
Classic Retail Tale

Shopping in Nuremberg’s big department store Breuninger store gives off the feeling of retailer in the concept boutique arena. Unlike corporate shopping nameplates, the Stuggart based chain does not have a cluttered spaces with wall to wall merchandise or taxing small lanes. Instead, thankfully, there is a sense of spatial tranquillity. The ground floor cafe is worth a visit for the street side people watching.

Fashion Feature

Berlin Reopening, Saturday

The big department stores reopened on Saturday. The early turn out, light.  I observed curiosity, people looking around, but no shopping. It is still too early to make a verdict. Perhaps, shoppers will return in the future.  But in the New Normal large shops feel like dinosaurs. A species from a bygone era. 


KADEWE redone,, but,,,

Department stores are ingrained the fabrics of cities. Cultural temples of consumption, meeting places to see and be seen. Before World War 2 Berlin had many grand showcases of prosperity lining its big streets and plazas. The sole survivor still in existence today is the KaDeWe on Tauentzienstrasse. Damaged by Allied bombings in 1943 the building closed until its reopening of its first two floors in 1950. Today, owned by Central Group, the giant store boasts over 60.000 square meters covering seven floors. 

The latest renovation of the retail store giant is taking place over a staged periods. Phase 2 opened in this week, the ground floor, fifth  floor, and sixth floor.

First, the ground floor, a narrow funneling traffic approach layout between the LV and Dior concessions. Not the most welcoming or pleasant interior, first impressions. I had feeling of running through a luxury Pac Man game. The funnel or entry track ends in a very cramped make up department at the foot of escalators.

The second renovated floor, house wares department, falls short of imagination with many new brands “just” on display, lacking an engaging effect.

A social meeting place, a hangout, shop for those special items only found in one spot in the city. KaDeWe’s food floor is as much a part of Berlin as the Brandenburg Gate, a reference point. The sixth floor mixed groceries bakeries, mixed cuisine restaurants, and cafes side by side, a local meeting place in many forms. 

Out with old,, Why? 

The remodelled phase one opened in December 2018. The completed second phase recently opened. Half thought out, awkward, lacking warmth comes to my mind. Out with the old footprint, in with the new. In my opinion, the old was better, special, more charm.

The atmospheric lighting is jarring, sterile.  A remodelling blueprint exists, perhaps a bit of a rethink is needed. There is no overall look. New restaurant stalls just plopped in the middle of the floor layout. Tables randomly placed along low glass wall

Reinventing the 21st customer experience is crucial for retailers. Certainly the KaDeWe is moving ahead, but the direction is the question.

The KaDeWe Grand Opening Event was a crowd pleaser.   An all expense gala with over 1800 guests sampling the newly opened restaurants.  

Kadewe Phase 3 opens in December 2020

Fashion Technology


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Christmas 2016 at Printemps

Parisian Department Store Printemps celebrates its 150th anniversary.  I had a tour of the beauty section and the main building for the Christmas Decorations.

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Nouveau CHIC!

Nouveau Chic

Galeries Lafayette is shopping emporium combining a sparking array of items to fit every style and taste. Founded 120 years ago Galeries Lafayette is a department known for innovation and passion towards fashion. This season has seen the introduction of the retailer’s latest creative approach: Nouveau Chic /New Chic.

New Chic is about living life to the fullest while being comfortable and confident while blending fashion styles to create unique looks.  A number of designers have joined Galeries Lafayette for exclusive items including Rochas, See by Chloe, Top Shop, Julien David, and Kookai.  Various labels have been combined under single labels to include Comptoir Galeries Lafayette for Men and Galeries Lafayette Paris for women.

New faces representing New Chic include famed choreographer Les Twins: Laurent and Larry Bourgeois along with models Anais Mali and Camille Rowe and chef Pierre Jancou.

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For more information on the Nouveau Chic click here for Galeries Lafayette.