Inspiration from a TMI Moment

A person never knows when or why an inspiring time will trigger an idea: looking at a painting, hearing a piece of music or from a TMI moment. Everton McDougall got triggered to start his brand Haus by Everton from a frank conversation. The Toronto native needed comfortable and stylish home gear during the lockdown.… Continue reading Inspiration from a TMI Moment

Sustainable Red Carpet

Sustainable Fashion on the Red Carpet is subject of the next podcast. For the Cannes Film Festival, fashion brand CRUBA made a VCR Tape Dress. How did the bold woven look get created for Actress Eugenia Kuzmina? Stay tuned for the Before Tacky Podcast.

Intagram’s Fast Fashion Affect

An excerpt from Before Tacky Podcast the team spoke about Instagram’s affect on fast fashion. Trying to live the large life while caring about sustainable fashion is a contradiction for the social media set.

What Goes Into Making An Amazing Hat

The second part of the Before Tacky Podcast with Borsalino Head of Styling Jacopo Politi and Actress Eugenia Kuzmina talk about the Headwear design and what goes into making an amazing hat.