
Berlinale Day 7

Berlinale Day 7

Volker Schlöndorff

On the competition front there was the new Volker Schlondorff film Return to Montauk.  I did not see the film but the judging by the level of applause the critical reaction to the film was not so good.  I asked two people, a male and a female.  The male journalist loathed it but the female journalist liked it.   The film is based on a book by Max Frisch concerning lovers who meet then separate with the Max (Berlinale regular guest  Stellan Skarsgard) hoping for another chance. Nina Hoss also stars as Rebecca .

Stay tuned for updates about this film.

Álex de la Iglesia

Screening out of competition was the newest film by Alex de la Iglesia’s The Bar, a dark Spanish comedy starring Maria Casas and Jose Sacristan.  During the press conference Mr. Iglesia mentioned the use of lighting and sets as a narrative tool, finding inspiration from old Hollywood films.  Berlinale press reaction to the film was lukewarm.  I am not a fan of the director’s previous work.  I have a feeling his latest film will not change my mind.

Berlinale Updates:

There are two standouts A Fantastic Woman and The Other Side of Hope.   One could take home the Gold Bear.  Luis Gnecco could get the Actress Award.


Berlinale Day 6

Berlinale Day 6

Director Aki Kaurismäki

How do you start a day in the surreal?  Attend a Aki Kaurismaki press conference.  The Finnish directors film The Other Side of Hope debuted at the Berlinale today, his first film in Competition.    The feedback I have gotten concerning the pic has been mixed to good.  The Nordic auteur was nothing if not genuine.  The entire press conference was more entertaining than many films at the festival.  I have never attended a press conference where a person stood up to sing a Finnish Tango song.

The films premise is that of a Syrian Refugee (An Everyday Topic in Europe) played by Sherwan Haji,  who arrives in  Finland only to go into hiding at a restaurant when he learns he will be deported.  The Other Side of Hope is part of a trilogy.  When the other 2 films will happen is a guess.

The press conference took on political tones of nationalism, xenophobia, and racism in the form of questions and answers from both the press and the panel.  The helmer commented, in Finland with the arrival of many male refugee, the men of the country took it as an act of war. His film was not about changing the world’s opinion on refugees, only Europe’s opinion on refugees.  Tomorrow it could be you who is the refugee.  Today it is him, said the director.

The second press conference, The Lost City of Z, with Robert Pattison and Charlie Hunnam as early 2oth century explorers is a bit of an old Hollywood adventure epic picture. Did the press pool like it?  I got positive feedback. Director James Gray tackles the White Man Burden’s/Destiny themes by dissecting it. Based on the adventures of Percy Fawcett who disappeared in the Brazilian Jungle while searching for a lost civilazation in the early part of the 20th century.

The Lost City of Z was screened out of Competition at the Berlinale.

Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve returned to the Berlinale starring in the Martin Provst film The Mid Wife.   Judging by the initial applause of the film and the lack of audience at the press conference, I would guess the film is not one of her best features.  What made the press conference was the presence of a Diva wearing a Black Leather Dress with such commanding presence one would dare not notice her.  At this stage of her career I was curious what motivated her, thankfully, another journalist asked her.  She responded by saying, I choose the director more than the character. Concerning her acting, “There is always a bit of me in a film”.  I understand Beatrice Sobolevski, the lead character from the film, but I am far from her, said Deneuve.

Catherine Froth

The Mid Wife also stars Catherine Froth and Olivier Gourmet.  In Competition at the 67th Berlinale.






The Party received 2.3 stars from critics.  A surprisingly low rating given the level of applause at the press conference.

Mr. Long from Japan received  2.0 stars from the critical review polling.  The film is a story of a man trying to find a new life, starring Chang Chen.

There is still no front runner for the Golden Bear.  Trying to guess what the jury will favor this year has proven to be a difficult task.




Berlinale Shooting Stars Marusa Majer

Marusa Majer from Slovenia  I found her alluring, edgy, not just her look but personality wise.

A graduate of the University of Ljubljana, Marusa has appeared in a number of films including: Driving School.

Marusa Majer

What type of roles would you like to play?

I have been lucky because until now I have played a number of different roles.  I hope this continues.  I do not want to be stereotyped.

What was your first acting part?

A moon in a kindergarten play.

What inspired you to become an actress?

Acting interested me from a viewpoint of standpoint.  I have to reach into myself, it is constant learning.

What performer inspired you?

Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence.

What are your future plans?
I have a theater premiere in Slovenia, improve.  Being a classically trained stage actress I am going back to my roots.

Career ambitions?

Auditions.  All is looking bright.  I have a lot of work  at home.

The European Shooting Stars is a program designed to focus the spotlight on young acting talent.  Each year a jury chooses 10 performers with screen experience to be presented at the Berlinale as the Stars of Tomorrow.


Berlinale Shooting Stars Ebsen Smed

Esben Smed from Denmark- A bit of a cold smoldering charm, a graduate of the Danish School of Performing Arts, Esben is a regular in the television series Follow The Money.

Esben Smed

What type of role attracts you as a performer?

Not just one type but something that gets my attention. I like to research and discover a character’s traits. I like looking for the unknown.

What was your first acting role?

I had a small role in a theater play when I was 15.  I got good feedback.

What inspired to become an actor?

I was interning at a theater building the scenes or sets.  I saw the actors rehearsing. I read the scripts/  The theater manager asked me to go out for a casting.  I did.  I got the part.

What performer inspires you the most?

Daniel Day Lewis, Casey Affleck, and Joaquin Phoenix, I watch their work and I find it inspiring.

What are your future goals?

I want to have another baby.

Career goals?

More work.  I have a number of projects in the works.

The European Shooting Stars is a program designed to focus the spotlight on young acting talent.  Each year a jury chooses 10 performers with screen experience to be presented at the Berlinale as the Stars of Tomorrow.


Berlinale European Shooting Stars Louis Hoffmann

Louis Hofmann from Germany A young face on the scene with a radiant smile, he has raked up an impressive list of awards and credits.  Louis will star in Netflix series Dark.

Louis Hofmann

What type of roles would you like to play?

I like dramatic, characters on the edge of existence, real problems.  I played a comedic role.  It was a great space.  So now I would like have a mixture.

What was your first acting role?

A very small role in a television series “Danni Lowinski”, I was 11.  I had two words, “F*ck You! And I shot a birdie.

What inspired you to become an actor?

When I 10 or 11 I spoke to actors about what they did.  The way they described it, I was fascinated.  I begged my mother to sign me up with an agent.   When I was 13 I got the lead in the German version of Tom Sawyer the film.  Acting is self-therapy for me.

Is there a performer you admire the most?

I have three, Leo DiCaprio and Eddie Redmayne and Tom Schilling.

What are your future plans?

I am shooting the series Dark for Netflix working with Beran Bo Odar and Jentje Friese.  The show will air at the end of the year.

What are your career ambitions?

I would like to mix working internationally and locally.   When I worked in Denmark on a co-production I learned there was a different approach to making films.




The 67th Berlinale opened with some political questions on the agenda but Jury President Paul Verhoeven stating he was here to judge the quality of the movie, not the political perspective. Mr. Verhoeven said he expects to see a lot of movies that are different and have heated arguments with respect.

Jury member Diego Luna addressed the current global political tones by saying, “I am not here to send messages but I am here to listen.”  When asked about the proposed wall between the US and Mexico Luna commented, I have good memories crossing the border from both sides.

As a film festival Berlinale has always had a political edge but this year the jury seemed more pragmatic, less overtly ideological.

Berlinale makes an effort not to be taken over by market forces said fellow jury member Olafur Eliasson.

Addressing the issues concerning the state of Hollywood and the lack of Adult Movies, the bottom line mentality has taken control of the industry.  Studios and Producers only want to invest in films with big returns.  Film Director (Total Recall, Elle, and Robo Cop) Verhoven discussed the challenges of trying to get his latest film Elle produced.

Berlinale Jury: Paul Verhoeven, Dora Bouchoucha Fourati, Olafur Eliasson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Julia Jentsch, Diego Luna, and Wang Quan’an

Berlinale continues until February 20th.

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Berlinale 2017

It is coming up to that time of year again, February 9th kicks off the Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin. Acclaimed Dutch Filmmaker Paul Verhoeven will be Jury Head.  The 67th fest opens Etienne Comar’s debut film Django.


14 films are in competition this year including entries from directors Holland, Veiel, Potter, and Moverman.

Stay tuned for more updates and complete coverage of the Berlinale here at Black and Paper.

Cinema Interview

Mediterranean Fest

Sandra Seeling Lipski is the Festival Director and Founder of the Mallorca International Film Festival.  2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Mediterranean event.  This year’s honorary is famed actor, director and producer Danny DiVito.

The Black and Paper interview with Mallorca International Film Festival Director Sandra Selling.

Mallorca International Film Festival Director and Founder Sandra Seeling Lipski

What distinguishes the Mallorca International Film Festival from others?

There is an intimacy to the festival.  We attract a number of guests from all over the world.  What really makes Mallorca different from other festivals, we are the only festival in the world with a drive in cinema, for 2 nights we show 2 films.  The sound is delivered over the frequency of a local radio station. This year there will be a screening of War of the Roses.

Is the Festival more focused on independent cinema?

We were called the “Sundance” of the Mediterranean.  But yes we are definitely a place for independent filmmakers to show their works.

Why did you choose Danny DeVito as this year’s honoree?

Director Danny Divito’s War of the Roses with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner will screes at the festival.

Mr. DeVito started working in independent cinema scene in the 1970’s.  His career evolved but he remained true to his artistic beliefs.   He just completed a film with his kids.  Plus, Danny is positive and funny.

As a creative director what do you look for in regards as festival entries?

My attitude is Surprise Me!  Fresh!  In December of 2015 I saw no films.  In January I started screening films.  The German film Wild by Nicolette Krebitz, blew me away! It is the story of a relationship between a woman and wolf.

How are you facilitating diversity in the festival program?

Being a woman I am drawn to female directors but I also want this festival to be a bridge to different cultures.  It is about opening windows.  I am always looking for something fresh, new stories, themes, filmmakers who take chances.   I recently saw a documentary on transgendered men who dress up as their mothers to share their stories about how their mothers feel about them.  It was emotional.

How are you facilitating networking for filmmakers?

Our Café con Cine is a breakfast where we invite people to come and speak, mingle, and discuss in a relaxed atmosphere.  There is the Producers Club and many panels on different topics.  All of the festival action takes place in the center of the city.  Afterwards, participants usually go to bars for drinks and tapas.

Drive-In Cinema

What are your favorite films?

Great Expectations, Born To Be Blue, (The story of Chet Baker) both are with Ethan Hawk, I am a fan.

Casino was the first adult movie I saw. Loved it! I had a connection with Bridges of Madison County.

Victoria (From director Sebestian Schipper) was a cinematic experience.  It really knocked my socks off! All was done in one take.  Laia Costa (Lead Actress) was amazing.

The Mallorca International Film Festival takes place from November 3rd to the 12th.  This year the festival will screes 17 films along with 6 documentaries.

Sandra Seeling Lipski is an international actress based in Los Angeles and Mallorca.   She is a graduate of the Los Angeles Film School with a degree in directing in producing.


Berlinale 2016 Images

Images from the Film Festival