Black and Paper follow up to an earlier story on the IGA.
Berlin is a city that oozes culture and nightlife, so many places to go a person could get lost in the urban jungle. If you need a bit of nature to recharge the battery while getting a new perspective on the German Capital check out the IGA Berlin 2017 event in Marzahn district. The different landscape settings are inspiring. I loved it!
Not sure what to make of Raf Simons and his Nightmare inspired collection at Calvin Klein. It feels like the present climate has inspired him in a dark way. Did I like the looks? Not really.
Brock Collection was lovely in the forms; feminine, soft, body hugging.
Ulla Johnson was effervescent with a lot of white linen.
Is Blackberry making a comeback? The sleek and sexy smartphone brand was looking good in the form of the KEYone.
Livall has a smart tech helmet for cyclists with many features including hands free phone use, smart lighting, and speakers. The BH51 style comes in many colors.
Urban ears mixed Scandinavian minimalism with the latest technology. The Baggen connected speakers work on many style levels whether you want the fashionable black color or the eco-green, the sound delivery is sharp.
The Amazon AI system “Alexa” is making inroads and showing this year. Amazon has start-up funding for voice interaction technology initiatives.
Advance active wear ear buds from Jabra. Not only do the ear pieces record the sports users activity but the hi-tech devices act as a digital motivated.
Chic Fashion Tech from Batband, a bone conduction system band that rests on the head. Features are controlled by touch control.
Black and Paper Highlights from IFA Press Day 1 August 30th.
So much to see and experience today from the world’s largest consumer tech fair, connected houses, smart devices, and wireless were the themes of the day.
Skullcandy introduced a new series of premium but affordable headphones. Sleek, soft, and wireless, the Hesh listening devices have long battery life.
Miele says it has taken cooking to the next level with The Dialog oven centered-on M Chef Technology. The appliance offers 70% faster cooking time than regular ovens. The Dialog can cook an entire meal at once; meat, green vegetables, and potatoes. M Chef is an electromagnetic wave system that communicates with the food texture. According to the company, food is cooked harmoniously resulting in better tasty meals.
Bang & Oluffsen’s Beosound Shape, a wireless speaker system with a bespoke design element for the wall with noise dampers. The speaker’s fittings are wall mounted but in an unobtrusive manner. As a music lover, I liked what I heard.
Robert Bosch introduced high end connected products the healthy mixer was a highlight.
Siemens displayed a connected home with a control panel from an automobile.
Siemens Living Room
Miele Dialog Oven
Bosch Mixer
Hesh from Skullcandy
Bang & Olusfen Beosound
IFA is a yearly consumer electronics tradeshow in Berlin, Germany.