A seemingly straightforward two-hour documentary of Pope Francis, Francesco otherwise manages to compel. Directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, the film is noteworthy for mostly competent direction and production values. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1936. He is the first Pope to be born outside Europe since Gregory III (731–741). As the… Continue reading The Compellingly Divine
Tag: documentary
Fake It Til,,
FAKE IT! The age of “fake it til you make it” is upon us. The “Bling Culture” is about of looking rich if you are not. A substitution quick fix as a result of income inequality, lack of access to a better life so people show off. In your face consumption means being humble is… Continue reading Fake It Til,,
Cinema. This Should Be Interesting!
A Black and Paper Cinema Recommendation.
Berlinale-Strong Island
Black and Paper interview with Director Yance Ford. “Strong Island” is a documentary that is topical on a social and historical, the shooting of an unharmed African American Man followed by a criminal justice system that vilifies a person of color with a “Guilty Label” regardless of the circumstances and ultimate outcome. The 107 minute… Continue reading Berlinale-Strong Island
Berlinale Winners
A lot of surprises this year from an unpredictable jury! Golden Bear Award for On Body and Soul Jury Prize Silver Bear for Felicite Silver Bear Alfred Bauer Prize for Spoor Silver Bear Best for Aki Kaurismaki Silver Bear Actress for Kime Minhee Silver Bear Best Actor for Georg Friedrich Silver Bear for Best Screenplay… Continue reading Berlinale Winners