Cinema Technology

Berlinale with Arri

Arri is celebrating its 100th anniversary.  The famed camera maker is a leading technology firm in the motion picture industry.

The new Trinity Mount is a new tool to produce films offering great flexibility.  For those of you in film production you understand the time used for setting up shots.  With this device, time is saved because the director and Cinematography do not lose time setting up shots.


When I watch movies I am always curious about the production of the film.  I ask myself how did the team set up a certain shot? What lighting style or lens was employed? How was the camera choreographed for movement.  I have watched Rope and Touch of Evil many times just for the tracking shots and long takes.  Imagine what Hitchcock or Welles would have done with the Arri Trinity?

A BIG THANK YOU to the Arri team for the demonstration during the Berlinale.

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Berlinale European Shooting Stars Louis Hoffmann

Louis Hofmann from Germany A young face on the scene with a radiant smile, he has raked up an impressive list of awards and credits.  Louis will star in Netflix series Dark.

Louis Hofmann

What type of roles would you like to play?

I like dramatic, characters on the edge of existence, real problems.  I played a comedic role.  It was a great space.  So now I would like have a mixture.

What was your first acting role?

A very small role in a television series “Danni Lowinski”, I was 11.  I had two words, “F*ck You! And I shot a birdie.

What inspired you to become an actor?

When I 10 or 11 I spoke to actors about what they did.  The way they described it, I was fascinated.  I begged my mother to sign me up with an agent.   When I was 13 I got the lead in the German version of Tom Sawyer the film.  Acting is self-therapy for me.

Is there a performer you admire the most?

I have three, Leo DiCaprio and Eddie Redmayne and Tom Schilling.

What are your future plans?

I am shooting the series Dark for Netflix working with Beran Bo Odar and Jentje Friese.  The show will air at the end of the year.

What are your career ambitions?

I would like to mix working internationally and locally.   When I worked in Denmark on a co-production I learned there was a different approach to making films.



Berlinale opening film Django received a lukewarm response according to press room feedback.  Clichéd, typical, and wooden Nazi characters is how the  biography feature on jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt has been described.    Judging by the reactions I think I will pass.

The Dinner with Richard Gere and Laura Linney.   Director Oren Moverman’s film based on the Herman Koch novel just finished the press screening.  Was it any good?  I am waiting for the instant reviews. The applause before the Q&A was less than enthusiastic.   Attention was turned to politics with responses on the state of the US Executive Branch, Gere gave a blistering rebuke of Mr. Trump.   Mr. Gere and Ms. Linney noted The Dinner is there third collaboration.