
Fashion Titanic

Stay calm. Take a deep breath.  

After attending Milan Fashion Week, having conversations with many industry professionals, fashion is at a major crossroads, with many questions, few answers. Attending events, drinking a glass of sparkling wine, I looked around, buyers, editors, influencers, designers, press people all in attendance, MWAH, MWAH, on the cheeks. For some reason it felt like the deck of the Titanic but there was no DiCaprioaround to save any of us. The fashion world is going through a massive shift that none understand. 


The retail sector is sinking. The temples of 20thcentury mass consumptions, department stores, have become brick and mortar dinosaurs in the online era. In the UK, Debenhams, House of Fraser have closed stores after loosing millions. High street stable John C, Lewis reported a 99% profit drop. On the other side of the Atlantic, US nameplates, Nieman Marcus cannot give it self away after years of seeking buyers. Macy’s performs like an amusement park rollercoaster, one quarterup, the next quarter down. Germany, the economicmachine of the EU, major retailers Karlstadt and Galeria Kaufhaus have merged after years of changing hands. The new Austrian owner has announced store closings. Will he use imagination to rejuvenate the ailing retailers or just lay-off his way to profitability? If it is the latter, one word: SEARS. 

Fashion Channels

What happened to fashion magazines? There was a time when they dictated taste. The stuff dreams are made of filled on their glossy paper: gorgeous models with perfect make up wearing couture, shot by top photographers in exotic locations. Who did not want to live this life? The unwritten law in fashion was labels bought ads from publications, magazines heaped coverage. An app founded in 2010 has called this relationship into question.

Fashion labels are no longer willing partners. As Instagram has risen, the power of titles like Vogue, Elle, and Harpers Bazaar have waned. Now, titles influence, HA! Not dictate. When once publications were at the top of the heap, they now have to share the mountain top with millions of influencers. Why pay a lot, when you can pay nothing? Buying an ad, paying for a polished production costing thousands was the business model,,, until Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger came up with an app. 

Today, fashion labels are employing legions of millennial influencers to show off their looks: a smartphone camera, followers, and the need for fast fame over took the industry. In the Social Media Age of rapid visual consumption,monthlyis too late to the party, secondscount. Instagram has 191 million daily users. The #fashion is one of the top trending topics. A digital platform has given millions with no fashion knowledge, influence. 

Publications with their layers of editors, writers, photographers, are the ancient out of step gatekeepers. Brands give away bags, shoes, and front row seats at fashion shows to influencers in order to reach consumers in the digital world. In my private conversations with brand media representatives, some have commented they are cutting back or eliminating buying print ads. The classic fashion channels are collapsing. Major publishing houses Conde Nast and Hearst are in a perfect storm. Staff has been reduced, titles closed. Clutch the Chanel Bag! The worst may not be over.


Fashion labels are embracing streetwear as the new “BLACK” to stay on top of the latest trend. As rap stars have become cultural icons, brands are keen to cash in on the style craze. The problem: Be carefulwhat you wish for. Urban culture comes from the bottom up. Fashion has been an elitist affair dictating desire to the masses for decades. The industry is trying to flip the script. Embracing a demographic that was until recently frozen out is not easy. The awkwardnessof the situation is like Angela Merkel and Beyonce singing a B-side duet. 

The Chunky Sneaker craze has infected every designer label. Plaster a designer name on an oversize trainer, sell a pair for 600 euros, instant relevance. If it sounds short sighted with a tinge of cynicism, it is easy to see why.


I am optimistic. Crisis means changes will come sooner or later. Fashion is a creative business that creates.  No crisis can take that away.  What will the conversations be in 2019 while sipping sparking wine? As long as I smile at the waiter pouring the bubbly, I will be ok.

Feature Travel

Christmas Season in Paris!

The Tree 

When I am in the Paris, I cannot help but go into the department store to see what the theme will be for the season.It is always a pleasure to sit at one of the cafes in Glaeries Lafayette to look up at the Christmas Decorations under the dome. I waited for the light show, every 30 minutes, to light up around the tree. It sounds a bit of pop sugar overdose, almost as bad a Marie Osmond, but I could not resist. It did not disappoint.  I was enchanted.

2019’s motif is centered around the experience of the aurora borealis. Partnering with Maison Piaget. The Christmas Tree is trimmed with gifts, watch and jewelry designs from the luxury brand.

Galeries Lafayette on Blvd Haussmann 


The Inspirational Seine

 No matter the perspective, when you troll on the Seine, it is inspirational.  Take a book,  a magazine, or a bottle of wine with a blanket, then find a spot.

Fashion Feature

An Inspiring Master

Stepping into the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum in Florence was a dream. American press dubbed Ferragamo “Shoemaker to the stars”. Pickford to Garbo to Crawford wore his creations on screen and off.

Born the eleventh of 14 children in the Southern Italian city of Bonito. After opening his first shop at age 9 in his hometown, Ferragamo left his native Italy in 1915 in a third class berth for United States to learn more about footwear. Opening his store in Hollywood in 1923, the boutique was a patronized by Hollywood Stars. Fame and fortune followed, the quality of his shoes garnered the shoe designer a reputation known for luxury.

1927 was the year of Ferragamo’s First Class return to Italy on board the ocean liner Roma. Returning to his native country a very successful man, settling in Florence, the center of culture, style, and fashion. Purchasing the 13th century Palazzo Spini Feroni on the bank of the Arno River in the Piazza Santa Trinita, this would become the office and atelier of the privately held Ferragamo S.p.A.

I was given a personal tour of the Ferragamo Museum. Studying Cinema Costume in university, I came across the name Ferragamo often. It is a word I associated with the heydays of Hollywood Stars: Harlow, Monroe, Kelly, and Hepburn to name a few. Beyond the beauty of a shoe, I learned Mr. Ferragamo had an intellectual curiosity the body and footwear. He studied at University of Southern California as well as patented 400 inventions concerning shoe design.

The Museo Ferragamo is housed in the basement of the Ferragamo headquarters in Florence.

The museums exhibition is titled “The Return to Italy”. Ninety years ago Salvatore Ferragamo returned after 12 years in the United States. Creating a sense of being on an luxurious ocean cruise, the color palette was blue and white with the details of the ocean and sumptuous nautical travel. The presentation is spread over 8 rooms with each having a central theme. Room 3-Folklore and the Decorative Arts in Italy. Room 4-Italian Women. Room 5- “Industrious Florence of the 1920’s. Room-6 The Italian Home Room 7-The Body in Parts Room 8-The Body and Its Aesthetics. The exhibition is organized by Carlo Sisi.

The Museo Ferragamo is located at Piazza Santa Trinita 5/R Florence, Italy

Opening time from 10 to 19:30


Inspiring Marrakesh

Black and Paper is in Marrakesh, Morocco  for the holiday season.  This exotic city in the Sahara is a wealth of sights, smells, and sounds.

I am preparing the features, stay tuned.


Instathirst NO!

Goodbye Instagram!   It was nice while it lasted but for some reason it never felt like a relationship beyond a necessary inconvenience. Black and Paper has decided December 31st will be the last day we post on the social media platform.  The thirst is real on Instagram and we are not thirsty. In an Age of Unrepentant Self-promotion mixed with suspect followers and likes, this is not the place for us.   It is better focus on our growing web site instead of getting lost in the mix of endless selfies.  Black and Paper is about informing along with inspiring; promoting creative people and looking for wonderful things to share with our readers.  We try to be genuine.  If the product does not fit, we do not recommend like many influencers for hire.  For these reasons we decided Instagram or “Instathirst” as we call it did not fit with our philosophy.  A Big “THANK YOU” to our followers!  We will post more pictures and commentary here on


Fashion Feature Interview TV

Yves Saint Laurent Museum Opens



Bally Retro

The setting for the Bally presentation was a 1970’s New York apartment set.  It was fitting because the collection was all about Retro, even the logo on the bags was from a past era. I would not say this was the brands strongest collection but it was fun.

Images were shot using the Canon G7X.


New York Fashion Week Reviews

Collections I liked.

RiRi stole the show in many ways.  One for spectacle of presentation but on the collection front I liked the Fenty X Puma. I see success.  It is wearable and very today; the urban chic style will be everywhere.

Do not wear this collection to Church.  Linder decided on body aggressive.  One false move and the world becomes your gynecologists with some looks bordering on centerfold pin up.  The color palette was narrow but the choice of styles was wide including jackets, chains, and mid-section dresses.

Johnathan Saunders has the reigns of Diane Von Furstenberg, I am pleased.  I liked this collection because it was sophisticated, vibrant, and attainable. He threw on the colors, patterns and materials in so many forms from leather coats to denim inspired jackets, and the signature wrap dress.

Keep it light and airy seems to be Sies Marjan approach to making a collection that was breezy while colorful. Pajama inspired menswear, slip on dresses for ladies.  Her approach was based on simplicity.  It worked.

Confidence is what makes a lady so attractive.  Marina Moscone knows this judging by a collection that was made for a woman who has a lot going on.  Long flowing caftans, bell bottom suits are high points of the collection from the designer who came on the scene last year.



We applaud Acne Studios for a very different while inspiring approach to marketing fashion and family.