
Cannes Film Festival from France 24


Cannes Film Festival from France 24


Cannes Film Festival from France 24

Complete coverage of the celebrated film event on Black and Paper thanks to France 24.


70th Cannes Film Festival Opening


Cannes Film Festival News from France 24

France 24 covers the Cannes Film Festival with all access to the world’s most glamorous film event from the French Riviera.

France 24 Coverage from Cannes



The latest news about the Cannes Film Festival from France 24

The 2017 Cannes Film Festival line-up has been announced, read the feature from France 24.




Black and Paper at MIPTV from Cannes

Black and Paper attended MIP TV in Cannes. “Inspiring” is the word we used.  Check out our pictures from the biggest event in the field of global television production from the Riviera.




There are different arms races happening here at MIPTV 2017.  The first is the battle for content in the form of dramas and formats.

Television viewers are living in a Golden Age of Drama.  Producers and Platforms are searching for the next big 52 min show, another Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, or Madmen.   Television Productions have stepped up their game with higher quality production values wanting to appeal to international audiences.  From Turkey there is The Last Emperor, Japan presented Crisis, Russia, The Day After. 

Genre programing is coming to your small screen.  The overall trend is Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery plots with twists.  Disney continues to mine its Marvel Comics Treasure with a new show titled, Inhumans. airing this September.   Another fantasy Genre reworking aimed at Generation Z is a show around killer mermaids.  YES!   First, Vampires then Werewolves, now Mermaids!   Will Shonda Rimes have another hit on her hands with a new legal drama in the works? I would not bet against her.

On the technology front, the battle lines are being drawn.  Virtual Reality versus 360 degree formats feel like the Beta-VHS War all over again.    The eco systems are not compatible.  Potential customers would be hard pressed adapting to multiple viewing  technologies on their screens.   Which will win consumers hearts?  Both systems offer immersion qualities along with a degree of viewer interaction depending on the content.  The downside is the hardware is expensive for the average YouTube Producer.  Facebook, Google, and Apple have VR platforms.

Long format shows in VR are still questionable but producers are exploring filming short form and teasers using the technology.

The other technology on display is 4K HDR.  The picture quality is superb with 400 pixels.  I saw this format at IFA in September 2016.  The consumer and broadcasting industry is adapting this standard.

Black and Paper report from MIPTV 2017 in Cannes.

Technology TV


MIPTV April 2017

Dramas and Virtual Reality are dominating the television landscape at the world’s biggest television fair in Cannes.   Is there another Downton Abbey or Game of Thrones on the horizon?  A program from Germany has caught the eye of fair, Berlin Babylon, a period crime, mystery period piece set in the Wilmar Republic years of the city.  An ambitious 16 episode series production with a large budget, the show centers on the corruption, decadence, and moral decay of 1929 proceeding Hitler’s raise to absolute power told from the point of view of drug addicted Police Inspector Roth played German actor by Volker Bruch.

Babylon Berlin won the Screenings Grand Jury Prize.

Is Virtual Reality the future of entertainment?  Tech companies seem to think so.  After attending a press event co-chaired by Google I learned     Google has a platform for VR content titled Google Daydream. A place where produces can upload new material but mostly geared towards professional makers.

There are two types of immersive VR content; interactive and passive form of entertainment where the viewer is experiences the technology as a virtual voyeur.

I repeat, is VR Technology the future? Although the potential is there, the compelling reason and consumer desire is not.  After all, these companies told us wearables are the future. Is anyone out there bragging about their iWatch? Remember Google Glasses?   These items have passed into the realm of tech ill relevance.

The equipment is still bulky and expensive.  The resolution is not so sharp.  Early adapters and tech geeks may love it but the general public may look at this like a hula hoop.  VR has been the great could be for decades but never caught the wave.   It feels like a product still waiting for the surf that will never come.

Black and Paper at MIP TV Cannes, stay tuned for more reports.


A Quick Conversation

Leandro Taub is a multi-disciplined artist born in Argentina.  His latest film, Endless Poetry, directed by Alejandro Jodorowsjy, debuted at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.  An autobiographical story set against the artistic movement of Chile.

What is your roll in the film Endless Poetry?

In the film, I play the best friend of Alejandro Jodorowsky when he was also a teenager.   He discovers and finds in me an inspiration, muse, friendship, competition, and companion.  It is a great adventure.   My character’s name is Enrique Lihn, he learns about art, love poetry, and other inspirations at a young age. 

Variety described the film as “Felliniesque”, would you agree with this?

I believe that any comparison is a risk for the one who is doing it, for the ones who are being compared and for the witnesses who witness the comparison. First,  the one who is doing it, blocks his mind in definitions and doesn’t allow himself to open up to the new alternatives and ideas outside of his past experiences. Secondly, the ones who are being compared are judged not by what they are and what they are doing.  Lastly, the witnesses of these comparisons, if they are discerning, could believe in them. They are being influenced by the view of the others.

Leandro Taub - Foto por Vorfas 2Do you have a creative pattern?

Unpredictable! Not because I try, just because I am.  I don’t have a clue what is going to happen tomorrow.  Sometimes I go to one side, sometimes to the other side.  Sometimes I don’t like any side.   I have been involved in several projects from cinema to writing books. I hope everything I do improves the world.

Were you a David Bowie fan?

He was an influence with his music, words, and aesthetic. But if you explore my works you will not only find him, but you also find rabbis, pop idols, dictators, saints, yogis, porn stars, Hollywood stars, and philosophers.  I filter and process a lot of information.  Everything I have heard, seen, or listened to in one form of anther has influenced me, subconsciously. 

Name a great creative city.

Planet Earth, it is a big town, right?


Check local cinema  listings for Endless Poetry.  

Check out  the Anniversary Edition edition of 032c magazine to see Leandro’s Gucci Pictorial Spread. 


Son of Saul

We have been tracking Son of Saul since it’s debut at Cannes Film Festival in 2015.    France 24 gives an extensive review of this critically acclaimed film.   A strong Oscar Contender from Hungary for the 2015 Academy Award.  A film you will not forget.

Son of Saul  is the story of Saul Auslander, a Hungarian Sonderkommando at Auschwitz who is forced to assist the Nazi’s in their Machinery of mass extermination.   One day while working in one of the crematoriums, Saul discovers the corpse of a boy he takes for his son.  His task is to save the child’s body from the flames for a proper burial.Saul