
Men Reloaded Podcast A Delivery Guy Package

You never know what the delivery guy is delivering.  In the Lockdown we are ordering online.  What happens if the deliverer is more interesting than what was ordered? This can happen.  What to do? Hello, Customer Service, make sure I get this on a day with a high temperature.  

Stay Tuned.


You Don’t Matter! Shock!

The Coronavirus outbreak has knocked the world into a new uncertainty. An event that has become a universal reference point. Make no mistake, reality will be a different place once this over. The things we consider important. Values have shifted. The “All About Me Culture” suddenly feels petty. Who cares about a daily selfie? Curated threads laced with freebies, in the scheme of things, not relevant. 


Narcism got old fast. Get over yourself!  

Even Kim Kardashian could not believe she was not the center of the world with her antics. No one bothered to tell her the human race is hurdling towards the brink of ending. The world is shutting down. Suddenly her reality show family gets knocked off the top headlines. How sad a person could not put aside their fame driven ego to perhaps focus on a greater issue.

Medical teams are on the front lines. Grocer stockers making sure shelves are full to keep society functioning. These people matter.  A Kardashian leaking a tape from years ago reeks of “I need attention”. A tacky publicity stunt. The shocking part, it got coverage in media outlets and  trended on Twitter.  HUH! Calling photographers, alerting them to where and when you will enter and exit is so 2019.  I am not event going to go into Madonna’s bathtub  video. Just some advice: Seek Help!

What? It’s Not About ME!  

The other phenomenas: Crying about an unfair world. Rules do not apply to me. Tell that to Corvid 19. “Corna Parties” became fashionable for a few days during the crisis. There were a few in my area park. Raising the middle finger to a pandemic.  Because the virus is for old people. Anyone under 35 is exempt from the plague. “It doesn’t affect the young”.   All about ME! ME! ME! Mother Nature has no favourites. She has forced us to reconsider everything we hold dear. Cuddling, coddling thin skinned handling has mercifully ended. For Gen Z’s and Millennials, mommy cannot kiss it to make it better. No amount of being plugged in social media whining will take society back to before Covid-19. Just Deal With! Planet Earth is a scary place that can devour all of us. 


How Did We Get Here?

Ineptness. Greed. Political Correctness. Self-Preservation. Denial. As the Coronavirus marches across the globe containment is the strategy. Slowing down an enemy that is dangerous, deadly, with no moral conscience. The world has its work cut out. Entering a crisis tunnel on one end, not sure how or when we will exit. Further, what happens when we get out of the tunnel. One thing for certain, the landscape will be different. 

Fingers Crossed

Remembering Naomi Klein’s book The Shock Doctrine. I wondered what Draconian legislation would pass. As whole countries are in lockdown,afraid, and distracted. It would be easy. Yet, as each national government member seems to be hiding under a desk hoping the virus does not affect them. Some come out before the cameras with Deer in the Headlight Facial expressions trying to calm the masses with martial laws and curfews. Will this work? The “Keep the Fingers Crossed Strategy” is all they have left. 

Clearly, the possible end of modern society triggers reflection. How did we get to this situation? Wuhan, a beaming metropolis representing the best of modern China had a problem in a market. Corvid 19 was born. A virus jumped from one species to another. 

A Chernobyl Repeat 

This is not the first hazard from the Middle Kingdom, the 2002 SARS crisis. Nothing learned since then. At the start of November 2019 during the first cases, the party threatened, then arrested Medical Whistleblowers. The second phase involved a massive cover up, denial. Communist officials Another viral epicenter emerged from the most populouscountry. By January the secret was out. The CCP’s “Chernobyl PR Strategy” fell apart. 

The World Health Organization lavished praised China’s leaders. The UN body became willing propaganda tools. Adhanom’s gushing over Jinping’s handling of the crisis at times came across as abused partner acceptance.  A combined health and political institution started sending pandering messages to the world with an all over the place narrative.  Praise the leaders who allowed the raging fire to gain a foothold. Then allowed the fire to jump across to other houses. WHO heads went out the way not naming the virus after a region or a specific group. Admirable, but the press conference omitting a fact. Global Chinese Travelers became unknowing carriers, Patient Zeros, of a virus that eventually radiated to shutdown the world. 

Profits First 

How do you keep commercial access to world’s second largest economy, with a massive consumer market? Do not anger their masters. Prioritise profits and investments over the salvation of the human race. The reason airlines and countries did not cut off travel from China was simple. Cash! Leaders did not want to anger the CCP. Greed has a place at the table while responsibility looks through a cold window. Large investments need guarantees. A slight to thin skinned ranking officials would cause financial problems.. Country heads continually dismissed the growing health outbreak. Any chance to mitigate the situation got lost. 

As the global lockdown continues, I wonder who will take the blame for this catastrophe. Populations are stunned, but once this wears off, many will demand answers, many uncomfortable. Changes will come whether the leaders want them or not.

Finally, the curious part of the live ongoing sci-fi drama. The rewriting of history has began. The CCP is hailing itself as a “saviors”. The party “overcame” the adversity it wrought by sheer power of its strength. A bit premature considering the history of pandemics. This is the same as an arsonist setting the barns on ablaze then hailing himself a hero for calling the fire department.

As the daily headlines continue to take surreal turns, we can only ponder the question. How did we get here in only 4 months?



Many terms have lost their meanings. Once these words evoked heated conversations. Debates on solving the worlds problems. Raising issues ignored by the population as it goes about its daily life. 

Today, when the words ACTIVIST, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSIVITY are used, I shrug. For me, they get lost in the modern translation. Diluted!  The have been hijacked. 

Let me start by saying, Mandela, Walesa, and Parks were activists. They risked their lives standing up to hostile social systems built on human repression.

A 2019 Self Anointed Activists smugly sits on stage to tell everyone who will listen, “I am an Activist”. There is zero risk.  If Instagram and Twitter followers give a person the title “Activists”. That means this person is an Activists. Whatever the cause, pick one out of a bag. InstaMarytr! 

We are all “Activists”

When a model or actor uses the “A Word” I chuckle. Madonna is a true Performer. Her impact on the presentation of music can never be denied. But at her last tour, a friend said, “I did not pay $299 to hear her preach self important political gibberish.”

“If a frog had wings it would not hope on its butt.” Those are words from my Grandparent when I complained the world was not a fair place. I believe in Diversity and Inclusiveness. But what does it mean? Life should be fair. Whine and complain on social media. Have these words become more about a sense of entitlement?

Diveristy/Inclusivity or Free Ride 

When I read about Diveristy/Inclusive movements old fashion values such as working hard, paying your dues, or scarifice seem far way. Many industries have affintiy cultures. Exclusive, the same as genteel country clubs for a select few who can pass through the gate. Agreed, the cozy fraternity atomsphere needed shaking up. Diversity and Inclusivity should be about opportunity not a free ticket. The ladder to the top shouldn’t be replaced by a fast moving elevator with cushioned seats. Knowelegde, skill-sets, experience, and a thick skin are still valued for longterm success.  I write this as an African American who worked in fields not “Different Friendly!”


Men Have 2

In nature, Sexual Cannibalism involves the female devouring male during or after mating. Why many species gleefully go their death is a great mystery. The highest species on Earth is a bit the same. Why do men risk it all for moment of pleasure and a few ounces of fluid? Love for a moment is usually at the top or near the top of the agenda. Men have affairs. Deal with It! Eyes wide open means not being surprised.

Why do male partners stray? For the same reason the sun comes up in the morning. Life happens! For men, they tend to put relationships in different categories.

There is one for long term reassurance. Then there is the one or more for sexual fun. Sadly, reconciling these two categories into one person is the same as winning the lottery 2 times in a week.

The “nesting” category is usually simple. A type the family and friends would approve. All looks good on the surface.  

The sexual fun category varies but can be more stable and more varied for different reasons.  The expectations change. Many guys stay with the sex partner longer than they stay with the nesting partner. The truth hurts! It may not make sense in the brain but it feels good on the head.  

Stay Tuned for our podcast series on relationships


Episode 1 How Much?

Episode 1 

Imagine the shock when a man tells you he has to invest in a date with the opposite sex.  I had to assume their was a high return on investment.  No  wonder heterosexual men wear cheap shoes!  

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YouTube Here We Come

We decided to beef up our YouTube channel starting this summer with new web features on cinema and fashion.



Still working out the kinks on the Podcast Production but the first one is coming very soon.