Tag: filmmakers in the news
2023 at Tribeca
The 21st Tribeca Film Festival kicked off on June 7th. The New York City cinema gathering spools a mixture of indie and mainstream titles. What I like about this festival is the slick production values of entries or debut directors can have well-known performers. I do not review Marvel films because Superhero works are review…
The Future Talks to Today Part 2
Short listed for the 2023 Oscar, ALMOST HOME is a futuristic sci-fi short film with moral resonates today, responsibility for a life and death decision. An interview with Producer Jonas Lembeck. A sci-fi short film, not an easy assignment, why did you decide on this one project? Where there times you had to say, “NO”?…
The Oscar Race For Short Films in 2022
Presenting varied International Short films that are Oscar eligible. The standard of these films are original and mostly excellent. Starting with Tech to the Future by Sandro Monetti, not surprisingly, it is something otherworldly. The only non-fiction film here, the mood is like a news item straight out of Robocop. On-screen narrator Francis Hellyer proclaims…