Technology Travel

Back to the Camera

After using mobile phone cameras for coverage, the decision has been made to go back to using a photographic camera. Do not get it wrong, phone cameras are convenient, handy but the disadvantages are numerous. Foremost, the battery life is limited.  After a few hours of producing pictures and videos, suddenly one bar on the screen.  Additionally, mobile phone batteries have to be replaced. 

Secondly, the numerous creative options on photography cameras are expansive. The presets there are many image techniques for a shoot and in post-production. Plus, the images are just sharper.  For a lowlight fashion show, cameras have more optimal settings.   



Our Studio 1

Studio 1 

2020! What can we say?  A heck of a year! It’s only May.  We have flirted with the idea of making more video content.  Off and on over the years we produced features covering fashion, film festivals, and other events.

Many events have cancelled until further notice. When an opportunity knocks, open the door. Black and Paper presents is now a reality.  

Keep an eye here.