The 47th Influencer

The Donald Trump influence on Fashion and Masculinity will be felt in the fashion industry.  Professionals should not underestimate the influence of a President’s outlook on style.  John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, the President went hatless on a cold January day, that styling decision placed a once accessory staple to the back of the men’s closet… Continue reading The 47th Influencer

All Display

Author Colin McDowell cynical take on the fashion world in his 1994 book The Designer Scam coined a phrase “Display Artists” for those who show up at events to parade around, get pictures eager being a part of the “best” crowd. Today they are called “Influencers”, people who influence others posting on social media. Others… Continue reading All Display

Pandabuy’s Open Secret

The Fake It Till You Make You culture took a hit on Wednesday.  The Chinese fashion platform Pandabuy got raided by police.  The popular app is known for selling clothing at low prices. The open secret, many fake luxury goods purchased find their way to global influencers.  TikTok accounts littered with newly purchased designer labels… Continue reading Pandabuy’s Open Secret

A Not So Perfect Scam

She was wearing designer clothes, jetting around the globe to one event after another, posting hundreds of images of the perfect family in endless settings. This was the life for the Princess of Instagram, Chiara Ferragani. Her 30 million followers saw every aspect of her social media existence. The former Italian blogger and model had… Continue reading A Not So Perfect Scam

What Price,, Cheap Fame?

Fame is a cheap commodity in the social media world. The lust for for followers has corroded the lines of behavior. Chasing likes is a pluto treasure hunt in the digital world. Director, actor and producer Hugo Becker shows the self-destructive side of bargain basement celebrity with his Oscar qualifying short film MUKBANGER. A Black… Continue reading What Price,, Cheap Fame?

From A No Person to,,

The coveted Blue Check Mark, a sign of a certain social media status, membership into an elite club of verification. Platforms dangled these haute emblems to commoners, an aspirational symbol of digital legitimacy. Recently I started getting message on my Instagram account asking me to verify my account. I stopped posting on IG in 2017,… Continue reading From A No Person to,,

Fronting and Fake

Fronting: Acting like you are more, or you have more, than what really exists. Fake: is a word to describe people who aren’t themselves in order to gain friends and end up being more popular. They seem very nice to everyone, yet trash-talks them behind their back in order to get attention from people and… Continue reading Fronting and Fake

Intagram’s Fast Fashion Affect

An excerpt from Before Tacky Podcast the team spoke about Instagram’s affect on fast fashion. Trying to live the large life while caring about sustainable fashion is a contradiction for the social media set.

Not REAL But Who Cares?

I had a rather funny yet poignant conversion about how the world works today. Fake It Until You Make It is the modern lifestyle concept Impostor. Yet with this concept comes another term, “Impostor”. Those who can cover their skin with a piece of Fabulousness that gets them in the right place being around the… Continue reading Not REAL But Who Cares?

Influencer, HOW?

Trust Issues!  Has the influencer trend come to an end?   Not sure, but change is taking place. Influencer marketing earned 1 billion in 2017 but the shine is beginning to tarnish. Marketing survey firm Bazaarvoice released findings concluding consumers are growing tired of staged posts by paid influencers.  Many of the surveyed responded the quality of… Continue reading Influencer, HOW?