
Marshall Major III: A Tech Review

Headphones are objects of tech popularity. Black is the new Black with centered white letters is the latest style trend in my fitness circle. While at the gym I noticed a number of members using Marshall’s. The connected fit sect has moved on to a new brand. Bold colored head devices with a stylized “b” are not longer favored judging by my daily observations on the treadmill.

The Marshall Major III Bluetooth over ear headphones look good. On the box it says “30+ hours of wireless playtime.” Does it live to the hype? It was hard for me to disprove. I used the headphones without charging for 24 hours.  When the device is low on power, there is an audio tone.  The recharging time was fast.  A red light on the right ear pad indicates charging.  A white light means full.

 A high tech device but simple to use. The left side gold colored button the left side controls volume, bluetooth connection, change tracks, respond to calls. Connecting to Bluetooth was easy, the connection was constant, no problems or interruptions, whether wearing them while walking around my flat or roaming a large workspace.

On an aesthetic level the Major III is designed with comfort for long term use. The weight is 180 grams or 6.28 oz.The square shaped ear cups feel nice, each side is labeled “LEFT”, “RIGHT”.

The sound quality is good in wireless mode. A cord, with microphone, are included for connected activity. As well, there is a charging cable.  

If you have been following me, you know I am not a fan of overt branding on items I wear. I am not being paid to be a walking billboard. But with headphone gear, wearing branded devices over your ears represent you are a part of a club The cursive logo brand “Marshall” is on the ear cups.

Marshall III

Overall, I understand why the Marshall III is popular at my gym.  The headset is a combination of dependability and style.

Price is $79 dollars online at


Black and Paper Christmas List 2016 AfterShockz

Tech Q&A Review from Black and Paper 

aftershockzThe AfterShockz Wireless Trekz Titanium Headphones are connected via Bluetooth to smartphones and other listening devices.  They are good for running, and other exercise.

What did you like about the AfterShockz Wireless?

While I am riding my bike using the headsets I can hear everything around me, in traffic this is important for safety. I can use wear them with my helmet.  Because the sound travels along the jawbone my ears are free.  The headsets are easy to connect to different devices.  I wore them around the house while doing other things they were very comfortable, the fit was snug.

When I was in the room I could listen to two different sources. I am the type of to have a conversation and listen to my audio book.  I listened to football games while sitting on my terrace.

Was there a disadvantage with wireless technology?

The sound quality dropped a bit with music.

How was the battery charge?

Fine, I managed to listen to a hold game and then some on one charge.

Would you recommend AfterShockz Headset?

Yes, my work colleague asked me about it.  He bought one for himself and his girlfriend.

On a scale of 1 to 10 what would you score the device? 8.5

AfterShockz Wireless Trekz Titanium Headphones are available in stores and online.