The next Chat Cinema Podcast takes a turn. We dedicated this episode to profile an actor. Stay Tuned.
Category: podcast
Black and Paper covers a number of topics with interviews and news with out podcasts. If you need a tip to travel or what to wear, just check out Clipper Travel or Before Tacky or Men Reloaded podcasts.
In these times when we are being asked to “Stay Inside” it is important to still have connect with colleagues. The Chat Cinema gang got together over Skype to have a conversation about films. Our stay home recommendations to watch until the crisis is over. Some surprises happened over the course of the 4 way digital meet up.
Bonus films we recommend.
Kristin-Breakfast at Tiffanys
Sofia-Working Girl
Steve-Crimes and Misdemeanors
Breck-Blazing Saddles
Please Stay In during this Crisis. The medical services have there hands full at this time. We wish everyone to be safe.
Men Reloaded-Bulge or Man Spread
For this episode of Men Reloaded Podcast we discuss a certain trait of the male gender, Man Spread. If the bulge is prominent should you look or turn away if the guy is sexy.
Episode 1 of the new podcast series Men Reloaded. Man Spreading is wrong,, but,..
Men Reloaded

I wanted to finish the first Podcast episode today. Hopefully tomorrow. I had a few glitches. Stay Tuned.
The last Chat Cinema of the year. A bit of a conversation about the state of Cinema. Many auteurs are having a hard time adapting to the new trend of Hollywood. Director Martin Scorsese comments raised many eyebrows.
This inspiration for this podcast comes from a recent New York Times article.
Men Reloaded
Men taking Blue Pills don’t think! That’s the Problem!

The Black and Paper original podcast coming soon. Why waste an experience? We turned it into a series. Stay Tuned for episode #1