
LFW in the New Normal

The first fashion week in the “New Normal”, London Fashion Week goes digital. An event once exclusive to fashion insiders, LFW is now available to the public via Internet. 

In comparison to the other fashion capitals, London’s beats the other cities with its experimentation, a quirky stance on style. Does this translate to digital? In a manner of speaking “no”. On screen,  the awe value is lessened.  The spectacle is not as spectacular.  

Adding to this, he value of having fashion weeks comes into question as the industry faces pressure on many fronts. Magazines have lost relevance. Retailers are closing stores. Shoppers have cut back on none essential purchases.  

I hope next year LFW goes live again. 

 I like this:

Looks from Kaushik Velendra 

A veteran of Louis Vuitton, Daniel  Fletcher interprets menswear and streetwear designs into minimalistic fluidity.   Harry Styles wears his suits.