
Subtle or Not!

A man’s footwear can make a statement depending on the color or length.

Black and Paper Production

Photographer Dale Grant

Stylist Hercules Terres


Different Styles

A man’s distinctive style melds inspiration, comfort while making it look it easy.

Black and Paper Production

Photography  by Dale Grant

Styling by Hecules Terres.


London Fashion Week Men

London Fashion Week Men has kicked off to a start that can be described as “creative.”  Of the all fashion centers, the British capital has always been a step in the direction of quirky.    Designers are more inclined to step out of comfort zones.  The availability of fresh creative talent in the city means there is a futile ground for something fresh or even strange in the design department.

Black and Paper Highlights:

Katie Eary’s “Night at the Playboy Mansion” Pajama Llooks are perfect for the man who wants a bit of Noel Coward sophistication.

Craig Green’s flowing colors and carpets seemed like uniforms from Star Trek.

Top Man’s collection is not handsome but fun.

Christopher Shannon’s collection of melded pieces is ready for the night at an urban club.

Casely Hayford are using on long geometric shapes

Matther Miller’s collection focused on black and more black for the intimidating man of town.

Oliver Spencer proves you can have understated wear that stands out in a crowd.

Cottweiler looks are for guys you date but do not take home to mother until get to rally know him.

J.W. Anderson’s heavy looks of patches and knitwear are down to earth if not folksy


In the Details!

A tell-tale characteristic of a stylish man, whether in formal or casual clothing, is the state of his clothing defined by subtle details.

A shirt should be crisp, never sloppy.



Stylishly, comfortable, and low key without a wrinkle.


The Philips Steam&Go 2-in-1 Handheld garment steamer is perfect for touch ups and difficult to iron clothes

Black and Paper recommends this device.  Our fashion stylist fell in love with it.

A Black and Paper Production

Photographer-Dale Grant

Stylist-Hercules Terres



The Best Word in the English Language


These items are for sale at GREAT PRICES!


Colette Experience

What is a trip to Paris without a visit to Colette on Rue Saint-Honore?  Always an experience, never dull, this boutique is a world class destination for fashion and trends with hundreds of distinctive, diverse items reflective of its status as first class shopping destination.

Black and Paper Chat during Paris Fashion Week in Colette.

What is Colette?

Fashion is a piece of the puzzle.  It is art, watches, food, streetwear.    And there is intimacy here.   The buyers select but 1 person decides on what is in the store.  It is all one vision.  But Colette loves life.

Are there plans to open another store?

NEVER! There are no plans.  All the focus is on this store.


Why do non-fashion brands want to be sold here?

They want to touch another type of clients.  We can display products in a new way.  We had an event with Samsung.  Coca Cola (Special Edition Bottle), Happy Plugs, Fuji Camera, Disney, World Cup, and Moet Chandon had special “Colette Collections” only available here.

The Colette Café is a meeting point especially at Fashion Week, there are people from all over the world.

(Side note: During our conversation a well-known magazine editor and publisher came by our table to say “hi.”)

It is a destination where fashion people have to come.   Lagerfeld came in to shop without the drama.  He is often here.  But all customers are treated equally, the same service whether Jay Z or a person who walks in for the first time for a 4.00 euro café or a 4000 euro one of a kind Ready to Wear jacket.

It is a meeting point all the time.  It is very difficult to get bored in Colette.   There is always investment in the store to keep it fresh and new, it is the curiosity factor.   Like the menu designs and wallpaper, these are redone every 2 weeks.

There is always an event ranging from a pop up store to book signing.  Vogue Creative Director Grace Coddington had a successful book signing.

The Burberry London Fashion Week See Now Buy Now event was very successful.  We had a video feed of the runway show, then after we allowed viewers to buy the see and buy the collection

Independent Brands are always supported in the store.

YES!  They are the future.

Paskal Clothes form the Ukraine .

Sacai from Japan is great, a brand mixing RTW with Bespoke.

The Fabrizio Viti shoe collection is a must have.

What’s popular now ?

Chris Kane Sweatshirts are popular.  Kongol hats, Puma High Heels.  Streetwear is in the store’s DNA.

What about shopping online?

The website is the Colette experience but on a screen. Everything in the store is online.

Colette is located in Paris at 213 Rue Saint Honore or go


Tech Sexy with Hasselblad and Filippa K

The Hasselblad X1D is the latest model from the esteemed camera maker but what makes this medium format picture taking device different is the fact it is mirrorless. Compact, powerful, and rugged but with impressive handling dynamics.

We tested the X1D by producing fashion shoot with Black and Paper Creative Colleague Dale Grant featuring looks from Swedish brand Filippa K.

Model-Ludwig Staude from Indeed Models Berlin

Make Up and Hair by Carmen Rachel

The Hasselblad X1D Camera is a on the Black and Paper Christmas List for 2016.

For more information go

For the newest FilippaK store check online.

Read Dale’s upcoming review soon.



Black and Paper Christmas List 2016 Title of Work

As a fan of scarves I am happy to recommend Title of Work as a Christmas Gift for 2016.  A New York City menswear brand founded by Jonathan Meizler mixing art with fashion resulting in statement accessories.

Title of Men is available in fine stores worldwide.


Black and Paper Christmas List 2016

You Can Never Go Wrong with a Gift by Chanel

For Her

pa2016_01_0014An out-and-out classic, Chanel No.5 is a cultural seedbed for woman’s fragrance. “What do I wear to bed? Why, Chanel No. 5 of course.”   Chanel has always been associated with glamour and fabulousness, attributed to the women who wear it.  So rear is a scent with qualities that inspire a wearer.

For Him

pa2016_27_0007Allure Homme Sport from Chanel is a citrus based contemporary scent for men with touches of amber and cedar.  What I like about this cologne is the fact it compliments without overpowering the wearer.   Allure Homme Sport is a man’s fragrance for activity, a dash but no smelling like he is in rush, a winner.

Chanel is available in fine stores worldwide.



Philips presents IMPECCABLE!

For the modern man dressing well has become a part of life.   His style is a way to be recognized without saying much, flaunting his status in a visual way.

zzdsc_2492-fSUCCESS! Dressing for success starts before putting on the clothes.


ALLURE!  The Styling Grail Rules for wearing a White Shirt are: It has to be clean and It has to be crisp.zzdsc_2613-f

zzdsc_2453-fDEBONAIR! Ironed clothing is an inconspicuous detail which is noticed.


PRIDE! Well-pressed looks always gain respect!

INSPIRE! Flawlessly dressed and groomed are key ingredients of the masculine chic style.  zzdsc_2576-copy-f

Philips Perfect Care Elite Iron is available in stores and online.

Pics by Dale Grant

Styling by Hercules Terres.

An Original Black and Paper Production

Stay tuned for a listing of the fashion credits.