

Nothing like a Pandemic to expose a System in Crisis

Boris Johnson had a garden party while telling the nation to lock down, not meet loved ones. All the while the blonde leader snacked on little sandwiches with Champagne. Mr Johnson should study French History. Perhaps it is time for a change at No.10. A Prime Minister in his right frame of mind would do, able to use common sense.

The Australian Open was desperate to get players to the tournament regardless of health status. I think the world could have done with one less game, set and match this year.

The CDC and other health agencies have “revised” their Quarantine Guidelines because of pressure from the corporate sector. Profit and productivity have been infected by a virus that does not understand a balance sheet.

France detected a new variant, but the country was not cut off from the world in the way Southern Africa got cast away a few weeks ago.

European countries are in medieval hysterics blaming the unvaccinated for government failures. Lessons are not learned. During the Black Death certain groups were burned alive cause the masses believed them to be the culprits of the plague. As I wrote, lessons are not learned. The Internet makes it faster to point fingers.

Do Not Take These Guys to a Party

The W.H.O issues repeated proclamations, imagine listening to the same song on the radio for two years. Has this organization alleviated this crisis? Today we learned half of of Europe could be infected. Thank you for the Scare Fest!

Sorry EU Friends, your leaders were no better than Trump handling this. (See Riots in Amsterdam and French Assembly pelted in his home district.) Macron continues to show “leadership” by wanting to make life miserable for those no vaccinated.

President Biden is hiding in the White House Basement. The 46th American leader has taken a hands off approach, Throw over to the state governments. I can’t blame the 79 old. Who would wants responsibility for this on going mess?

The Pharma giants earn $1.000 profit per second. Keep a good thing going, the newly minted Pharma billionaires are skipping their way to the nearest private aircraft dealer.

A former cafe in my neighborhood.

Meanwhile, three weeks ago on my street, a woman had to close her cafe cause of the lock down situation. She told me this during an emotional conversation while holding back her tears.


Black Friday Shopping 2021

To do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome is insanity. Einstein

For the second Christmas in Berlin the city has been placed on Covid restrictions. Did it work last year? It’s according who you ask. Back to where we started from in 2021. The difference from 2020: 2G and 3G, show proof of vaccination and identification to enter shops.

On the busies day shopping days of the year the consequences of these new policies. The possible death of brick and mortar retail in Berlin. The make or break Christmas Buying Season can mean up to 50% of annual retail profits.

In the German capital, malls and retailers have struggled during the crisis, resulting with many chains closing branches and reducing hours.

This past Black Friday Saturday I visited local shopping areas and stores. The cold weather and rain would put off even the most devoted bargain hunter, add to the inconvenience waiting in line outside in gray 5 degree celsius weather.

Wet and Cold Wait

I drop in to the Alexander Platz anchor store Galeria Kaufhaus. Thankfully, I went to the old TopShop entrance to avoid the crowd. The line only took 2 minutes. After walking around for 30 minutes, I would not call the 5 floor location “wall to wall busy”.

Next, The boutique shopping district Hackersham Market. All the stores had the 2G sign in the windows, but not so many shoppers in the stores.

Jumping on the Sbahn, next stop KuDamn, the main shopping street in the West with all its posh stores.

The luxury department store KaDeWe had a long line, but this time, unlike last year, there was a bit of assurance the line would move fast mixed with entertainment the 2G line would move fast.

After entering, my first thought, where was the crowd? I expected a lot more for the Berlin’s shopping mecca. Making my way up stairs, the food floor was jammed, clearly visitors were more interested in a bite to eat than the 50% off fashion promotions.

As for or Mitte’s Galeries Lafeyette and Potsdamer Platz Mall of Berlin in the late afternoon, the throngs of buyers went missing.

Buying a Bottle
Buying a Bottle

Physical Christmas shopping will suffer these days, no doubt. I went shopping on the day the Omicron variant became a global headline.

This writer ended up buying a bottle Champagne.


CSD Berlin 2021

A strange Christopher Street Day Berlin for 2021. How do you celebrate a festival during Covid?


A Modern Decameron

An interview with artist and film director Rita Hui on her film Decameron. A

Your film is about resilience, how would define this? 

I think after 2019, we (the Hong Kong people) have ben mental prepared about the action from the government. During the time in 2019, one of the slogan which become the most important mind set of HK people “攪炒” “ Laam Chow”, what’s the meaning is “I want mutual destruction”/ “I want damage on all sides”/ “If we burn, you burn with us”. We have prepare the worst scenario, so we won’t surprise of what the government will do to the people. Also. The resisted become the daily activity, that is the normal life we have during the time in 2020, after the social movement in 2019. 

Everyday life in Hong Kong seemed routined, what were you saying to the audience with these settings?

One of the question we asked mostly in the early 2020: “How can we go back to the normal life?” and the further question is “ What’s normal life?” That’s the question we asked when we start to brainstorming the production, and also we want to capture the change of our daily life routine. Authority can easily change the daily routine, and the people can’t do anything to responded. When I go back to the history, hong kong history, and I found the pattern of history was make. The history is repeated. This is not the first time, to give a chance of the authority to control the people freedom. How we re-created the narrative of the daily routine, which is important.  

The Decameron, tales set during a plague, your title “Decameron” please explain the reference.

After finishing the film, we concerned that how can we explain, or situate the theme of film for overseas audience by creating an English name. Decameron came across in my mind, it is a 14th-century Italian novel by Boccaccio. This novel set its plot during a pandemic society, several people escaped from that pandemic and start telling story each other to kill time. Those stories revealed how the society was corrupted. The link between Decameron and nowadays Hong Kong is the downward spiral like initiating National Security Law (which means Reform in the point of view of government) happening in every single day, under the shadow of Covid-19 pandemic. And through the film, you can read different pieces of ours daily life, especially before NSL, it is a hybrid situation (we fight against the Virus and fight for freedom).

Hong Kong is a city with a complicated past, forced separation, now, what looks an unwilling reunification, with parts in different worlds, as a person and a city, how do you process these positions?  

This is a very difficult question. I don’t know how to position myself nowadays. The complicated past of Hong Kong, the colonial city, the immigration people, what we learn about democracy and freedom, human right from the past history, we hope we can be the master of our city. Now, the National Security Law become everything,  we don’t have the free speech anymore, we cant have our own emotion and creativity, we cant stand on our position, even I don’t know maybe my film is “allowed” or not “allowed” to show in Hong Kong under the red line. We don’t know where’s the red line. The film, maybe become the evidence of crime, that would make our crew in danger. Are we breaking the laws? I don’t know. What’s Law? What’s the nation security?

Why the nation security much important than people safety? We have lot of question, especial nowadays. In 2020, the daily routine I want to created in Decameron, which is the resisted from daily life. But in 2021, we hear the bad news day by day, and we can’t do anything. The powerless feeling become our collective emotion, and we don’t know what is next. The film, maybe cannot pass the censorship in Hong Kong, and the film for Hong Kong which is not able to be show in Hong Kong. 

Decameron was screened at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Fashion Feature

The Pain & The Pleasure

AGAIN! Another reopening, in time for the summer. We have been through this before. A part of me thinks these lockdowns are a trail run for a societal behaviormodification program. But, a least the city opened again. Life is sort of normal. Whatever that means in 2021. 

I decided to meet a good friend at the KaDeWe department store for lunch. How middle class! I got to the front entrance. If only it could have been so simple. NOPE! I woke up early to get a Covid test valid for 24 hours.

A new app has taken the stores by storm, or holding it prisoner, LUCA. All shoppers have to scan the Google bar code before entering establishments. I did not get the memo. A tall handsome blonde security person told me I could not enter without the new tracking tool.

After a twenty minute ordeal of trying to download this tracking app, the door person told us we can show the negative notice and register inside. Really Pamela Anderson! Telling us this information AFTER all the trouble. OK!

Line one for the entrance registration took 3 minutes.

Up to the food floor. All the culinary sections were roped off, one way in or out. Getting to an area was the same as a mouse in a maze searching for the cheese in the center. We decided on the Kartoffelacker, known for potato plates. But first, we had to show our Covid Status, AGAIN! Then filled out another form. Thankfully, the restaurant service was exceptionally attentive. 

After 90 minutes of food, wine and chatting we decided to do some shopping in the 7 floor cathedral of consumption. Down we went to the menswear area. Sadly, nothing was on sale. On the ground floor, heaven and fun. “Dream as if you’ll live forever”, James Dean said. Talking to the sales people at Fendi and Tiffany sales people. My shopping partner loves the Blue Box jeweler. 

Suddenly, I remembered an event that required a gift. Back upstairs for coffee. Guess what! AGAIN! Another form and we had to show the staff our status. 

Chanel Shopping
Chanel and Coffee

Thankfully, there is a stationary department on the 5thfloor with cards and pens. My life was saved. 

Would I go back to the KaDeWe during these times? 


Biking in the 21st Century

Spring time in Berlin means bike riding. The cycling lanes have been widened to encourage more cycle ridership. I tried an electric Van Moof last year. The Dutch brand has made a name for itself in the mobile tech field with it’s uniquely designed durable city bikes. When you see the bike, you know it. 

This is not the 70’s Chopper bike, just jump on and ride. In 2021 there is no fun without connecting to a smartphone. Download the Van Moof application for the easy set up.

The most recognizable Van Moof feature is the integrated design with technology.

For some reason while Peddling around Mitte, it felt as if I were piloting Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet, a smooth ride. The store employee told me to press a button for speed. I had a clear path, I tapped the Boost Button, suddenly, VROOM!

Digital Lock

There is no need for lock. HUH! With the high anti thief system; the stealth lock and alarm discourages event the most determined bike napper. All bikes can be tracked. If your 2.000 euro investment happens to get stolen, Van Moof track it down, then return it. If return is not possible, the company will give you a new one. I had a look of disbelief when the store attended told me about this feature.

What I did not like about the model I used was the recharging feature. Living on the 5thfloor, a 100 stir climb with a bike for recharging, not in my book! But there is a portable recharging unit.

Van Moof is trendy and practical and fun in a time of peddle power. But, the price could put many off. Secondly, there is a lot of tech in the bike. A Van Moof can only be repaired at on the company’s centers.

My conclusion, I really liked the Van Moof. Would I buy one? Tempting. Technology combined the simple pleasure of bike riding on the city streets.

If in Berlin head over to the Van Moff store in Mitte at 42 Torstrasse for a test ride. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and admire their product. 


7 Days 7 Restaurants

As the world eases lockdowns, please support local restaurants. Many have been struggling during the pandemic. Your neighbourhood eatery contributes to the area, managed by small business owners.

We came up with the 7 Days, 7 Restaurants plan. The simple breakdown: go to a different locale over the a seven day period.

Stay Safe. Enjoy Life. Bon Appetite!

A roast dish from a Brandenburg Eatery.

Black Mirror is REAL!

Walking down the Berlin’s most commercial Boulevard on Saturday during the midday. After three months in lockdowns, this is the surreal result. In the old times the side walks would be bustling with shoppers, people hanging out, restaurants teeming. This year, no! As the New Normal grips the world, this once prominent location feels abandoned. Lost in a bygone time, stores are closed, shop locales permanently shuddered. I hope this is not a glimpse of physical retail’s future. Dystopian, a scene from the television show Black Mirror. 

Imagine,,, walking on a cold, lonely street with no people, no place to sit. All because you have a shopping appointment at an exact time. Pretty Bleak.

A third lock down is on the horizon.


Click and Meet Berlin

Today I got a message from the KaDeWe regarding my Click and Meet experience. How do I out it? Horrible. If I ever wanted to feel what it was like to live in the U.S.S.R circa 1972. I had a taste of it on Saturday at 1:00, standing outside in the cold wet weather waiting in a long line to go shopping in Berlin’s luxury department store. 

After three months of closure, German retailers reopened on the March 8th. Finally, a place to go other than a discount supermarket. But, there is a catch. Spontaneous shopping is no more. A relic not fitting in today’s world. As we can read, Merkel and crew are grasping by finger nails to the Covid situation, but had to bow to economic pressure.

Click and Collect means making an online shopping appointment online for one hour. I made three wanting to see what was on sale. As my friend said, “ they will have to pay us to take their unsold merchandise”. Stores have 3 seasons of unsold merchandise. Snazzing myself up a bit for a shopping day. Be careful what you wish for. I had to wear a Ffp2 mask for the 35 minute metro journey to City West. 


I arrived at my first appointment, the flagship Peek and Cloppenberg store. Normally, the six door grand entrance buzzes with customers rushing in and out. This time you have to check in through one door with security staff all asking if you have an appointment. I did, but the awkward sensation of being asking to shop, strange. Not a lot of people shopping in the store at 11:00. The end result, I bought nothing.

An eerily silent KuDamm at 12:30 on a Saturday.

Having a bit of time, I went next door to KaDeWe for my next appointment one hour early. Not a long line, perhaps I could get in early. Not happening! Security enforced the appointment times, 1:00 meant 1:00, no early entrances.

Wondering around a dead Kudamm, no cafes, no random shopping cause I made no appointments. Rain, cold, wet with no where to go for for seventy-two minute wait.

Finally, 13:00. Walking up to the KaDeWe, a long, long, line. I asked two guys, “All of you have an Appointment?” “Yes!” I walked to the back of the line after asking security how long of a wait. The five minute reply was met with scepticism.

I met a woman waiting to enter. Asking her opinion of the situation, the response, “CASTROPHE!”

Finally, people moved towards the door. Heading up the escalators, mens area first floor. Busy, busy, shoes on sale at half price. Tempting. In the end, I left the menswear floor empty handed.

Wondering up the famed food area, really crowded. My standard buys are the cakes and bread from Lenotre. Then, a wonder around to the Champagne area. Nothing on sale in the sparkling wines section.

On To The Next One

After thirty five minutes, enough. The feeling was lost. A cordoned off luxury store, a timetable to shop, not for me, exit, left door.

My last Click and Meet appoint, the most French spot in Berlin, Galeries Lafayette. Arriving early, I managed to get in however I had to take a number. The sales were ok, but the far from crowded store had a sort of Twilight Zone feel. I kept asking myself, “Why Do I need to buy this?”

The food section, my favourite, I bought baguettes, cheese and a brioche, leaving the store through the side door.

An honest opinion of the Click and Meet plan, another knife in brick and mortar retail. The government wants us to shop online.


The Shooting Stars 21

This year I rejoined the press junket for the European Film Promotion’s European Shooting Stars Program, virtual of course. The initiative serves as a platform to promote and showcase European Talent on the global stage. Since 1998 many famous faces have passed through the door moving on to becoming recognized performers in the entertainment industry. Daniel Craig, Carey Mulligan, Michaela Coel and 1917 star George McCay are a few examples of the talents who leaped to fame after their EFP debuts.

This year casting directors and filmmakers chose 10 European talents:

Abrecht Stork from Germany, Fionn O’Shea from Ireland, Natasa Stork from Hungary, Nicolas Maury from France, Alba Baptista from Portugal and Sara Klimoska from North Macedonia and Gustav Lindh from Sweden.

For 2021 I interviewed Martijn Lakemeier from The Netherlands, Seidi Haarla from Finland and Zygimante Elena Jakstaite of Lithuania. Normally there is face to face time but for 2021, we had one on one Zoom conferences. Hopefully, in June the live ceremony will take place in Berlin. I have my fingers crossed.

It is always inspiring to be one of the first to interview a raising media figure. I like saying “I interviewed him or her when they started”.

Congratulations to all the winners. Well deserved. I look forward to seeing them on the screen.

Stay tuned for the one on one interviews on the Chat Cinema Podcasts.