This Nordic Capital is a great place to visit in the Fall. Copenhagen is an intimate city offering a great blend of charm and modernity.

This Nordic Capital is a great place to visit in the Fall. Copenhagen is an intimate city offering a great blend of charm and modernity.
Jaegerborggade, there is a name not easy on the tongue. The Copenhagen street located in Norrebro area of the Danish capital, at first did not strike a visitor as trendy. While looking for the sign I missed it completely, walking two full blocks before asking a person for directions. Jaegerborggade is a narrow residential thoroughfare lined with independent shops, cafes and bars. Talking to the locals, there is a real sense of community. Unlike generic shopping malls with their endless, at times numbing sameness, the stores offer original, unique pieces for shoppers that move from hat designs, jewel smiths and even bakeries making caramel treats. A good time to visit is doing one of the many open street fair events.
A preview of Copenhagen, the vibrant Danish capital moves to a different pace.
Ants on a Shrimp
Black and Paper spoke to Director Maurice Dekkers at the Berlinale 2016 about his culinary documentary on one of the world’s best restaurant, Noma, from Copenhagen.
How did the idea come up for the film?
I read Rene was going to Japan. I wanted to record a chef creating a new menu, in a different location. It was a complete change of routine for both of us, a real challenge. This was my first documentary film while he was preparing a 14 course meal in Tokyo. Everything was new, fruits, vegetables, and herbs,
How was Rene during the filming?
Calm. He was not always so tranquil in the past but during filming he did not lose his cool. I did not want to make a film about a screaming chef. I followed him around for 2 months filming. He tries everything, asks a lot of questions.
And your interaction with the crew?
I saw them as one person. But they did not experience the kitchen, not Japan.
One of my favorite parts of the film is when Renee and his crew are out picking twigs in the forest. This was a “normal” moment.
What about the kitchen? What was different?
There were no fires or pots. Everything was fermentation.
What was your favorite item on the Noma menu?
The citrus and underground root based dishes.
Did the team crack the Code of the Turtle?
No, not while I was filming.
How did you become interested in the culinary arts?
I have been interested in food from the time I was born. I produced KEURINGSDIENST VAN WAARDE (‘FOOD UNWRAPPED’) for many years in Holland.
Ants on a Shrimp was part of the Berlinale 2016 Culinary Cinema Section