
Sand Storm at Berlinale

Sand Storm

From the Berlinale the Black and Paper interview with Director Elite Zexer and Actor Haitham Omari.

What were the challenges of making this film and as a director and an actor?
My main challenge as a director was making a film about a culture that was not mine. I think that is why it took so long to make it. There were a lot of steps along the way. It took me years to get the script the right, 4 years of writing and rewriting. I made a short film in the interim.

Omari: I am a news cameraman. I was close to the Bedouins in their villages but I wanted to understand them from the inside. At times in the film you like my character and then there were times when you hated him.

Why did you want to shoot a film on the Bedouins?
My mother has been shooting Bedouin women for 10 years. She became friends with them. I started going with her, one evening I went to an event similar to the one in my film. That was about 8 years ago that started the process of making the film.

Where did the title come from?
Sandstorm refers to an internal storm with the characters and of course in the desert.
It was originally a working title. After winning the Locarno Film Festival we decided to keep the title.

Phtography Vered Adir- Jalal Masarwa-Lamis Ammar

Were there script changes after the casting?
The main changes were made to the Layla character. I met Lamas but thought she was wrong for the part. Layla is shy while Lamas is strong and outgoing. The auditions were ongoing for months, meeting, talking. Lamas had something. In the end we mutually changed our approached to the character. I adapted the script with her in mind.

Was there one village used in the location?
No, there were different villages used for the production, one for the family house, the second wife’s house, and another for the celebration.

Is the ending of the film a message of hope?
No comment (laughing). I wanted to end the film with the audience thinking of what will happen to the next generation.

For more information go to


Ants on a Shrimp at Berlinale

Ants on a Shrimp

Black and Paper spoke to Director Maurice Dekkers at the Berlinale 2016 about his culinary documentary on one of the world’s best restaurant, Noma, from Copenhagen.

How did the idea come up for the film?

I read Rene was going to Japan.  I wanted to record a chef creating a new menu, in a different location.   It was a complete change of routine for both of us, a real challenge.  This was my first documentary film while he was preparing a 14 course meal in Tokyo.  Everything was new, fruits, vegetables, and herbs,

How was Rene during the filming?

Chef Renee

Calm.  He was not always so tranquil in the past but during filming he did not lose his cool.  I did not want to make a film about a screaming chef.  I followed him around for 2 months filming.   He tries everything, asks a lot of questions.

And your interaction with the crew?

I saw them as one person.  But they did not experience the kitchen, not Japan.

One of my favorite parts of the film is when Renee and his crew are out picking twigs in the forest.  This was a “normal” moment.

What about the kitchen? What was different?

There were no fires or pots. Everything was fermentation.

What was your favorite item on the Noma menu?

The citrus and underground root based dishes.

Did the team crack the Code of the Turtle?

No, not while I was filming.

How did you become interested in the culinary arts?

I have been interested in food from the time I was born.  I produced KEURINGSDIENST VAN WAARDE (‘FOOD UNWRAPPED’) for many years in Holland.

Ants on a Shrimp was part of the Berlinale 2016 Culinary Cinema Section









Berlinale 2016 Press Conferences

Images from the Berlinale Press Conferences powered by Canon G3X



Berlinale Perspektive Award

Glashutte Award

Janna Ji Wonders is the 2016 winner of the Made in Germany – Fordserpreis Perspektive. The prestigious award is given by Perpspektive Deutsches Kino and Watchmaker Glashutte Original. Along with a mentoring program, a cash prize of 15.000 euros is given for story development of a feature linked film.

I managed to get a fast exclusive interview with Janna at the Glushutte Lounge in Potsdamer Platz during the Berlinale.

How long have you been a filmmaker?

10 years. I attended the Film School in Munich. I received a Master’s in Fiction Filmmaking Directing.

What type of cinema do you like?

Tragic Comedy. Art house and Independent Cinema. Films like Still Alice and Beast of the Southern Wild.

Is it easy for a woman to direct in Germany?

I feel now there is a change in the air. Producers are looking for women’s stories. TV and film companies are more open. There is an organization named Pro Quote Regie. It is demanding access and rights for female helmers.

Is there a director you admire?

Susanne Bier. She has strong stories that are character driven. Jaques Audiard, He has a visual signature, a style of film making with mysterious elements.

What is on your agenda?

A documentary film is first. A story about 3 generations of women in my family, Walchensee Forever is the title.   The title is from a lake in the Bavarian Alps were I am from.

My mother and father were hippies, summer of free love types.  My mother lived an interesting life. She lived in a German commune.   It was very intellectual.

And the film?

I am working on a fiction film but this  is in the early stages.


Berlinale War on Everyone

There was bit of  buzz for John Michael McDonagh’s film during the screenings.  A known director known for making quirky black comedy in his native UK.

This time McDonagh tries his at at the American Buddy Cop Comedy with Michael Pena and Alexander Skarsgard.  The Result? When a director does not show up for a press conference for his film at a major festival, action speaks louder than words.  I could go on and on about  why this film does not work but life is too short to read a review about a film that will be on sale in the DVD leftover bin in a few days.  And I am being generous when I say, leftover bin!

I have to hand it to Alexander and Micheal for being profession and engaging during the press conference and after the public screening.  They had the guts to show up to face the fire.  Good going guys!



Berlinale 2016 Images

Images from the Film Festival


Hail Ceasar

The Hail Ceasar press conference kicked off the screenings for the 66th annual Berlinale.

The 1950’s comedy from the Coen Brothers marks a reunion with stars Clooney and Swinton along with stars,  Brolin, Tatum.

The film concerns the disappearance of film Baird Whitlock (Clooney) during the filming a mega budget Biblical Epic.  Studio head Mannix (Brolin) works hard keeping the scandals and secrets from leaking to the press while trying to keep the studio and stars inline.



Sin Dee, a transgender prostitute, was released from a short stay in prison. Learning her Boyfriend/Pimp was not faithful during her incarceration, Sinn Dee (Kitana Rodriguez) embarks on a Christmas Eve journey through the sub-cultures of Los Angeles with her best friend Alexandre (Mia Taylor). Director-Writer Sean Baker’s Tangerine shows the underbelly of the city focusing on eccentric characters seldom seen in cinema.


Director of Photography Radium Chung shot the film using iPhones 5S equipped with an anamorphic lens giving Tangerine a strong grainy look with an added edgy feel.

Tangerine has been nominated for Best Picture by the Independent Spirit Award.


Labyrinth of Lies

Labyrinth of Lies is the story of bringing light to a dark history. The economic miracle of German is in full swing in 1958 Germany. Johann Radmann is the new Public Prosecutor. Journalists Thomas Gnieka causes a scene in the court spurring Radmann to investigate a former Auschwitz Guard. Lacking support from his superiors, Johann continues to examine the case leading to a labyrinth of denials on all levels in a society that would rather forget.

Directed by Guilio Ricciarelli , starring Alexander Fehling, Labyrinth of Lies is Germany’s Best Foreign Film for the 88th Academy Awards.


Son of Saul

We have been tracking Son of Saul since it’s debut at Cannes Film Festival in 2015.    France 24 gives an extensive review of this critically acclaimed film.   A strong Oscar Contender from Hungary for the 2015 Academy Award.  A film you will not forget.

Son of Saul  is the story of Saul Auslander, a Hungarian Sonderkommando at Auschwitz who is forced to assist the Nazi’s in their Machinery of mass extermination.   One day while working in one of the crematoriums, Saul discovers the corpse of a boy he takes for his son.  His task is to save the child’s body from the flames for a proper burial.Saul