As Generation Z gets squeezed, facing gaping economic inequality, the expense to show off becomes harder. In 2024 trade down and keep posting model reigns. If the bank account cannot afford the real thing, get the fake one. The rise of the super counterfeit luxury goods means bling, bling without the high price tag. Fakefluencers brag about purchasing fake luxury goods, glamour on a shoestring budget. Even when they are showcasing their false items, perhaps even looking silly, fakefluencers have taken influencing to the next level, Fakefluencing. These style setters are no longer waiting for brands to dm their Instagram accounts asking for a collaboration. Why go to Saks Fifth Avenue? Now, Fakefluencers buy the sort of real thing online or on the street corner.

Excess, no questions asked is the philosophy. That interlocked Double C Chanel handbag under an arm was probably made who knows where, by who knows whom, under what type of conditions.
At least the world’s most expensive logos are being seen with people who count. Next time looking over a lifestyle of the rich and famous social media post just remember “If it looks too good to be true, it is probably fake.”