Over a few October days I wondered the Wine Country Franconia during some wine tasting while also enjoying the views.
I must admit, after tasting severals different wines, walking is the vineyards is not as easy as it looks.

Over a few October days I wondered the Wine Country Franconia during some wine tasting while also enjoying the views.
I must admit, after tasting severals different wines, walking is the vineyards is not as easy as it looks.
Introducing our new web show on conversations with fashion creatives from around the world. We will get down to business with anyone who wants to talk. Stay Tuned.
From #Berlin, we have started producing our program centered on having conversations with #fashion #creatives around the world. Stay tuned for "Before Tacky". #fashionstyle #mfw #pfw #lfw #style #fashion #streetwear #fashiondesigner #StreetStyle #Content #webshow pic.twitter.com/2qo705Vg9r
— BlackandPaper (@BlackandPaper1) December 2, 2020
You never know what the delivery guy is delivering. In the Lockdown we are ordering online. What happens if the deliverer is more interesting than what was ordered? This can happen. What to do? Hello, Customer Service, make sure I get this on a day with a high temperature.
Stay Tuned.
For this episode of Men Reloaded Podcast we discuss a certain trait of the male gender, Man Spread. If the bulge is prominent should you look or turn away if the guy is sexy.
Episode 1 of the new podcast series Men Reloaded. Man Spreading is wrong,, but,..
Many terms have lost their meanings. Once these words evoked heated conversations. Debates on solving the worlds problems. Raising issues ignored by the population as it goes about its daily life.
Today, when the words ACTIVIST, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSIVITY are used, I shrug. For me, they get lost in the modern translation. Diluted! The have been hijacked.
Let me start by saying, Mandela, Walesa, and Parks were activists. They risked their lives standing up to hostile social systems built on human repression.
A 2019 Self Anointed Activists smugly sits on stage to tell everyone who will listen, “I am an Activist”. There is zero risk. If Instagram and Twitter followers give a person the title “Activists”. That means this person is an Activists. Whatever the cause, pick one out of a bag. InstaMarytr!
When a model or actor uses the “A Word” I chuckle. Madonna is a true Performer. Her impact on the presentation of music can never be denied. But at her last tour, a friend said, “I did not pay $299 to hear her preach self important political gibberish.”
“If a frog had wings it would not hope on its butt.” Those are words from my Grandparent when I complained the world was not a fair place. I believe in Diversity and Inclusiveness. But what does it mean? Life should be fair. Whine and complain on social media. Have these words become more about a sense of entitlement?
When I read about Diveristy/Inclusive movements old fashion values such as working hard, paying your dues, or scarifice seem far way. Many industries have affintiy cultures. Exclusive, the same as genteel country clubs for a select few who can pass through the gate. Agreed, the cozy fraternity atomsphere needed shaking up. Diversity and Inclusivity should be about opportunity not a free ticket. The ladder to the top shouldn’t be replaced by a fast moving elevator with cushioned seats. Knowelegde, skill-sets, experience, and a thick skin are still valued for longterm success. I write this as an African American who worked in fields not “Different Friendly!”
Press Days is an event when media, agents, and designers come together to discuss the latest looks and trends in fashion and lifestyle. Sustainability and colourful branding are coming to retailers soon.
What stood out from the crowd?
Gitti nail polish, the new eco-friendly beauty brand looks to break out. Stay tuned for the interview with the founder.
Frau Frieda is a bag brand making the case for German luxury craftsmanship.
Skullcandy’s new earbuds peaked my curiosity. The new ear devices are fast charging with long battery life.
Moose Knuckles sheering outerwear makes wearer statements.
I produced these images using a Canon Camera.
Imagine the shock when a man tells you he has to invest in a date with the opposite sex. I had to assume their was a high return on investment. No wonder heterosexual men wear cheap shoes!
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Just some of our thoughts on life and how to get through it. S Connection cast gives views as well as sharing experiences on how to make it.
Sponsored by #Beyerdynamic
Under certain circumstances,,,,, I could go,,, KABOOM!
The Paris today is not the Paris I remember the first time I visited the city. My then boyfriend was studying at the Sorbonne. How exciting! I arrived, threw the bags on the bed that took up 75% of the 22 sqm apartment then ran out to absorb the French capital.
Of course there was security but it was not omnipresent. I heard the two-toned French sirens in the background every once in a while but being in a city of 18 million, police sounds are a part of the landscape, a price to pay for the vitality of an urban space.
Returning to Paris, now feels like a different world. Police are everywhere patrolling the streets with guns, in wagons, on the river. The 2015 Bataclan Attack has affected the spirit of this open city. I felt a bit sad, everywhere, checks, security where once entrances were unimpeded.
When life gives a lemon, make lemonade. Turn a negative into a positive. Visiting the Army Museum or Les Invalides made me have a rethink about the police presence. Walking up to the entrance there were three young, smiling gentlemen wearing army uniforms. These guys were protecting us from a threat. Looking at their faces, I really did not care what threat, Invasion from Mars, terrorist! Their lean bodies trained to react, protecting the innocent.
I was carrying a shoulder bag. I knew the procedure. Open Bag, show the inside, possible body scan. It did not happen! I was insulted. What do I have to do to get checked by soldiers? I am wearing orange trainers with matching orange shoe laces. I could be a threat! Orange in November! I insist you CHECK! Frisk Me! I WANTED TO BE TAKEN TO A ROOM!!!! With all three! I would have settled for one, two better. Who knows how explosive the situation could have been.
IFA 2018 coverage sponsored by Canon Camera/Werbung
#IFA news, #Travelling with #R2D2. #Luggage that goes where you go. #Traveller #ttot #travelnews #passport #tech #wearable #connected #Passport #gadget #airport #travel pic.twitter.com/G4JTNd29kj
— BlackandPaper (@BlackandPaper1) September 2, 2018
@IFA_Berlin report, #sex in the 21st century from @mysteryvibe with the ultimate #wearable for men. This is #digital #viagra. You can leave to get a cafe and still be involved in the act. OH MY! #TechNews #IFA2018 #relationships #menswear #mensfashion #connected #coinnovation pic.twitter.com/SDyd0matuG
— BlackandPaper (@BlackandPaper1) September 2, 2018