Fabulously Applying the Same Remedy.

In the “Here We Go Again” category, another month, another headline on layoffs at the big publishing houses.  It is hard to imagine who will be left to write about a perfume review. It is hard to see just how many more staff members can be fired from a company becomes dysfunctional. Applying the same… Continue reading Fabulously Applying the Same Remedy.

The 47th Influencer

The Donald Trump influence on Fashion and Masculinity will be felt in the fashion industry.  Professionals should not underestimate the influence of a President’s outlook on style.  John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, the President went hatless on a cold January day, that styling decision placed a once accessory staple to the back of the men’s closet… Continue reading The 47th Influencer

All Gussied Up

At the recent press events I attended, noticing the fashion tribe I wondered.  Why do they wear everything but the frying pan? Many were gussied up wearing all the labels from their shelves popping in and out of offices and showrooms. I wondered if there had been a looting at a luxury department store.   The… Continue reading All Gussied Up

A Fashion Crisis At Hand

The fashion crisis is at hand. When journalist from major publications start sounding the bell over the lack of creativity on the recent runways, there are big problems. What took them so long to see the trees? For years the head in the sand was the modus operandi in the glamorous circles of Milan, Paris,… Continue reading A Fashion Crisis At Hand

Markdowns Here We Come

Vector Sale Tags / Labels

Global headlines have spooked consumers.  Shoppers are holding back on purchases, electing to save money instead of splurging on fun buys. Fashion brands and retailers struggle to lure buyers. Stores could are overstocked with unsold pieces. Now, as the holiday season approaches, companies are in early markdown stages trying to move merchandise.  Relax and wait to… Continue reading Markdowns Here We Come

Luxury’s Lost Luster

How did luxury lose its luster? There are many answers to this question.  As the industry reels from lower profits while consumers cut back on aspirational purchases.  Some answers require a somewhat deeper analysis.  As masstige became a business model for exclusive brands, they began to lose their allure.  Overproducing so called “desired pieces” accomplished… Continue reading Luxury’s Lost Luster

Is Paris the Same Place?

Traveling to Paris for Fashion Week can come across as glamour meets pretentious. However, for this visit, clothing was front and center. We hit some shows, but decided to focus on behind the scenes by getting the low down on the business and trends. Designers, press relations and stores gave us opinions on topics ranging… Continue reading Is Paris the Same Place?