
Not Missed?

TISK! TISK! Trump, the Political Foil is gone along with his spotlight antics. No longer do we have those off the cuff Tweets taking over the global front pages. The distractions were laughable yet made many feel safe and superior. But today is a different time. Suddenly, many leaders look shoddy at best, mediocre handling of a crisis without end.

The EU is now finger pointing at everyone for their Corona Virus actions. See AstraZeneca headlines. Chancellor Merkel’s puffy, exhausted face looks as if she has not slept in a week. President Macron has pulled another vanishing act, while EU head Von Der Leyen is in the “blame anyone with a pulse” mode for the blocs on going Virus Vaccine disaster.

Meanwhile, The Netherlands is on the edge after 3 nights of Covid Riots. Hundreds have been arrested, with city mayors declaring the country could be headed for civil war.

At least Prime Minister Johnson apologized for his government’s failures. It may not be enough to save him from voter’s wrath.

Spain ran out of vaccines. Portugal is asking for international help. In China, there is a new outbreak possibly forcing millions back into quarantine.

A Plan Based On Hope Is Not a Plan

The Democratic Party hopes platitudes and announcements will cover up the reality of “they have no real plan.” California Democratic Governor Newsom wants to reopen the state. Newsroom’s new business as usual approach in the middle of new more aggressive home grown Covid strain makes sense only to a man saying a pray over and over again in his head.

Newly elected President Biden claims 100 million could be vaccinated by the fall. There is no real structure in place for such an operation. Good intentions can only paper over leadership failings for so long.

We may not have liked Donald, despised him. But without his headlines to distract us, focusing on today’s headlines and leaders is alarming.

For some reason, today, I think a lot country heads miss President Trump. If I were their shoes, I would.


7 Days 7 Restaurants

I think the one occasion many of us during the lockdowns is the ability to go out for dinner. Let’s keep hope alive. When this is all over start the celebrations. Everyone should plan today for the day of the liftings. Make a list of seven restaurants, then go a different one every night.


Headlines 11-1-2021

A quick take on Headlines from around the world.

Tech Banning

Donald Trump got banned from the big tech platforms. Facebook and Twitter shut down the accounts of the soon to be ex President over the storming of the Capital last Week. It sets a dangerous precedent. Who’s next? Why? I am not a fan of the 45th American leader but a full shut down goes too far. Tech companies have a lot of enemies. Now, they have more even more.


What is a day without Covid News. Europe struggles to get a grip on the virus. As it rages across the continent governments are caught between a rock and hard place. As more restrictions are placed on an already burdened population this winter looking for a way out, fatigue is setting in. Vaccines roll outs have been less than competent. Skepticism is high, pressure is building.

Trump Impeachment

Once Again the current Commander and Chief is facing yet another impeachment from House Democrats 9 days before he leaves office. This performative exercise stands no chance of getting past the GOP Senate. In a country wrecked by political division, Pelosi decides to add fuel to a flame. The House Speaker known as a Washington insider with unmatched Beltway skills looks over the top.

Sex and City Redux

The iconic show to fabulous materialism is making a comeback on HBO Max. I have mixed feelings. The centre of the old show was fawning over a pair Manolo’s. In the 2021 Depression this looks out of place. Secondly, Kim Cattrall is absent. Let’s face it. Without Samantha’s sexual man-eating quips it won’t be the same. Some ideas are better left in a discussion room.

Fashion Weeks

Tis the season of the fashion week calendar. Mensweek kicks off with some very muted events. With a population holed up inside and home offices the norm. The demand for suits look dim.

Stay Safe. If you going through a bad time. Keep Going until until you hit a Sale at Ferragamo. Then Treat Yourself!

Fashion Feature

On Sale At Neiman Marcus

Not all is BAD! There are moments we have to have a bit of a Shirley Temple Outlook during these troubling times. Neiman Marcus has 70% off sales.

If the world is coming to an end you might as well go out clutching a nice bag with a great look. I would HATE for some future Archeologist to dig me up from the ruins of Civilization and I am dressed BADLY! HORRIFIC!

The Struggling Retailer is having Great Markdowns.

NO! I am endorsing Neiman Marcus. Normally, I do not shop in the American Store. It was out of my budget. Now, at least I can think about it.


An Empire Implodes

I would like to say the images of the seize of Capital Hill Washington DC shocked me. In some way “yes” in some ways “no”. Coming from the American South, traditionally, Whites enforced their wills by storming State and County Houses to enforce Jim Crow laws or worse, for lynchings.

The United States has been on an implosion trajectory for decades. The level of despair, inequality, wars and Covid 19 running wild in a country that failed to looked after its citizens. This dry grass needed a spark. Trump unpacked his flame thrower.

19thcentury painter Thomas Cole painting series “America” shows a proud land similar in mentality of the Roman Empire. All empires fall, Rome’s was brutal. Did the curtain on the American Empire come down on January 6th? Certainly for the “Exceptionalism Theory”, history proves the US will not be an exception. 

The governing class got a taste of what could come. Social Media images of protesters taking the building with little police opposition made world wide headlines. Who can forget the picture from Speaker Pelosi’s desk? The shirtless horned hat man has become an international celebrity. Expect media deals after the FBI gets finished with him.

As For The Democrats and Republicans

Could the GOP be repentant after years of deciding only they can govern? After seeing some tepid condemnations and a fiery speech by one House of Rep member. My hopes were dashed. Donald’s 76 million voters made clear they are force to be reckoned. The disciples are waiting for a new leader.

As for the so called “opposition”. Democrats are in the clouds looking for corporate parachutes after “public service”.

Cole witnessed the enthusiasm mixed with arrogance of a newly confident country challenging old world European Empires. The English born artist painted “Consummation” . Meaning consumption and prosperity of a Wealthy Empire. “Destruction”, the forth in “The Course of Empire” series paints a scene of violence, an empire dying. The guy had insight 170 years ahead of his time.

Complaceny was a victim yesterday on the steps of the Capital. Heed the visions from past. Empires implode.


Where the Wilds Things Are!

Breaking the montony of the most recent Lockdown, I went to Tierpark Zoo. Many zoos are suffering a decline in visitors due to the Coronavirus. The two Berlin attractions requested people visit their attractions to help offset revenue losses.  A pleasant way to get out of the house, please support your local Zoo.



The top Champagne Brand in the world goes to Moet and sister brands, Dom Perignon and Veuve Clicquot, which sold a combined 64.7 million bottles with prices starting at $40 a bottle.

Moet Chandon tops the list

Celebrate the New Year with the drink celebrations.

Sadly, Champagne sales dropped 23% in 2020 due to closures resulting in 100 million unsold bottles this year. Let’s get rid rid of that stat in 2021. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Champagne Statistics from:

Fashion Feature

Sales Can Help

After Christmas, the sales season starts. This year many local stores and independent fashion brand/designers face challenges. Please show them your support with your purchases.


Wishing You Happiness

2020 has been an extraordinary year. Christmas feels like Groundhog Day meets Black Mirror.

Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.



Shopping at the KaDeWe two days before Christmas.