
7 Days 7 Restaurants

I think the one occasion many of us during the lockdowns is the ability to go out for dinner. Let’s keep hope alive. When this is all over start the celebrations. Everyone should plan today for the day of the liftings. Make a list of seven restaurants, then go a different one every night.

Feature Travel

Montmartre Stroll

Just walk, enjoy.

Montmartre is the romantic Parisian neighborhood on the hill with many local establishments, but what I like are the food stores. The display of goodies of all kinds are heavenly! For me, a casual stroll turns into a wonderland of food spotting, “gastronomic inspiration” through a window S’il vous plait? What is that? I want to try a bit. It looks delicious.

Even with a throng of tourist making their way up or down the streets, a rewarding time is to be had for those who love gastronomy.

Making the experience more memorable, I stopped in front of a shop window admiring the prepared delights. I was about to walk away when a patron said, “This is the best bakery in the area. Give it try.” Judging by the line in the small space I had to suppose he was right. The problem. What did I want? Hot or cold? Sweet or savory? I decided on sweet for later with coffee, strawberry pastry with whip cream and of course, some macrons. I am not sure how it happened, but,, the pastry managed to make its way back to my hotel for coffee. The delight did not disappoint. The whipped cream had melted, taking away some aesthetic points, but I enjoyed every sweet bite.

Sadly, I do not know the name of the bakery. If you are on a Rue Lepic, it is on the left side, going down, look for the Moulin Rouge at the bottom on Blvd Clichy. A flower shop and fish store are next door. There is no place to sit, as I said, it is a small, 25 meters, the establishment does not offer cafes, to my shock! Just go in and buy. If you use a credit card, the minimum is 10 euros.