
Philips presents IMPECCABLE!

For the modern man dressing well has become a part of life.   His style is a way to be recognized without saying much, flaunting his status in a visual way.

zzdsc_2492-fSUCCESS! Dressing for success starts before putting on the clothes.


ALLURE!  The Styling Grail Rules for wearing a White Shirt are: It has to be clean and It has to be crisp.zzdsc_2613-f

zzdsc_2453-fDEBONAIR! Ironed clothing is an inconspicuous detail which is noticed.


PRIDE! Well-pressed looks always gain respect!

INSPIRE! Flawlessly dressed and groomed are key ingredients of the masculine chic style.  zzdsc_2576-copy-f

Philips Perfect Care Elite Iron is available in stores and online.

Pics by Dale Grant

Styling by Hercules Terres.

An Original Black and Paper Production

Stay tuned for a listing of the fashion credits.