Man Made Accomplishment

Watching the documentary “Man Made” the other day made me think.   In the 21stcentury transgender people continue to have a precarious existence in our society. Violence, unemployment, rejection, and death always lie in wait. The average lifespan of a transgender person is 30, a frightening statistic.  Director T. Cooper’s focuses on 4 transgender men. Each …

Scorsese on MCU

The battle over the state of  modern cinema took a funny twist recently. Director Martin Scorsese weighed in by saying Marvel Cinematic Universe is not cinema. The backlash was swift. Do not attack a cultural movement. Martin, like so many others in Hollywood, has been left wondering what is his place in the new franchise …

Berlinale Saved Me

Rejection is a form of Protection  “It is not enough for a film festival to be righteous. The films shown should be engaging.” I did not attend the Berlinale this year “because of the limited space”.  The likely reason, the Chat Cinema podcast I produced criticising the festival.  Someone took offence.  Reading over the reviews of the …


What do two Berlinale enthusiast do in this age of hyper oversharing of opinions? Make a video of course! This is the first of many videos from the fest. The 68th edition of the German A list festival has many challenges this year; including calls from German film professionals for a radical change of course …

Wonder Woman Review

The reviews for the new “Wonder Woman” film been favorable, my question is, why?  At best I found it average.  As far as a super hero film, it introduced nothing new to the genre, a clunking undertaking.  Director Patty Jenkins directed with paint by numbers approach that lacked focus.  Chris Pine was perfectly cast as …

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Review

Reading over the early reviews Guardians of the Galaxy 2 one expect the filmmakers had the sequel curse that befalls so many follow ups.  Sadly, it happened, the first film in the series was a fun but the newest chapter leaves a lot to be desired, “lazy” was a term used to describe the bigger …

Berlinale Day 5 Standings

Day 5 of the Berlinale.  A clear front winner for in Competition category has not emerged yet.   It is a hard year to second guess the jury.  The direction is very unclear. A pool of the critics standings according to Screen International are: Django-2 On Body and Soul 2.7 The Dinner 1.3 Felicite 2.7 Wild …