. After last year’s fest and more recently during a “Chat Cinema” podcast we restated our opinions. A complete redo needed if the Berlinale can gain footing on the level as Cannes, Venice, and Sundance festivals. 

I applied for festival access as press, no response. After a quick call, the reply on the other end,  “We will check on it.”  Then a declined notice via email. Never a problem in the past, all of a sudden a problem. Should I call a CSI team to solve the case? A small website critical of the fest, suddenly there is no space for attendance, press credentials denied for Black and Paper.  I was told the press team is being diligent this year. What was their working method in the past? 

After speaking to the press team concerning the declined noticed, they mentioned my YouTube features, it felt like they used it as a homework assignment. The numbers were low and the long videos. The reasoning made no sense: the number of seats limited. A drop in attendance the previous year meant there should be more places in 2019, simple math. 


I asked, if the staff is so Internet Savvy why did not they not see the 24 pictorial, written, and video features produced and published about the 2018 Berlinale festival posted on Black and Additionally, there could have been more features had we written about the films not liked. Instead I  decided to focus on the films liked.  

After sending 10 weblinks from the 2018 coverage, I called the press officer back asking if they wanted more proof.  I am so important the response was,” we are discussing it, it will take a few hours to discuss the application.”  To be the topic of discussion at a film festival by staff should inflate the ego. Instead it feels sad on this side of petty.  Did the Chat Cinema Podcast cause this relationship breakdown?  I was smugly told we did not have time to listen to the long cast.  I had time to endure screening 40 or so films at the film festival, only a few worth processing at a negative lab.

 Can you work for another magazine, was a question from the officer. I responded with a “NO!” This site has been ok for me.  I’m listed in the Berlinale data base, receiving emails from the festival. 

My advice, put together a good festival that engages, not sermonises. Or develop thick skin.

Crystal Ball 

Waiting a “few hours” from 1 pm until 7:48. I posted on Twitter a Chat Cinema tweet. Finally, 54 minutes later an email sent from the Berlinale press office stated my accreditation declined, again. REALLY! The press team spent 7 hours discussing Black and Paper, an honor in a way,  the center of attention of a festival with over 400 films, thousands of attendees and we were singled out. A rejection letter that took an afternoon to write.  There is an saying in the American South, “If people are talking about you, you must be relevant.” “But if they tell you not to come, you must be really relevant!”

Black and Paper will not attend the Berlinale 2019 because we stated our opinion. By and large not suffering from FOMO Syndrome. 


A Healthy Start 2019

Do not think of Champagne as alcohol. Champagne can be a part of a healthy breakfast on January 1st. Vitamin C + Optimism is a way to start the New Year. Instead of a hangover remedy after December 31st. Traditionally, I start the year with a Mimosa in the morning. Why? Because a bright cocktail makes me feel good, optimistic. 

Happy 2019
Happy New Year 

Black and Paper wishes you a Great 2019!

Moet Chandon 

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