
Not REAL But Who Cares?

I had a rather funny yet poignant conversion about how the world works today. Fake It Until You Make It is the modern lifestyle concept Impostor. Yet with this concept comes another term, “Impostor”. Those who can cover their skin with a piece of Fabulousness that gets them in the right place being around the right people wearing the right (usually borrowed) clothes to attract attention. To the untrained eye these Anna Delvey wannabees in waiting will pounce on any unsuspecting victim.

At an event in Berlin, one such Impostor reared the head. To some attendees the fake designer belt worn with a colorful statement jacket caught some interest. A peacock gets attention by displaying plumage. As the event continued to the evening my friend told me the background of this particular bird. A different cheap jacket for a different event is all it takes. The German Capital is not known for its high fashion trend spotting. A polyester blend menswear piece is all it takes to get noticed.

Quote of the Day by Anna Delvey
Quote from the Netflix Series

My blue jeans had more value than Mr. Attention Seeker’s entire outfit but my denim lacked the bling. You see, certain backgrounds in German need to fit in a box, this includes dressing. A Person of Color must have flair to reinforce the categorization. Stereotypes don’t fall so easily. Amazingly, the Impostor had longer and more conversations than the serious attendees, myself included.

Cotton Candy is a decorative sweet but not a meal. My photographer colleague related to me the story of Disco Super group Sister Sledge being in Berlin for a performance. The ladies were not GLAM GLAM upped enough to get noticed compared to the flaunting German Celebs. Only after the platinum selling trio hit the stage did the photographers and press realise their oversight. Luckily for my friend, he was the only picture taker who got Red Carpet photos of the singing trio. The advice he gave me, “You are Sister Sledge” to people. “Dressing in jeans and t-shirts is functional, not attention getting.” SNAP!

Bette Davis Quote on Life

Should I become more of an Impostor? Dress extravagantly? Do I need to change to a flashy Instagram account to get more likes? Those are the questions.



Nothing like a Pandemic to expose a System in Crisis

Boris Johnson had a garden party while telling the nation to lock down, not meet loved ones. All the while the blonde leader snacked on little sandwiches with Champagne. Mr Johnson should study French History. Perhaps it is time for a change at No.10. A Prime Minister in his right frame of mind would do, able to use common sense.

The Australian Open was desperate to get players to the tournament regardless of health status. I think the world could have done with one less game, set and match this year.

The CDC and other health agencies have “revised” their Quarantine Guidelines because of pressure from the corporate sector. Profit and productivity have been infected by a virus that does not understand a balance sheet.

France detected a new variant, but the country was not cut off from the world in the way Southern Africa got cast away a few weeks ago.

European countries are in medieval hysterics blaming the unvaccinated for government failures. Lessons are not learned. During the Black Death certain groups were burned alive cause the masses believed them to be the culprits of the plague. As I wrote, lessons are not learned. The Internet makes it faster to point fingers.

Do Not Take These Guys to a Party

The W.H.O issues repeated proclamations, imagine listening to the same song on the radio for two years. Has this organization alleviated this crisis? Today we learned half of of Europe could be infected. Thank you for the Scare Fest!

Sorry EU Friends, your leaders were no better than Trump handling this. (See Riots in Amsterdam and French Assembly pelted in his home district.) Macron continues to show “leadership” by wanting to make life miserable for those no vaccinated.

President Biden is hiding in the White House Basement. The 46th American leader has taken a hands off approach, Throw over to the state governments. I can’t blame the 79 old. Who would wants responsibility for this on going mess?

The Pharma giants earn $1.000 profit per second. Keep a good thing going, the newly minted Pharma billionaires are skipping their way to the nearest private aircraft dealer.

A former cafe in my neighborhood.

Meanwhile, three weeks ago on my street, a woman had to close her cafe cause of the lock down situation. She told me this during an emotional conversation while holding back her tears.


CSD Berlin 2021

A strange Christopher Street Day Berlin for 2021. How do you celebrate a festival during Covid?

Cinema Feature podcast

Chat Cinema

For this Chat Cinema Podcast the interview centres on Shooting Star pick Actress Seidi Haarla. The Finnish native has an impressive resume with a career that is about to take off.

Fashion Feature

The Pain & The Pleasure

AGAIN! Another reopening, in time for the summer. We have been through this before. A part of me thinks these lockdowns are a trail run for a societal behaviormodification program. But, a least the city opened again. Life is sort of normal. Whatever that means in 2021. 

I decided to meet a good friend at the KaDeWe department store for lunch. How middle class! I got to the front entrance. If only it could have been so simple. NOPE! I woke up early to get a Covid test valid for 24 hours.

A new app has taken the stores by storm, or holding it prisoner, LUCA. All shoppers have to scan the Google bar code before entering establishments. I did not get the memo. A tall handsome blonde security person told me I could not enter without the new tracking tool.

After a twenty minute ordeal of trying to download this tracking app, the door person told us we can show the negative notice and register inside. Really Pamela Anderson! Telling us this information AFTER all the trouble. OK!

Line one for the entrance registration took 3 minutes.

Up to the food floor. All the culinary sections were roped off, one way in or out. Getting to an area was the same as a mouse in a maze searching for the cheese in the center. We decided on the Kartoffelacker, known for potato plates. But first, we had to show our Covid Status, AGAIN! Then filled out another form. Thankfully, the restaurant service was exceptionally attentive. 

After 90 minutes of food, wine and chatting we decided to do some shopping in the 7 floor cathedral of consumption. Down we went to the menswear area. Sadly, nothing was on sale. On the ground floor, heaven and fun. “Dream as if you’ll live forever”, James Dean said. Talking to the sales people at Fendi and Tiffany sales people. My shopping partner loves the Blue Box jeweler. 

Suddenly, I remembered an event that required a gift. Back upstairs for coffee. Guess what! AGAIN! Another form and we had to show the staff our status. 

Chanel Shopping
Chanel and Coffee

Thankfully, there is a stationary department on the 5thfloor with cards and pens. My life was saved. 

Would I go back to the KaDeWe during these times? 


In May

Entering the second year of Covid lockdowns. After 14 months, perhaps, the end of the tunnel is near. “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu. But, the uncertainty continues in every industry. Normally this time of year I’m in a work lull. Few events, not so much to cover because of the summer build up. Mens Fashion Weeks in June, Couture Week in Paris, summer film press junkets before the releases. A quick holiday, then the real work starts. September brings IFA, followed by London, Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks. Not this year. It looks like more virtual events. Can anyone say “YIPPEE” while Zooming? Over the past two days one event after another has been cancelled for 2021. Why? The pandemic, politics combined with ineptness. As the EU grudgingly admits, their vaccine policy roll out leaves a lot to be desired. Political short comings cross boarders.

Leadership + Hubris = Failed

Chancellor Angela Merkel only makes pronouncements with her signature statement“There is no other way” while grabbing more power to demonstraterelevance.For those of you who thought Germans learned their lesson about blindly following leaders without questions, WELL. This writer feels better knowing Germany does not have an offensive army. Are there any wonders why the left leaning political Green Party could make history in September?

The other EU Power leader, President Macron, nothing can choke a person harder than hubris, The Gallic leader has a lot of ego to pass around. As France faces more lockdown time, the natives have grown weary. Emmanuel Macron is fighting on two fronts. His outcomes are far from certain.

With the 2022 election campaign now in swing, a political earthquake could be likely. Marie La Penn closed the polling gap. Could the French Right Wing staple lead the country? It cannot be ruled out. 

Life was full of uncertainty in May 2020. What changed in 2021? 


On Floyd

One of the few times in my life when I have known an American police officer has been found guilty of a killing a man in the open. The George Floyd video shocked a nation and the world. Office Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck reminds all of the contempt law enforcement has for people of colour. And I thought Minneapolis was a liberal city.

This trail and verdict is a landmark. Facing up to 40 years for 3 counts, Chauvin will no doubt appeal the conviction. But today marked a victory. Accountability won the day. Every African American breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Floyd’s death was preventable, tragic.


Failure into Failure

The systemic failure of many European leaders is not glaring. Last year this time Chancellor Merkel with a her scientist background basked in the glow of keeping Germany safe during the initial stages of the Covid-19 outbreak. Whereas Donald Trump chose to deny, then bluster his way through the crisis. The German leaders calm path through looked to be the wining strategy. What a difference a year makes. 

Suddenly, the technocratic Merkel feels lost, out of touch with the desperate reality. The EU’s largest country is struggling to get a grip on the pandemic. Policies have gone off the rails, from the vaccine rollout, fail tracking apps, to never ending lock downs, Berlin’s plan is murky. As confidence in Germany’s weakening leader takes grip, the question now becomes what is next? Clearly, someone in charge needs to devise a new approach to the always shifting course of the pandemic.


Remember the scene from James Cameron’s Titanic? The mighty passenger cruiser hit an iceberg, passenger and crew are in panic while the captain wonders about in a state of shock. Germany is not at this point, but the country cannot take being unsinkable for granted. With politicians giving endless deer in the headlight press conferences, the population is losing faith. Exasperated by the fact that after 12 months of lockdowns, nothing has changed, voters are turning on the CDU. The latest poll places the big tent conservative party only 2 points ahead of the Green party, at 25%.

I have to hand it to the 66 year old head of state, a master tactician to the end. A policy u-turn, an apology, TV appearance, what does she offer? Noting new, but repackaging the same old failed plans with new words. Even her most ardent supporters would have to start asking, “Is Angela Merkel up for the job?” After 16 years in office, a new way of thinking is needed, fast.

Meanwhile, German national elections happen in 6 months. It’s going to be a long summer.


Black Mirror is REAL!

Walking down the Berlin’s most commercial Boulevard on Saturday during the midday. After three months in lockdowns, this is the surreal result. In the old times the side walks would be bustling with shoppers, people hanging out, restaurants teeming. This year, no! As the New Normal grips the world, this once prominent location feels abandoned. Lost in a bygone time, stores are closed, shop locales permanently shuddered. I hope this is not a glimpse of physical retail’s future. Dystopian, a scene from the television show Black Mirror. 

Imagine,,, walking on a cold, lonely street with no people, no place to sit. All because you have a shopping appointment at an exact time. Pretty Bleak.

A third lock down is on the horizon.

Feature podcast

Before Tacky on MFW

What is our option on Milan Fashion Week 2021. Stay tuned, the fashion panel on Beyond Tacky gives its opinion and breakdown.

Milan Fashion Week