
Has It Changed? Not Much!

I started looking over the Instagram accounts of the some of the big department stores. All express solidarity with Black Lives Matter.  It is great PR. 

However, sadly, the shopping experience has not changed over the decades.  When I went shopping in the American South with my family as a child I remember store staff following us around. It was part of the routine. 2020, looking over the social media comments, not much has changed, the times or even the geography.   Even SPENDING money can be a challenge,

Here are some comments on various retailers social media threads:


Will Anna Stay?

The famous silhouette at Fashion Week for the past 32 years. The perfectly coiffed helmut hairstyle. Oversized sunglasses. Statement Necklace. Calf-length dresses. Admired, feared, and copied, Anna Wintour commanded attention. Whether on purpose or not, when she entered the room her presence was felt far and wide. 

Vogue Head Anna Wintour 

As the daughter of famous newspaper editor Charles Wintour, publishing runs through her veins. Vogue USA sits at the top of a diminishing fashion magazine landscape besieged by the digital platforms. Now the resurgence of Black Lives Matter has placed the once venerated title and its editor in a cross hairs.   As the pressure mounts for a more socially responsible outlook, many want answers about the lack of diverse voices in the fashion field, particularly at Vogue. Will Anna Survive?

The “C” Word  

In Anna’s defense, her first cover model was Naomi Campbell in 1989. But, in 2020 the entire organization feels like a social club trapped in an episode of “Mad Men”. First, Andre Talley, former Vogue Editor at Large, released excepts from his book calling Wintour “A Colonial Broad”. OUCH!

Side Note: I plan on reading Mr. Talley’s book “The Chiffon Trenches”. I have some questions with a raised eyebrow concerning his new found “Identity” and “Sour Grapes” tell all.

I cannot remember a designer or creative of color championed by her or anyone at the publication. Based In New York City, I fail to see why it was difficult to find a Black Photographer. It took singer Beyonce to insist on one for her cover shoot. Former African American staff members (the few who worked there) complained of bad treatments and lazy stereotypes.

Can She Stay? 

If a letter to Vogue staff on lack of support for African American Staff members was suppose to put out the fire, it only threw gasoline on a flame. Conde Nast Chairman Roger Lynch during a staff phone call defended the embattled Editor in Chief. Stating, “Wintour is staying put”. But with opens calls inside and out insisting on her resignation, it is hard to see how this corporate position is sustainable.

How will fashion handle this increasing awkward relationship? A one time asset suddenly has the potential of being a liability at fashion week. Social Media could be unforgiving if that scrutinizing silent gaze is sitting front row.

My Thoughts 

As for my real opinion. It was no secret many publishing houses were and are cultural insensitive.  I would not have met the “hiring profile”.  Vogue USA never impressed me on the creative level. It did not take risks. Nor did I find it particularly stimulating or at the forefront of style. It was about the establishment. Who made into the club. However, guilty as charged, I read the September issue.

Earning a reputation for control, Anna Wintour has learned as the rest of us, no one is in control during these times.


Yes, It’s Real

The diversity question is first and forefront in the fashion business. Triggered by global protests, a reckoning is taking place.  Are fashion environments racists?  An industry in need of different voices, falling short when it comes to inclusion, fashion is an elitist field until recently only for the few living on 5th avenue in New York.  

I made a quick video on my interactions, views and experiences.

I hope fashion makes meaningful long-lasting changes.  Not just following a # for the shake of social media legitimacy.  The industry talks the talk.  But fall short when it comes to the walk.



I’ll give my opinion on fashion using this crisis to boast its “diversity” credentials. Not happening here! Let’s me keep it 100!  

Stay Tuned for my views.


The State We Are In!

As the George Floyd Uprising continues in the United States and around the world. I can look and wonder how a tragic video of man slowing having the life choked out him became a movement. This is not the first time such a video has been seen. Why did this one hit home? A combination of many of the perfect storm. An African American man hunted and murdered in Georgia. A Bird watcher in New York threatened by a woman. Tired of being tired. Too much in a short period of time. Who’s next? 

Protect and Serve? 

Police in America are to “Protect and Serve” is a great slogan but not the reality. However if you are a person of color law enforcers are a kin to Henchmen. An apparatus of a State oppression no different from the Gestapo in many ways. I lived in Los Angeles. The feeling of oppression hangs in the air.

The brutal scenes of police forces combating protesters has shocked all the world. For those of us who know the ugly side of the the policing techniques, not so much. Now White America experiences the repressive structure it has built over the centuries. An organization used to terrorize to “keep them in line” has now turned on those who it was “supposed” to protect. A hit over the head with a baton for those whose impressions of policing comes from CSI.

The mainstream news media deserves no credit, late to the game. Most commentators are lackeys wanting access to keys of power thus asking no hard questions or research or at the narratives. They use the word “Riot” instead “Uprising”. Commercial media even want to us to forget their role in the Police State we find ourselves confronting. Ferguson gave us clues of what was to come- a militarized police force with utter competent for the citizens it was meant to serve.

What A Class? 

What have we done to to deserve this political class? Our so called representatives are the real Charlatans living in a disintegrating detached reality. Suddenly, public officials are attempting to rewrite their history hoping we will forget their past criminal judicial policy positions this election year.

President Trump continues to show his ineptitude as a leader. An “American Ceausescu” had to take refuge in the White House bunker. Then he dreamed up an Orwellian enemy, is the best enemy for yet another endless war. I.E. Who or what is ANTIFA?

And where were McConnell, Pelosi, and Shummer? Beside Trump in the bunker. At their only press conference over the past few days, the 3 congressional leaders looked as if they were preparing for the crowd to storm Capital Hill.

The trio acted as if they were unaware the police were killing Black Men. REALLY! What was unexpected; the ferocity and expansiveness of the public revolt, from Minnesota to New Zealand.


The real Tragic Greek figure in this, is Obama, his platitudes to nowhere, smooth sermons, and empty words. During While his 2 term Presidency, were there any policing policy changes?

A hollow media slogan , Mr. “Change We Can Believe In” spoke from his Martha’s Vineyard $12 million mansion, underscoring how important it is get out and vote in November. UH! HUH!

Sorry to tell you this, real change comes from the streets.

My advice for the former President concerning commenting on the protests would have been: get better pr advisors or go back to Billionaire Richard Branson’s private island for long surf trip. You were not needed or called.

Biden in 2020. No Thanks! This man made a career of Boogey Man Politics, scaring his voters, “Predators on the Street”. Bided signed on to every crime legislation bill over the past 40 years. He lobbied for special protection for policemen.

While there is no enthusiasm for the former Vice President. Desperations plays in his favor. A win but a poisoned chalice awaits.

The coming days, weeks, and months will radically define America one way on another.


On George Flyod

Appalled but not surprised by George Flyod.   Here are thoughts.

A New View

Yes. I am watching the news from America. I wish I could say I am in a State of Shock! Nope. I saw the LA Rodney King protest. Decades later, the same triggers, the police force is not to protect serve segments of the population but repressed them. Now, the world sees it on Social Media. Mainstream now has a different view of the American justice system.

America has fallen into a state of becoming a 3rdworld country, of henchmen on the street, our elected officials controlled like puppets on strings.  

In a raging Pandemic there are protest. The first of the month, 40 million without jobs, how will they pay rent? Curfews have been imposed.  Very short term solutions.

Stay Tuned for our video.


19th Century Lifestyle

Not a topic normally covered by Black and Paper. However, recent headlines have been a brick in the face reminder of life as an African American. An altercation can have a lamentable conclusion. The past 2 weeks illustrate the precarious existence of being Black in America. The check list is real. I have been pulled over a number of times by police. Just driving a car. Followed around department stores by security personnel. Questioned. The world moves in reverse. Did I need a note from the overseer? A 19thcentury way of life for People of Color sits on our backs everyday. 

Coming to light months after the tragedy, while on a morning jog, Ahmaud Arbery‘s life ended. Two vigilantes took it upon themselves to become enforcers, judge, and jury in February. The more galling, local law officials did absolutely nothing. All conveniently recused themselves. A national outcry by the release of video sparked an investigation. The guys carrying the guns may have been the aggressors. The criminal justice sort of works if the victim is Black.  At least the father and son culprits are in jail.  

Good University, But, 

No matter what university you attend as a Black Man, you are still a Black Man in America. Doing of all things, birdwatching, Christian Cooper asked Karen Cooper to follow the rules by placing a leash on her dog in Central Park. In a scene worthing of an over the top “Bette Davis Melodrama” Ms. Cooper calls the police ranting “A black man is threatening her” in the Ramble area. The Harvard graduate Mr. Cooper filmed the confrontation can be calmly heard asking her to step away from him. Both left the park but when the video hit social media, the storm it raised. Karen, Karen, Karen, playing the race card while at the same time choking the dog is not a good look for a Vice President insurance investor. She has since been fired from her job. Also, thankfully, her dog has been returned to the kennel.

I Can’t Breath 

Today, George Floyd make headlines for being killed by 4 police officers. He “resisted” arrest while on ground  handcuffed with a leg on his throat.  The videos of the arrest show a portray a different story. Protest and riots occurred today in Minneapolis. Police used gas and stun grenades on seemingly unharmed people. Where was this use of force in Virginia and Michigan? Protesting with machine guns seems to make more sense in the US. Oh, wait, only if you are of a certain demographic you can go armed for war to a capital building.  The light in the story, the department fired the officers.

I would love to write “change will come”, violence as a tool against Black People will end cause now is an incident of reflection. I could believe this, but I do not believe in leprechauns either.  


Encore 24 Musicians rally around “Black Lives Matter

From Black and Paper’s media partner France 24 Encore comes a story of support for Black Lives Matter from leading musicians.

Click on the link below: