Fake It Til,,

FAKE IT! The age of “fake it til you make it” is upon us. The “Bling Culture” is about of looking rich if you are not. A substitution quick fix as a result of income inequality, lack of access to a better life so people show off. In your face consumption means being humble is… Continue reading Fake It Til,,

What Comes Around

A Black and Paper interview with director Reem Saleh. The filmmaker’s documentary “What Comes Around” is a glimpse into the lives of people residing in a poor area of Cairo, Egypt neighborhood. What Comes Around avoided Western Stereotypes of People lives in the region. There were human factors, not the 2 dimension images shown on… Continue reading What Comes Around

The Sunset Inspirational Festival

Black and Paper exclusive interview with Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival Creative Director Sandra Seeling. Would you say filmgoers are looking for different stories and narratives?  In my experience as a festival programmer, filmgoers want to be surprised and inspired. They want to be taken out of their daily routines and experience new adventures and new point of… Continue reading The Sunset Inspirational Festival


Berlinale The 67th Berlinale opened with some political questions on the agenda but Jury President Paul Verhoeven stating he was here to judge the quality of the movie, not the political perspective. Mr. Verhoeven said he expects to see a lot of movies that are different and have heated arguments with respect. Jury member Diego… Continue reading Berlinale