A Laugh Came From There, REALLY!

A mockumentary from a South African filmmaker seemed a bit of a long shot. Attending a film festivals is about viewing cinema outside of one’s comfort zone. Part of the International Film Festival Rotterdam Return of the Tiger Section, Daryn’s Gym was a curious title with an unusual premise. Surprisingly, the work from director Brett …

Tribeca Fest Likes

The New York City Film Festival unspooled its usual cinema fair of polished works by filmmakers from around the world. The mixture of physical and virtual continued this past June for ten days. God Said Give Em’ Drum Machines is the story of how a sound was created in the Detroit music scene. Check out …

Tribeca Shorts

In the shorts category, I watched some small works worthy of attention. The Resemblance from Derek Nguyen goes into “Black Mirror” Territory with a story on grief. Mooptopia from Delany Buffett takes on the shallow fleeting meaning of social media fame. Five O listed many directors: Ismaïl Alaoui Fdili, Yassine Lassar Ramdani, Elsie Otinwa, Florence …

On Alexander

Yes, Alexander Skarsgard has a body to die for, but the Emmy Winner is also an affable guy. During this press conference the The Swedish actor was engaging during this press conference for a movie that was,,,below par. His new film “The Northman” is generating positive buzz. Check out other film news on the Chat …