I started looking over the Instagram accounts of the some of the big department stores. All express solidarity with Black Lives Matter. It is great PR. However, sadly, the shopping experience has not changed over the decades. When I went shopping in the American South with my family as a child I remember store staff… Continue reading Has It Changed? Not Much!
Tag: black lives Matter
Will Anna Stay?
The famous silhouette at Fashion Week for the past 32 years. The perfectly coiffed helmut hairstyle. Oversized sunglasses. Statement Necklace. Calf-length dresses. Admired, feared, and copied, Anna Wintour commanded attention. Whether on purpose or not, when she entered the room her presence was felt far and wide. As the daughter of famous newspaper editor Charles… Continue reading Will Anna Stay?
Yes, It’s Real
The diversity question is first and forefront in the fashion business. Triggered by global protests, a reckoning is taking place. Are fashion environments racists? An industry in need of different voices, falling short when it comes to inclusion, fashion is an elitist field until recently only for the few living on 5th avenue in New York.
I’ll give my opinion on fashion using this crisis to boast its “diversity” credentials. Not happening here! Let’s me keep it 100! Stay Tuned for my views.
The State We Are In!
As the George Floyd Uprising continues in the United States and around the world. I can look and wonder how a tragic video of man slowing having the life choked out him became a movement. This is not the first time such a video has been seen. Why did this one hit home? A combination… Continue reading The State We Are In!
On George Flyod
Appalled but not surprised by George Flyod. Here are thoughts.
A New View
Yes. I am watching the news from America. I wish I could say I am in a State of Shock! Nope. I saw the LA Rodney King protest. Decades later, the same triggers, the police force is not to protect serve segments of the population but repressed them. Now, the world sees it on Social… Continue reading A New View
19th Century Lifestyle
Not a topic normally covered by Black and Paper. However, recent headlines have been a brick in the face reminder of life as an African American. An altercation can have a lamentable conclusion. The past 2 weeks illustrate the precarious existence of being Black in America. The check list is real. I have been pulled… Continue reading 19th Century Lifestyle
Encore 24 Musicians rally around “Black Lives Matter
From Black and Paper’s media partner France 24 Encore comes a story of support for Black Lives Matter from leading musicians. Click on the link below: http://www.france24.com/en/20160718-music-black-lives-matter-police-violence-alexis-taylor-piano-fnac-live-festival