
Berlinale Report Day 3

Up Date The Dinner did not live up to its level of artistic pretentious. Bloated, missed the mark,  who cared were the comments.  I was told not to waste my time.

The reviews for Trainspotting have been “OK” but no rave reviews.  Does the tale of a group of aging misfits from Glasgow resonate today?

As usual this festival season, politics became a topic with reporters asking questions concerning Brexit.  In this hyper political age Director Boyle states his film is not political.  It is a story of life’s disappointments, a post modem.

Early news on the new Stanly Tucci debut directorial film has been met with a lack of enthusiasm.   The screening is today.

Up Date: A labor for 10 years, actor, director, producer, and writer,  Stanley Tucci’s Final Portrait arrived at the Berlinale.  Sadly, it was not the welcome a filmmaker would like to have.  Based on the last 2 years of the life of painter Alberto Giacometti, played by Geoffrey Rush, the film portrays the artist as a man who lives a life without consequences.

At the press conference helmer Tucci described the film making process of using handheld and two cameras for coverage and the color palette.

Armie Hammer and Stanley Tucci during the Berlinale Press Conference for the Final Portrait.

Can I recommend this film? Based on the reactions in the press area, NO, because the press conference felt more like a firing quad than a film festival, which is always a tall tale sign of a films reception.

Final Portrait stars Geoffrey Rush, Armie Hammer, and Clemency Poescy.

Is Wilde Maus from Austria the breakout film?

Up Date: There were smiles after the press screening of this dark comedy, Wilde Maus/Wild Mouse, Austrian Actor, Director, and Writer Josef Haider’s story of a Viennese Music Critic who loses his job and esteem.  A well-known performer in his native country, Haider decided to star and direct in his own film after realizing what he wanted to do with the feature.  Saying, he could not imagine another person directing him or another actor playing the lead role he wrote.  Hating the casting process of auditions, the director pulled actors, George Friedrich, Jorg Hartmann, and Pia Hierzegger, from his personal relationship circle, asking them to be spontaneous on the set.    Judging by the favorable response from the press core I think he succeeded with his debut directorial effort.






Berlinale opening film Django received a lukewarm response according to press room feedback.  Clichéd, typical, and wooden Nazi characters is how the  biography feature on jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt has been described.    Judging by the reactions I think I will pass.

The Dinner with Richard Gere and Laura Linney.   Director Oren Moverman’s film based on the Herman Koch novel just finished the press screening.  Was it any good?  I am waiting for the instant reviews. The applause before the Q&A was less than enthusiastic.   Attention was turned to politics with responses on the state of the US Executive Branch, Gere gave a blistering rebuke of Mr. Trump.   Mr. Gere and Ms. Linney noted The Dinner is there third collaboration.


Berlinale 2017

It is coming up to that time of year again, February 9th kicks off the Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin. Acclaimed Dutch Filmmaker Paul Verhoeven will be Jury Head.  The 67th fest opens Etienne Comar’s debut film Django.


14 films are in competition this year including entries from directors Holland, Veiel, Potter, and Moverman.

Stay tuned for more updates and complete coverage of the Berlinale here at Black and Paper.

Cinema Interview

Mediterranean Fest

Sandra Seeling Lipski is the Festival Director and Founder of the Mallorca International Film Festival.  2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Mediterranean event.  This year’s honorary is famed actor, director and producer Danny DiVito.

The Black and Paper interview with Mallorca International Film Festival Director Sandra Selling.

Mallorca International Film Festival Director and Founder Sandra Seeling Lipski

What distinguishes the Mallorca International Film Festival from others?

There is an intimacy to the festival.  We attract a number of guests from all over the world.  What really makes Mallorca different from other festivals, we are the only festival in the world with a drive in cinema, for 2 nights we show 2 films.  The sound is delivered over the frequency of a local radio station. This year there will be a screening of War of the Roses.

Is the Festival more focused on independent cinema?

We were called the “Sundance” of the Mediterranean.  But yes we are definitely a place for independent filmmakers to show their works.

Why did you choose Danny DeVito as this year’s honoree?

Director Danny Divito’s War of the Roses with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner will screes at the festival.

Mr. DeVito started working in independent cinema scene in the 1970’s.  His career evolved but he remained true to his artistic beliefs.   He just completed a film with his kids.  Plus, Danny is positive and funny.

As a creative director what do you look for in regards as festival entries?

My attitude is Surprise Me!  Fresh!  In December of 2015 I saw no films.  In January I started screening films.  The German film Wild by Nicolette Krebitz, blew me away! It is the story of a relationship between a woman and wolf.

How are you facilitating diversity in the festival program?

Being a woman I am drawn to female directors but I also want this festival to be a bridge to different cultures.  It is about opening windows.  I am always looking for something fresh, new stories, themes, filmmakers who take chances.   I recently saw a documentary on transgendered men who dress up as their mothers to share their stories about how their mothers feel about them.  It was emotional.

How are you facilitating networking for filmmakers?

Our Café con Cine is a breakfast where we invite people to come and speak, mingle, and discuss in a relaxed atmosphere.  There is the Producers Club and many panels on different topics.  All of the festival action takes place in the center of the city.  Afterwards, participants usually go to bars for drinks and tapas.

Drive-In Cinema

What are your favorite films?

Great Expectations, Born To Be Blue, (The story of Chet Baker) both are with Ethan Hawk, I am a fan.

Casino was the first adult movie I saw. Loved it! I had a connection with Bridges of Madison County.

Victoria (From director Sebestian Schipper) was a cinematic experience.  It really knocked my socks off! All was done in one take.  Laia Costa (Lead Actress) was amazing.

The Mallorca International Film Festival takes place from November 3rd to the 12th.  This year the festival will screes 17 films along with 6 documentaries.

Sandra Seeling Lipski is an international actress based in Los Angeles and Mallorca.   She is a graduate of the Los Angeles Film School with a degree in directing in producing.

Book Review Cinema Fashion

Fashion History Hollywood Style

A lush pictorial history of Hollywood costume designer as a Cinephile and fashion editor the coffee table book “Creating the Illusion” has become a guide and style reference point.    Starting from the genesis of the film industry to the modern day, authors Jay Jorgensen and Donald L. Scoggins give in depth narratives of craftspeople responsible for creating cinema’s most iconic looks by helping performers build characters that would make them famous on silver screens around the world.

Informative as well as entertaining from Page 1, Chapter 1 “Creating the Illusion” weaves together fascinating features with pictures, illustrations, and narratives on the giants of the field; Head, Adrian, Plunkett, Kelly, Louis,  and Banton.  But also included are stories of artist Erte and fashion designer Chanel forays into film costume design.  Without skipping the spotlight shines on other well-known equally talented figures including Irene, Rose, and Travilla to name a few.

A vast number of films are discussed from “Salome”, “Gone with the Wind” to “The Matrix” mixed with behind the scenes anecdotes involving studios, directors, and movie stars; Liz Taylor’s gold costume from “Cleopatra” or the battle of wills involving Marilyn Monroe against Fox, and Dietrich’s iconic jewel encrusted dress from “Angel” are just some of the fascinating stories involving designers caught in the political maneuverings of movie making.

If you have a collection of cinema books or fancy yourself as a film buff I recommend “Creating the Illusion”.   I had so much fun while inspired reading about relationships between costume designers have with movie stars and their involvement in the creative process of film production.

Creating The Illusion is available at your local bookstore or on order from Amazon.